Recently there has been quite a bit of discussion on this website as to whether a particular moderator who is one of a handful with final deletion privileges has been biased against the minority opinion in the Gaza discussions. In fact one non-Jewish member who openly supports the Gazans in their sufferng and struggles, felt compelled to write a sepaarte blog on this bias in which he was kind enough not to name names. Although at the time I did not know who he referred to I did on tht blog encourage the publisher to consider the possiblity that there COULD be ONE just one moderatoor who INTENITONALLY OR NOT, excericised even some bias.
Now knowing who the person is and that she is a moderator, and without going into the numerous other incidents which would make me question this person's objectivity and competence to moderate not only within the Gaza context but in general, let alone have final deletion authority, I would like to once again raise the question.
Is there any, any possiblity whatsoever that a person who would make the following statement in public might have even the remotest, smallest possibility of being biased, whether intentionally or subconsciously.:
I am sick of the Jews whining about the Holocaust.
I haven't located the post, it was about a month ao. It MIGHT have said "tired" instead of "sick" for example. But the wabout whining about the Holocaust is emblaonedon my brain and it is a quote, not a paraphrase.
I believe there are only two possible answers to my question, yes or no. I don't believe there is a maybe. Yes POSSIBLE. NO, IMpossible.If the answer is yes, then I would like to publicly ask this moderator to excercise moderiooin in moderation. If the answer is no, then I will provide further documenttion to help oersuade her, the publisher, and whoever else is interested, that the answer is in fact yes. If I am convinced that I am wrong through reasonable debate, I will retract my question publiclyl.
Please bear in mind that while the answer to the quesiton may best remian in your own hearts and heads, rAther than on this thread, it remains a VERY specific question, whose answer has NOTHING TO DO WITH WHO THE PERSON IS AND WHETHER YOU LIKE HER OR DON'T, OR EVEN HATE OR LOVE HER IF YOU HAPPEN TO KNOW..
P.Sp.> A note to the PULISHER: I know I contacted you privately about this but numeroius comments to and about me onsite I have since seen have made me feel that I have to make the issue public. I sincerely hope you understnd and apologizefor the awkwrdness of the situation.
Recently by rosie is roxy is roshan | Comments | Date |
Dangerous People, Dangerous Games | 3 | Aug 19, 2009 |
What Yeggia Once Told Me About Iran | 11 | Aug 16, 2009 |
Sedaa am | 17 | Aug 15, 2009 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
welcome back sam!
by anonymous fish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 03:03 PM PSTtruth will come late to those who hate.
i made that up but i like it...:-)
i can't find the blog either. but you don't think someone deleted it, do you? :-0
by Yah right on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:52 PM PSTthx pal , I couldn,t have said it better . the sheer partiality .
You keep well ;)!!!
cycle/loop :O)
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:49 PM PSTA better terminology would be: Cyber Circus Circle Cycle (CCCC).
The question on this blog Marge is whether /MPD
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Thu Feb 05, 2009 03:30 PM PSTallegatons of bias in moderaton might be substantiated by a statement made by Irandokht a month ago which horrified me.
The question ,MPD still exists, ini a post of mine below and in this blog itself--although I was just deleeted in another blog and as you know I've never ever been deleted before. Only once, i when I said f u spelled out to Zion which I agree we could most of us understand. was provoked. But that's not the issue, Marge, the issue is bias, and its ramificatons. In my opinon the statement of being sick of Jews whining about the holocaust shows anti-Semitism at its worst. That is the issue. Is a person who would say this publicly qualified to have AUTHORITY OVER FINAL DELETIONS. It's isn't ABOUT what you think of Samsam or Zion or Mehdii Mazlooom or Artifical Intelligence or Curly or Bijanam or ANYONE. It's about ethics, fairness and democracy.
I agree that Zion is unreachable in matters concerning Israel but I also believe I've made progress in touching others on the hardline Zionist side. I have begged and pleaded with them not to spill others' blood just because of what happened to us, not to become what they most hate and fear. And they hear me, they hear MY anguish and despair. AND THAT'S A BEGINNING.
The question is NOT about ANY of them, it's about democracy. This country we live in is the sole reason why Israel can do such things. It is impossible to just "write off" the Zionists because they are the reality of our politics and how our taxes are spent in blood, and also in Israel itself. There is a large peace movement in Israel but they lose electons. A couple of these people are Israelis here and I want to get their vote.
Our democracy on this site should be BETTER than the US's and Israel's and it could be but bias and censorship...this is not the way.
Please answer my question at least silently:
Would you be able to live in your own skin saying publicly that you're sick of Jews WHINING about the Holocaust when survivors are still alive, and their children are mostly about our age>
If you couldn't live in your skin should a person who can have ultimate authority over deletions of others; writings. I have many more issues of unfairness with the moderator but I'm only focussing on this one issue here. However in my other blog I did explan these issues to someone who asked. My post was deleted twice.
In any case, regarding Sam, don't worry. He was just blocked permanentlly from the site.
Btw did you know that Samsam blogged a few weeks ago about his anguis at the political dilemma that the Gaza massacres causedd him as a friend of the Zionists and came out for the Gazans?
User Marge
by ThePope on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:45 PM PSTPlease refrain from addressing other registered users who are not on this thread, and using insulting language. Unrelated and insulting comments will be deleted.
-A message from Moderator 1234! :o)
ps Sam, welcome back!!
In the face of
by Hedieh . (not verified) on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:45 PM PSTIn the face of what is going on all over this world of ours, who does what on this site seems so minute and trivial...
If I don't like it I will leave.
What about you?
I am the proof for what rosie & Annon fish talking about
by Yah right on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:30 PM PSTsince my original ID is blocked since yesterday ,thx to you know who .
About IRANdokht as a moderator:
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:26 PM PST.
She is not an impartial person.
She is not a middle-of-road kind of a person.
She is not neutral.
She is not unbiased.
She is not just.
She is not fair.
But I like her avatar, and that’s my personal opinion.
About IRANdokht’s statement about Jews whining:
by Multiple Personality Disorder on Thu Feb 05, 2009 03:45 PM PSTI’ve looked as much as I could, but that comment no longer exists anywhere. Not only that but also the reply to it by Roxane no longer exists, and the reply to Roxane's reply no longer exists. If any one can prove me wrong please by all means let me know, but as it stands this is scandalous. It’s like the whole thing has vanished into thin air.
HAHAHA don't you get it? We needs Zions, samsam11111111s etc....
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on Thu Feb 05, 2009 02:19 PM PSTWithout them and their "OMG hamas deleted my comment about how Iran is the victim of mullahs!" hypersensitivity (samsam111111111111111 can't even stomach keeping up a blog more than 5 hours these days),there would be no "controversy", no hits, no nothing.
Whoever is deleting stuff written by these fun fanatics, Zion et alia, they are doing right for one reason: the continuation of If they didn't feel "stifled" and In farhad's case "struggle against IRI", what would be the point? They need some censorship to keep them going. If not, they'd stop typing these blogs over and over. It's a great cycle/loop. Embrace it.
We need people here who are wing nuts, make fun of clingy Iranian testicle locking women, hairy iranian men, and Ahmadinejad is like the gift that keeps on giving for web site hits.
Do you realize the genius of JJ? Because of mullahs, he has this wonderful job that does not even require him to generate creative content: these insane Iranians come and provide it for him OR ALTERNATIVELY and even more wonderfully diabolical - the IRI itself gives him news that draws these iranians here.
GOOD FOR JJ. Making a living off of IRI drama, "pure patriotic Iranian Zoroastrian soldier men" and finally, blogs with angry comments. BRAVO!
Whenever I want some real material, I go to Multiple Personality Desire. What a gift MPD is!
Oh and Zion, I HONK for you. Twice.
direct answer to rosie's question
by anonymous fish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 01:55 PM PSTI would never make such a disgusting comment to begin with.
If I did, I would hope that God would forgive me for such a thing because I WILL surely be judged for it.
If you don't believe in God or any other higher power, then you would have to live your life knowing that such a comment will live in your soul.
dear AF
by Souri on Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:59 PM PSTHonestly, I didn't want to stay in this thread and continue debating. But as a very polite person ;-) I must answer the questions you asked me directly.
You asked :
1) " do you think a registered user who makes very biased comments
should be a moderator? "
The straight answer is: No!! they shouldn't be a moderator.
As they say "you can't be judge and jury at the same time"
2) " what DO you think about the situation in general?"
What I think in general, will surely raise some eyebrows here ;O)) and I don't want to buy all the trouble. So please let me stay quiet in that matter. Thanks
If you consider yourself to be someone who tries to be ethical and you would not be comfortable in your own skin because you find such a statement unethical, do you think that ethics is an important consideration in moderators? Or do you find being ethical irrelevant to choice of modertors?
Let us assume that someone's parents had been killed in Khomeini's purges. If they talked about it with pain or anger, even if they still dwelled on it, EVEN OBSESSEDs ON IT, would you Use the word "whining" to characterize them?
Let us assume it were your own parents. HoW would you feel about the wordd""whining"? If you then found out that people with similar experiences had vociferously insisted that the person who made this statement were biased toward them in a forum such as this, would it make you wonder whether such a person should be a moderator with the highest authority: FULL DELETION PRIVILEGES WITHOUT BEING SCREENED BY THE PUBLISHER.
Let us hypothsize. Let us assume.
by anonymous fish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:40 PM PSTyou are absolutely right and i stand corrected. i re-read your comment. you stated your opinion, not a fact. mea culpa!!!
your point about "uni-green" is also taken. i laughed my ass off. i already blamed MPD on another blog of making me have to leave the office and now i blame you... LOL.
i agree with you about the game playing as well. i just want to take this opportunity to say again that many (not you as you have oft said) but others who have criticized non-registered members and anonymous comments have done so themselves. hypocrisy is alive and well on
rosie is right. let's stay on task here. what DO you think about the situation in general? do you think a registered user who makes very biased comments should be a moderator?
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:08 PM PSTthe blog and directly related considerations. The topic is this questoin:
is it possible that someone who has been very frequently and vocally accused of biased moderation on the Gaza issue, including by one person who came out against the Israeli use of force in his own blog, is it possible that such a moderator might be capable of some bias, having made the following statement::
I offer here a corollary queston: would you be comfortable in your own skin using the word "whinig" to make such a sttement?
I said if you think the answer is no I will document other instances which make me strongly feel the person in question is capable of being a biased moderator, both on the Gaza issue and in general.
dear AF
by Souri on Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:41 AM PSTI am not offended by your comment. I just need to clarify that I rarely use the word "I know" unless I really know something (and this is so rare :O)) Here too, I was very clear in my answer to the direct question of DK, I said IMHP, ID can not be a moderator. I don't understand where did you get the idea that I was assuming that I surely know the truth. If there was any ambiguity in my last post, I correct it now: I don't know it, but I firmly think she is not one!!
For the other part of your statement, honey jan. I know it is well manner to be discreet but, once in a while it is needed to show that people are "playing a game" that is not honest.
Example, if I don't want to name you, but I come here and say that the newly registered with a uni-green color who had addressed her post to me in Rosie's blog........etc, etc.
What is this in your opinion ?
Enough is enough, for me. I don't like the hypocrisy playing by same people all the time.
Once in a while, I show my discontenment. Otherwise, generally speaking, you are right. I shouldn't disclose the information which are not evident to everybody.
Thanks for being nice !
by anonymous fish on Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:20 AM PSTi believe your intentions were good but once again, you've "outed" someone without their permission and without regard to the outcome. i say this with sincere affection... please be careful what and how you say things. you might say back to me that it's none of my business but in fact it very much is, as i was one whom you disclosed a personal fact about without my permission or knowledge. you might say that people "know" this already, but in fact they do not. they might suspect or be curious, but until YOU make this fact known, it was NOT common knowledge.
you also say you "know" ID is not a moderator. my dear souri, you do not KNOW this. you might believe this to be true but unless YOU are the publisher or a moderator yourself, you do not know this at all. this is something that many people have discussed numerous time amongst themselves and it has become more and more obvious.
rosie is a registered member of as you are and as i am. her priviledges are just as absolute as yours, mine or the person in question.
accusations are made every second of every minute on what is an accusation anyway? does it have to be mean in spirit to be an accusation? does it have to call someone a derogatory name to be an accusation? subtle accusations are just as accusatory as direct ones are.
the subject here is moderation. by definition: One that moderates, as:
an individual who has power of deletion based on personal opinion is not "moderating". that individual is controlling.
this is a very important subject. i beg everyone to remain respectful and polite.
Darius, I didn't say who the moderator is....
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:46 AM PSTbut several people have said so and that she's involved in unsavory deletions. I don't know how you knew but on my recent blog where we were having a strained exchange, an uncanny ability by SOMEONE to very wuickly delete posts referencing her as an unfair moderator was demonstrated. So I assume the people who told me with certainty that she is were correct.
If I am wrong in my assumption I assume that either she or someone who knows her well or the publisher or anothere moderator will inform us shortly. Anyway since I wrote about the situation to the publisher three times yesterday if I were wrong I assume he would've let me know already.
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:13 AM PSTINDUSTRY IN THE TITLE SAYS HOW JEWISH SUFFERING HAS BEEN EXPLOITED.
People do not WHINE about true suffering.
There are Holocaust survivors still alive. Theentire middle-aged generation of Jews including me lived with this memory of their parents, and their constant tales of their real SUFFERING, the survivors AS WELL AS those who had to watch it from afar helpless helpless to do anything, KNOWING that if they'd remained in Europe they'd be dead, and TERRIFIED. WHATEVER the reality of the HOlocaust Industry (and if you knew a damn thing about me you'd know that I read it and that I agree with a lot of it,,,)
iF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME write fFnkelstein and ask him if he thinks his survivor parents were whinig.
Then if you still don't get it anonoymous sniperfish go back to your aquarium and eat more fishy food, your brain and fish heart are UNDERNOURISHED.
The Holocaust industry
by Norman Finklestein III (not verified) on Thu Feb 05, 2009 08:49 AM PSTThe Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering is a book published in 2000...
Legitimate Question
by DW Duke on Thu Feb 05, 2009 08:31 AM PSTI don't see Rosie's blog as a demand at all. She is asking if others see what she feels she sees. I have already expressed my view on it in another thread where I responded affirmatively. The floors of this forum are filled with examples of her bias. I think Rosie was being discreet in that she did not disclose the name so that only those who have also noticed it would reply one way or the other. You are the one who disclosed her name. Rosie apparently took this issue to JJ before without a response now she is asking the opinion of others. It is called a petition process. If enough people have the same concern then perhaps will listen. Rosie is obviously very upset by the way she was treated last night as is obvious from her typos in this blog which is unlike Rosie. That is the effect this abuse is having on her and she shouldn't have to put up with it just to participate here. The person in question would not be moderating at all in any forum I operate but at minimum it would be appropriate to ask her to be more tolerant of other views if she is going to moderate.
Unfortunately as I explained n my most recent blog I can't
by rosie is roxy is roshan on Thu Feb 05, 2009 08:23 AM PSTreply to the first post below since the author has expressly told me never to mention her name in my posts although I'd only done so favorably (this prohibition having been voiced most eeloqeuntly in a private e-mail following weeks of an intense offsite personal i correspondence) I no longer read her posts, since replying would necessitate a subject line mentoning her name, and if I can't reply, I can't read them either. And I simply cannot make an exception here but I do have to explain it to others since if ou've read the post it may have influenced you in some way. If anyone feels that the points raised require my analysis and reponse, please raise them to me as your own to prevent bias in my reply to you
Sorry if it sounds pettty but that's the situation.
My opinion
by Souri on Thu Feb 05, 2009 08:07 AM PSTSorry Rosxan, I must give my opinion here, despite your warning as to not addressing you. I can't stay silent, because you are almost everywhere, all the time and having crucial questions. So it rise my curiosity and as a member I deserve the right to participate here.
Your blog has two main point:
1) You ask a question: Is Irandokht, one of the moderator or not ?
The fact that you gave us all the info about that person in question and not naming her, does not ring well with me. You said too much or not enough! and this is always like this with you. You want to be discrete, but showing the world that "YOU KNOW"...and this is a paradox, that you are not handling well, my dear. Now, regardless of how much you failed (volountarily or not) in the matter of respecting the anonymity of the "other member", I will give you my point about that.
It is not politically correct to ask such a question. Why? Because the anonymity of the moderator is a rule set by the publisher of this site. No matter how much YOU or other people desire to know the identity of one or more moderators, if the publisher/or the moderators themselves don't want you to know their identity, you can't get it by asking a question and repeating it thousands times!!
Not even by encouraging people to blog about that or blogging that question by yourself. You can't force things here. And this is something you are doing all the time without being aware of it.
It is part of your attitude, dear. You impose the rules by making intimidating demands and questions. The answer is always a "No" because people don't like to be forced to play by your rules.
Then, don't expect JJ to drop here suddenly and tell you: Ah, yes. You know, Irandokht is one of the moderator and I will tell her to go slower from now on!!
JJ would never do that and you know it well. Neither will Irandokht, come here to explain herself to you and others. Are you that naive ? I don't think so.
2) Second point of your blog is: You are stating a demand as to moderating the moderation, specially about the Israeli and Jews's matters.
Now, your demand is a legal one. You made it and it will be taken by the publisher. He will consider if your request is well founded or not and will take action in regard to this matter. And this is only HIM, who can make such a judgement and decision. Not you, not me, not any other person in the site, nor even the moderators themselves!
Result : The sole action of "making a request" was enough for you get to your point. You didn't need to go trough denouncement of any body else and/or accusing them to be this and that, doing this and that.
Despite what you think now, I really like you and value you as a very good person, an Iran lover and a nice peace lover. I'm just passing you the message about how your "action" is seen through my eyes.