Islam Damaged

Islam Damaged
by salman farsi

I dedicate this blog to the memory of all the victims of the crimes and atrcocities done in the name of the holy Islam. Be it on September 11, 2001 or over the last 32 years in Iran or indeed anywhere in the world. Islam was and still is being hugely misrepresented and corrupted by the likes of Khomeini (la'natollah elaih) and Osama Bin Laden (la'natollah alaih) and all their past, present and future associates and supporters.

So let us follow the holy Qur'an and curse all those leaders who call call their followers to the fire:

لعن رهبرانى که مردم را به آتش فرا مى خوانند

(وجعلنا هم ائمهً یدعون الى النّار و یوم القیامه لا ینصرون و أتبعناهم فىهذه الدنیا لعنه و یوم القیامه هم من المقبوحین);

و ما آنها راپیشوایانى قرار دادیم که به سوى آتش فرا مى خوانند و روز رستاخیز یارىنخواهند شد. در این دنیا ـ در نتیجه اعمالشان ـ لعنت ابدى نصیبشان کردیم ودر روز قیامت از زشت رویانند.

قصص/ 41 ـ 42


more from salman farsi
Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Iran 2050

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

IRI, just like any other Iranian government in history, has an imperialistic agenda, and second, because the global Zionist related media wants to bash Islam in order for Israel to look good.

Why do you use the name Iran at all? You seem to hate Iran only second to Jews. Of course you are not an Islamist; sure I really believe that! Just like the pope isn't a Catholic!

Iran 2050

Salman farsi,   I

by Iran 2050 on

Salman farsi,


I appreciate your article and your message. You are absolutely correct.


I am not an Islamist, nor do I practice Islam. However it is becoming more obvious day by day that Islam is under a severe attack by the Zionist-controlled global media, and in Iran, by the ultra-nationalist anti Islam nutties.

What the Fascist IRI is doing has nothing to do with Islam. Shite itself is not true Islam. We all know that if anything, shite is closer to Zoroastrianism than any other religion, so why do we blame Islam on the atrocities that IRI commits?


Where does in Islam say that there is a “savior” coming back and we need to inflict chaos on the world in order for him to return? (That’s a Zarostrain-christian concept). Where does in Islam say anything about Vali Faghih as representative of god? Where does in Islam does anyone talk about the “Imam” system? Isn’t Hussain just Sivash re-incarnated and isn’t his story just a shite version of Zoroastrian Soovashoon?


Let’s get real. What IRI shows is if anything, anti Islam. They call it Islamic because first, IRI, just like any other Iranian government in history, has an imperialistic agenda, and second, because the global Zionist related media wants to bash Islam in order for Israel to look good. Portray the dirty, savage, nutty, extremist of Muslims by Zionist media is well planned, it’s not an accident.



The situation

by hirre on

I think many people feel that muslims (and islam) need to change and reform themselves as many modern christians have done so...

Many non-muslim people here feel that whenever a muslim commits a horrible crime in the name of his faith another muslim can easily say that it had nothing to do with the faith... Many non-muslims feel the situation is like e.g. some nazis saying Hitler wasn't a true nazi. Also not many "true muslims" seem to gather against the "false muslims" in demonstrations which leaves the non-muslims to decide what islam is and represents, based on what actually takes place in the world and what is directly written in the quran... Here I think the modern reformed muslims must take the initiative and add new materials to the quran (or rewrite parts) like the bible's more friendly "new testament" and openly demonstrate against the "false muslims", else the west will do just that but with bombs and violence...

You are innocent until proven guilty, and in the case of the "false muslims" it is not hard to prove that they are guilty...


VPK I hope its Iran. : )

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

He was just asking a retorical question if it would be a good society to worth living in.  If not Iran, Brazil.


Muslims won't get civilized if the USA has anything to do withit

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

As for living in the USA in 20 years, first get out of the 2008 depression in the next 10 years, then find a way to bring up the value of the dollar from paper and finally see where the USA is before you make any committments.  You may need to learn a little Arabic livng in the USA also, US Invincibility is not written in stone. Decline is never ever a pretty scene for a top nation. And don't take offense, I'm encouraging you to read and think.  What's wrong with reading and being understanding?

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Why should I

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


possibly want to move to Indonesia anyway? If I want to retire somewhere I have 3 choices:

  • USA - some less expensive state.
  • Latin America - less expensive; but corrupt where my limited money speaks.
  • Iran - assuming the IRI is finally replaced by something half way sane.

Indonesia does not even come on the radar screen.


Oon Yaroo

Okay, Amir Parviz, I have substandard education so I won't

by Oon Yaroo on

understand your point.

Good luck moving to Indonisia in 20 years, in the mean time, I will stay in the good old US of A until either Muslims become civilized or hell freezes over which I bet the probability of latter event is a lot higher than the former!


Right now it Indonesia sucks, but in 20 years? Yes

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Your reason is faulty.  It's directly US foreign policy, will and money.  I don't expect what I am saying to make sense to you for awhile, because you can't see the picture I see.  You should study geopolitics, read policy papers and even speak with professors. FOR STARTERS SEE THE LINK BELOW




Oon Yaroo

Amir Parveez: Would you move to Indonesia?

by Oon Yaroo on

I wouldn't! See //!

The reason they are less violent, it's because, I think, they are the farthest from middle east and a lot closer to the east Asian passivist mentality!



Of Personal 91111

by Tavana on

This visiting alien of 'Incredible Cotton-Hulk' nature with no knowledge in Arabic, Farsi, & Eniglish leaves the final judgment about all the creatures below with '111.' Just for the sake of the last words on this '911' though:

Retard (from Merriam Webster's): to show esp. by preventing or hindering advanve or accomplishment : IMPEDE. The choice of 'Aghab Mondeh' is of personal choice. Would one call the 'Rain man' or 'Beethoven' & many 'geniuses' like them &/or people with 'Autism' as "Aghab Mondeh?' Perhaps only Iranians of 'self-driven high pride' will do that! Shame on them all! Really!

Freak (from MW again): A sudden and odd or seemingly pointless idea or turn of the mind. That is translated as 'Tagheer'e Na-gahani'& not 'Gheir' Oddee.' Isn't it?

This alien does not find it necessary to disclose his/her educational/life/religious/etc. backgrounds here & has absolutely no time left to be pulled into a 'debate' (or be 'the bait') with anybody on IC. This is all about '111.' Just one thing though. 'Islam' has been around since the times of Abraham, about 6000 yrs ago per the same book of '111' (22:78). 1432 is the exact figure for the Islamic calender. If one adds 62 years life of Prophet Mohammed to that it becomes approx. 1500! BINGO! 

"They want to distinguish GOD's [guiding] light with teir utterances: but GOD will not allow [this to pass], for He has willed to spread His light in all its fullness, however hateful this may be to all who deny the truth (9:32).

WILL BE BACK IN 91121, i.e. '10' yrs from 'NOW.'




This is the first time I have seen JK

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

If JK is sincere, then he is an asset as he actually helps us by for example getting a copy of the book and getting shia to admit it authenticity.  I sometimes get frustrated with people, but insults are so counter productive to creating the harmony we need to attract more engaged members.

As for Islam once intellectuals come back to power and they always ALWAYS do, it just takes time, they will now be aware of exactly who the enemy is that was hiding among them so long and they will be dealt with and ultimately muslims won't even be able to keep the lower classes.  It happened to christianity, that was the entire basis for the french revolution.

Where islam is working well is in Iran before the revolution and in countries that have strategic value that have no oil, for example in Indonisia Islam means Peace, no submission at all, people flock to it and surrender of their own free will.  There the USA has no interest in dominating the people and making them poor using islam.  It helps them to counter China.

OOn Yaroo in Indonesia Islam is not fundamentalist at all and the muslims fight against fundamentalism.  Read about it.  You are Pigeonholing Islam, in a way because you are looking at it in resource rich countries with no democratic instituions or institutions like shahanshahi based on a freedom loving culture. The USA wants IRI types for us and others.

My bottom line is we need to learn from the west, Iran must be Secular not an Islamic democracy or else the west wins and destroys muslims.

I am no longer a practicing muslim and my entire family left it too. After reading the truth of the koran, only a few parts, I decided even though islam can be a religion for peace and tolerance of others, if it is accurately followed to the T it will never be that because of some core teachings. I think it has some big problems.


Oon Yaroo

One CAN NOT name a single village let alone a country

by Oon Yaroo on

around the world where some form of Islam has been implemented in a practical, peaceful, healthy, productive, progressive, and most importantly "happy" manner!

All Islamic countries without any exception are miserable to their cores!

In general different religions are like different areas of concentration (majors) at a university! Majoring in engineering and science would make you an engineer/scientist, majoring in medicine would make you a doctor, in law would make you a lawyer, animal husbandry would make you expert in a cow's genitals, so on and so forth...

Similarly, some religions may help you in spiritually, some might strengthen the unity amongst its believers, but Islam from its inception was considered to remedy issues below the belt specially in dealing with camels, goats, sheep, and other domestic four-legged life-stock.

In some peculiar way, Islam is equivalent to animal husbandry major!

Va Salam!


maziar 58

faramarz khan

by maziar 58 on

its on the 3rd or 7th floors of hell look it up for direction in divine comedy by dante alighieri.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: VPK you are factually wrong on one thing

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Alright I may be wrong on the numbers I am not sure. But there is where value is. A billion uneducated illiterates are not worth one educated person. We are getting to a multi tier society if not there already.

Fine let the bottom class go to Islam. Honestly that is where it is going. The society will always have its top; bottom and middle. The top and middle will go leave Islam. Meanwhile the bottom hoards may go to Islam. Let them go.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Re: Why are the some so rude on IC?

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It has been going on for a long time. I strongly suggest that JK be banned. I know in the past I oppsed banning but this guy is a spammer. I always supported banning spam. Not one single thing by JK is to any point.

He or she whatever it is just pops in there. Insults people and shoots off  the hip. Then invades another blog; shoots off the hip more and moves on. And the call me a loose canon! 

As for Tavana he is rude but I will deal with it. I don't want him or her banned. Just warned so as to stop using insults. It seems like Tavana does not know English well so may not be meaning to insult people. I give Tavana a break for now.


VPK you are factually wrong on one thing

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

You say,

That 1.3 billion of yours is diminishing big time. Starting from the
most educated and valuable. Before long all you have left is the bottom
of the pot: you may keep them!

Yes  educated people are leaving, but Khomeini & Bin Laden's Islam is continuosly growing and adding fools by the day.  This is becaus it is the government policy of the west and imperialism to spread it and use it as a tool for keeping people backwards and controllable.  This is the sad truth.  Multinationals spend billion via ngo's on this and are winning.

The west doesn't want the correct idea to win and help the bad idea.  The west wants to impose the bad idea and to keep it there and win forever without the bad idea having a chance of losing, they will keep it as long as they can by force, deceit, manipulation, money etc etc.

Salman Farsi says this hurts Islam, What he misses is on a certain level it shows us what some of islam really is submission.


حاجی پهلوون پنبه!



بلاهت مذهبی کاملا توی نوشته ها و منطقت مشخصه!

شما ها آخوند جماعت ها تکلیف ما رو روشن کنین. این اسلام رویایی تون توی کدوم خراب شده ای وجود داره؟

تو ایران و پاکستان و عربستان و مالزی که نیست. پس کجاست؟

شما ها هم که همه تون پناهنده غربین!


Why are the some so rude on IC?

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

We have Tavana Using Personal attacks and then we have this guy on my blog JahanKhalili using personal attacks against people.  What is that supposed to accomplish?  It doesn't win friends I can tell you that, it doesn't change minds and it makes me have a low opinion of them. Please Respect First.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You do not know english so I will translate for you:

  • Retard => Aghab Mandeh
  • Freak => Gheir e Addi

As for genie it has not been out of the bottle for 1500 years! For one thing Islam is only 1400 years old! Another most Muslims do not even know Arabic. They are not able to read the Koran. Next is that people were afraid of what happens to them. Now the people in the West see if you go against Islam nothing happens. You don't turn into a soosk and climb to wall! You are not beheaded by the government or turned to stone. The only thing that happens is hard core Muslim families may punish you. That is not common among Iranians.

In fact my family is very happy to see me reject Islam. My grandfathers on both side rejected it. My father rejected it. My mother finally came around to rejecting it. That 1.3 billion of yours is diminishing big time. Starting from the most educated and valuable. Before long all you have left is the bottom of the pot: you may keep them! The freedom of information is Islams greatest enemy. With it people learn to think. That is the second biggest enemy of Islam.

Once people think and are not afraid there goes Islam. You know it means submission? Why should I submit to the will of some antiquated dogma. No thank you I will think for myself and find my own path.


Of the deceptive 'LOL'

by Tavana on

FYI. The persian (or Farsi) word of 'Fazoleh' is the same as 'Feces' in English. With the due respect, though!

FYI. The English word 'Retard' is the same as 'Gheir'e Oddee' in Farsi (or Persian). With the same respect as above!

FYI. The 'genie' has been out of the bottle for the past 1500 years with the current 1.3 billions followers! There are millions of 'rotten fools' worldwide who have the entire Book of '111' in their memory by heart!

FYI. The '111' core is with GOD olone & not with a few mollahs!

FYI. One must mention a few verses above &/or a few verses below in regard of the quoted verses if he/she is sincere about knowing their meanings & he/she is not of a sick in the heart & is not of a 'LOL deceptive!' 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


You got a point. Up to now there was no internet. No way to post these things. People did not even know what the Koran said. Believed in what some "scholar" told them. Now they get to read it all first hand not interpreted.

No way to brush it aside. No way to hide the truth. We all know every line of it with translation. How are the Islamists going to cover it up now? By saying I am a retard? Fine do it! Yes if being a retard means not buying this then I am a retard.


Lol! conveniently forgetting these words:

by fozolie on


“ قاتِلُوا اّلَذينَ لايُؤمنُونَ بِاللهِ وَ لا بِاُلَيْومِ اْلاخَرِ…”

بكشيد كسانی را كه به خدا و روز بازپسين ايمان نمي‌آورند

“يا اَيّهُاَ اّلَذيَنَ آمنُوا قاتلُوا اّلذَينَ يَلُونَكُمْ مِنَ اْلكُفّارِ وَ لْيَجِدُواَ فيكُمْ غِلْظَهً”

گروه مؤمنان بكشيد كافران را يكی پس از ديگری (هر كه نزديك‌تر و بيشتر در دسترس است) آنان بايد سخت‌گيری و عدم گذشت و ملايمت را در شما احساس كنند.

“قاتلُوا اّلَذينَ لايُؤمنُونَ بالله وَ لا باْلَيُومِ الاخَر وَ لايُحَرّمُونَ مَاحَرَّمَ الله وَ رَسُولُه وَ لاَ يَديِنُونَ دينَ اْلحَقَّ مِنَ اَّلذينَ اوتُوا اْلكِتابَ حَتّی يُعْطُوا اْلجَز‎يةَ عَنْ يَدوَ هُمْ صاغِرُونَ”

بكشيد كسانی را كه به خدا و روز آخرت ايمان نياورده و حرام خداوند و پيغمبرش را حرام نمي‌دانند و هم چنين آن دسته از اهل كتاب را كه به دين حق، يعنی اسلام، ايمان نياورده‌اند، مگر اين كه متعهد شوند با خواری و فروتنی به دست خود جزيه دهند” .

“يا اَيُّهَا اّلنَبيُّ جِاهد اْلكُفّارَ وَ اِلمنُافقيِنَ وَاغْلُظْ عَلَيْهِمْ و مَأويهُمْ جَهَنّمُ وَ بِئسَ اْلَمصيُر”

ای پيامبر با كفار و مشركان جهاد كن و بر آ‌ن‌ها شدت به خرج ده جی آن‌ها در دوزخ است.

“يا اَيُّهَا النَّبيُّ جاهد اْلكُفّارَ وَاْلمنُافِقينَ وَ اغْلُظَْ عَلَيْهمْ”

با كافران و منافقان بجنگ و با آن‌ها شدت به خرج ده.


To the guys and gals fooling themselves that Islam is somehow a spiritual movement: it isn't. It's over, the genie is out of the bag. The ideology is rotten to the core. The days a few mollahs could brush words such as above under the carpet are over. It is extreme to its rotten core. 


Mr. Fozolie


Here's my take for what it's worth

by Reality-Bites on

I'm a non-religious person who believes in a secular democracy for Iran and hopefully one day we will have this.

However, I actually agree with SF that extremists have damaged Islam. I would also add that there are many decent and humane devout Muslim Iranians who also abhor what the IR has been doing to Iran. Many of these people have also suffered under this regime.

And although I'm certainly not against theological discussions and discourse on validity/relevance of Islamic belief in the 21st century, out of respect to my fellow Iranians that are muslim, but stand against the IR tyranny I would never deliberately insult their beliefs.

That is not the way to create unity and mutual support among our hamvatans, imho.


Dear salman: When are you going to defend Muslims.......

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Instead of Islam?

No sarcasm meant, a serious suggestion to help you articulate your version of islam better to the rest of us...

You see, I happen to believe that vast majority of those killed, maimed and tortured by the two murderers whose photos adorn your blog, were/are muslims.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is not up to you to define what is an insult. Anyway I will leave it to the admin. Regarding your other statements be my guest if you think Mohammad was a prophet of "God" that is your progative. I don't think so one bit. 

I think God would have a bit higher standards. Such as honesty; respect for others and  basic sanity. Mohammad had none. At least not the one his own historians talke about.  I do not think God would pick some guy who sleeps with 9 year olds.


You don't need to post again. There is an "edit" tab right below your post. Just use it to change your post if you want to modify your post.


Respectfully Submitted, 'Corrected'

by Tavana on

that calling one a 'Retard' is of no insult. It is rather a reflection of 'ingenuity' & of 'being different.' Most GOD's prophets have been labeled with such with their messages as with the most genius of all times Ludwig van Beethoven @ his younger age:




Respectfully Submitted,

by Tavana on

that calling one a 'Retard' is of no insult. It is rather a reflection of 'ingenuity' & of 'being different.' Most GOD's prophets have labeled with such with their messages as with the most geniuous of all times Ludwig van Beethoven when he was young:



Mohammad Pay for something? Good One LOL

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

He took peoples money to deliver a product that cost him nothing and grew his profitable enterprize by using word of mouth marketing from free volunteers.  He didn't even pay taxes or encourage others to do so during his entire life time, the repeat business was very good for him I doubt he ever paid anyone. Now if you said he got one of his slaves to give him a leg up that would make perfect sense to me since he accepted the institution of slavery under 2 circumstances, one of them being war spoils.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Just a reminder: insulting other posters is against IC rules. I didn't flag your post calling me retard but just remember it is how you get banned.

You stand for truth based on what: insulting other poster.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Amirparviz leg up

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


It is possible! Here //

All it takes is money and I bet they have it in your neck of the woods. No need for pray just pay :-)