Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah


Ya Hossein: The Blood of Allah
by salman farsi



Imam Hossein (as), the second son of Imam Ali (as) and his wife, the prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) daughter Fatemeh Zahra (sa) is known as the saarallah (the blood of Allah). His martyrdom at the hands of the people of Kufa, near Karbala in Iraq in 680 AD marks the most significant event in the Shi'a calendar. The life and martyrdom of Imam Hossein (as) had impacts on the Mulsim world and in particular on Iranians who have special affection for the Imam. Look how the Iranian Marxist activist and poet, Khosrow Golsorkhi, starts his defence in the military court in 1971, by his great praise for Imam Hossein (as) and his campagin against injustice. Rumi (Molavi) remembers them in his poetry:

کجایید ای شهیدان خدایی
بلاجویان دشت کربلایی
کجایید ای سبک روحان عاشق
پرنده​تر ز مرغان هوایی
کجایید ای شهان آسمانی
بدانسته فلک را درگشایی
کجایید ای ز جان و جا رهیده
کسی مر عقل را گوید کجایی
کجایید ای در زندان شکسته
بداده وام داران را رهایی
کجایید ای در مخزن گشاده
کجایید ای نوای بی​نوایی
درین بحرید کین عالم کف اوست
زمانی بیش دارید آشنایی
کف دریاست صورت های عالم
زکف بگذر اگر اهل صفایی
دلم کف کرد زن نقش سخن شد
بهل نقش و به دل رو گر زمانی
برآی ای شمس تبریزی ز مشرق
که اصل اصل هر ضیایی

Iranians great respect and affection for Imam Hossein has its roots in Imam's first wife, Princess Shahr Banu, the younger daughter of Yazdegerd the 3rd who was chosen as a suitable wife for his hounger son by Imam Ali (as). The eminent Harvard professor and researcher Dr Ahmad Mahdavi-Damghani  has done extensive research on this topic and has proven that Shahr Banu was indeed Imam Hossein's wife and therefore all the other nine Imams of the Shi'a sect had Iranian blood in their veins and their ancestry can be traced back to the kings of the Sassanid era and the kiani traditions.

Dr Mahadavi-Damghani has been a proferssor of Islamic sufism and Arabic lterature at Harvard School of Divinity and university of Pennsylvania since 1987 (see the vdieo).

Iranians have mourned the tragedy of Karbala in the most emotional ways even by the leaders of the Sialmic regime who have betrayed all Imam Hossein's (as) Ideals and principles:

Imam Hossin in Karbala (recreation):

This is the most famous prayer for Ashura:


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درود بر تو باد اى وارث حضرت محمد حبيب خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث على امير المؤمنين ولى خدا
درود باد بر تو اى وارث حسن شهيد سبط رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى زاده رسول خدا
درود باد بر تو اى پسر بشير و ترساننده و پسر آقاى وصيين
درود باد بر تو اى پسر فاطمه سيده زنان جهان
درود باد بر تو اى ابا عبد الله
درود باد بر تو اى مختار خدا و پسر مختار خدا
درود باد بر تو اى خون خدا و زاده خون او
درود باد بر تو اى كشته‏اى كه خونخواهانت كشته شدند
درود باد بر تو اى امام رهبر پاك و بر ارواحى كه به آستانت خفتند و در جوارت آرميدند و وارد شدند با زايرين ات
درود باد بر تو از من مادامى كه بمانم و بماند شب و روز
پس به تحقيق بزرگ شد به تو مصيبت و انبوه شد سوگ در مؤمنين و مسلمانان و در همه اهل آسمانها و در ساكنان زمين پس بدرستى كه ما از براى خداييم و ما بسوى او بازگشت كنندگانيم و درودهاى متصل خدا و بركات و تحيات خدا بر تو و بر پدران پاك و پاكيزه و برگزيدگان و بر اولادان هدايت كننده و هدايت يافته ايشان .
درود باد بر تو اى مولاى من و بر ايشان و بر روان تو و بر روان ايشان و بر تربت (پاك) تو و بر تربت ايشان .
خدايا به رحمت و رضايت و روح و ريحان با آنان ملاقات فرماى
درود بر تو باد اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله ! اى زاده خاتم پيغمبران و اى پسر آقاى وصى ‏ها و اى پسر سيده زن هاى جهانيان
درود بر تو باد اى شهيد اى پسر شهيد اى برادر شهيد اى پدر شهدا
بار خدايا او را برسان از من در اين ساعت و در اين روز و در اين وقت و در همه وقت تحيت بسيار و سلام
درود خداى بر تو باد و رحمت خداى و بركاتش اى پسر آقاى جهانيان و بر شهداى همراهت ؛ درود پيوسته تا پيوسته است شب و روز ؛ درود باد بر حسين پسر على شهيد درود باد بر على بن الحسين شهيد
درود باد بر (حضرت) عباس پسر (حضرت) امير المؤمنين كه به درجه شهادت رسيد درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان امير المؤمنين (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسن (ع)
درود باد بر شهداء از فرزندان امام حسين
درود باد بر شهيدان از فرزندان جعفر و عقيل
درود باد بر هر شهيد همراه آنها از مؤمنان
بار خدايا درود فرست بر محمد و آل محمد و برسان ايشان را از من تحيت فراوان و سلام
درود باد بر تو اى رسول خدا سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى فاطمه سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خدا درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى امير مؤمنان سر سلامتى خوبى دهد تو را خداى درباره فرزندت حسين
درود باد بر تو اى ابا محمد الحسن ‏سر سلامتى خوبى دهد خداى تو را درباره برادرت حسين
اى مولايم اى ابا عبد الله من مهمان خدا و مهمان توام و پناهنده به خدا و پناهنده به توام و براى هر مهمان و پناهنده پذيرايى باشد و پذيرايى من در اين وقت اين است كه بخواهى از خداى سبحانه و تعالى كه روزى من گرداند رهايى تنم از آتش زيرا كه او شنواى دعا و نزديك است و اجابت كننده.

 And it has a politcal significance for Iranians in ther fight against the Islamic republic:


more from salman farsi

Shia defies common sense

by JavoonDeerooz on

Before getting too sentimental about Ashura, one should study the legitamacy of Shia.  There is no mention of 12 Imams in Quoran or any hadith from Muhammad prior to the single and questionable appointment of Ghadir-e-Khom. How can Qoran neglect to mention the important question that left unresloved has lead to many wars and millions of deaths and weakening of Islamic unity. We have verses in Qoran that advises Muhammad's wife not to get jealous if he is sleeping more times with some of them than others. We have verses advising Muslims not to drop by Muhammad's house unannounced.  And yet , god almighty chose to leave this question unadressed so millions be killed in interfighting and billions  of damage. Alo, it has left 90% of muslims to end up in hell because they cannot decide whether Shia claims are eright.


The Blood of Johnny come latelys, or Shia as late accompaniers

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

of Islam.

Accordign to Ibrahim Mahmoud in "Merchant Capital and Islam," the original, early core of Islam were mainly the Mecca merchant class. Consequently new terretories also brought new layers of 'belivers,' and since they were not from the original, early merchant class, though all were considered muslims, some were more muslim than others, especially as it related to issues of leadership and khalfat.

This entire Shiaian episode in one sense, is nothing but an internal fight over the spoils of Jahad. Your guarantee for social mobility in the Islamic empire.

Add to this the fact that Hossain personally participated in many slaughtering of Iranians, and there are quotes by him about killing all the Ajamis, and taking their wives,...Only a schiziophrenic mind could elevate such a sorry figure and character into sainthood.

For a critical look as shia, perhaps some Kasravi  would a good start. 


زنگ انشا





صلح حسن بهتر است یا جنگ حسین؟

"عباراتی از قبیل (یکی‌ مستلزم دیگری بود) یا (بدون صلح حسن و جنگ حسین،
امروز اسلام وجود نداشت) تکراری و تقلب محسوب میشود..........

I want only the author of the blog to respond, if he wishes.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Mind boggling

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


that anyone would take this Imam Hossein business seriously. Assume for a minute that he did marry an Iranian woman. Do you think it was by choice? Are you crazy! Their idea marriage was legal rape. 

As others have said the whole thing was a fight between two invading factions. Both were our enemies one won the other did not. Who cares or should care anyway. Safavids beat this *** in peoples head. Initially people were pretending for buy it. 

Over time it got accepted. Specially because Mollahs had a monopoly on teaching. Feeding this garbage to people. Not knowing better they went for it; now due to  information technology it is up. Thank goodness!


salman, the traitor of Persia

by Fesenjoon2 on

FYI, Harvard has different departments, with different faculty for history and divinity. Sorry, they are not the same:



btw, Salman Parsee was a traitor to Iranians.

He killed Iranians during the invasion of Persia by Islamic armies:



Salman Farsi

by IranFirst on

If you truly stand up for Iran and Iranians you will change back your avatar to Rouzbeh
(Persion name of Salman before becoming an Arab Worshiper and a
traitor). Arab #2 was part of the family of that Charlatan Child-molster (Mohamad). He was in service of spreading Arab Islam (just like the others). Yes he married/raped Sharbanou who was a SLAVE, and you want Iranians to be proud of THIS?

The faith of Iranians has nothing to do with Arab Islam and
Savages who have imposed it on Iranians by force for over 1400 years.



by MM on

First, you forgot to mention that it was the other dominant branch of Islam in Arabia that killed these folks, not the Jews, not the Christians and certainly not the Zoroastrians.

Secondly, your glorification of their "sacrifices" and mordeh-parasti contributes greatly to the khoraafaat and other misuses of these events by the current Mullahs in Iran.  Hussain as the blood of god?  Give us a break and let them rest in peace.

Instead of all these glorifications, you all can start talking about how you can drag Islam out of the 7th century and introduce it to the charter of the human rights, to begin with.  Or, watch it get burried in cemetary of the history.


Brother salman says: "Shia Islam has Perisan;kiani roots"

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

brother salman joon, is begining to sound just too much like "doctor" ahmadinezhad joon. He might even have cyrus's cylinder as his avatar soon! Not surprising, as both salman joon and "doctor" joon seem to be following the Hojjatieh society. and both are just too frightened  to admit it :)  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

salman farsi


by salman farsi on


If you were truly standing up to your name you should have known that Arab #2 was closely related to Iran and Iranians and he was not after power. I suggest brother to change your avatar to Iranlast as you don't know the first  thing about the history and the faith of your country.

For an Islamic democracy

salman farsi

Brother fesenjoon number 2

by salman farsi on



Islamic theology is inseperable from the Islamic history but not vice versa. I said it and you proved me right, You are neither a theologian nor and historain and obviosuly not an Isamic student. Go argue your point with the faculty of Divnity at Harvard and Penn Uni brother.

For an Islamic democracy

Oon Yaroo

Iranfirst, you are 100% correct!

by Oon Yaroo on

Two Ayrabs' conflict being ideological, economical, tribal, or sexual should not be any business or concern of Iranians!



by Fesenjoon2 on

standards in howzeh Elmieh are not the same as those of the academic world.

You cannot teach advanced history courses with a PhD in theology, in many western universities. A PhD in theology for example doesnt know about the methodology used by historians such as counterfactual history, global history, and the advantages and drawbacks of historical fragmentation. A PhD in theology for example wouldnt know squat about techniques such as Carbon-14 dating analysis (used to date archeological evidence, such as tomb artifacts). 

In your world, "agha" (Imam Khamenei) has more knowledge in history, science, literature, religion, ....than an academically trained PhD. 


Why Should IRANIANS care ?

by IranFirst on

Arab # 1 (Yazid) had the power

Arab # 2 (Hossein) wanted the power

Arab #1 (Yazid) had a larger Army

Arab #2 (Hosseion) had a small army

Arab #2 (Hossein) was stupid enough to go to fight against larger army of Arab #1 (Yazid).


Arab # 2 (Hossein) paid for his stupidity and his head was chopped off

Some Iranians, still cry for stupidity of Arab #2 (Hossein) 1400 years later. Even though both Arab #1 abd Arab #2, and their decendents killed and enslaved many Iranians and Imposed their Arab cult of Islam on Iranians

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Ph. D in Theology

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


In my opinion they should not even have such a thing. What does Ph.D in BS-ology mean anyway? Mythology: fine; but anyone who seriously believes this is going aginst all scientific principles. 

Give me one reason why Allah is more credible than Odin? What makes one more real. Why not Zeus. 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Oon Yaroo

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


The problem with double cheeseburger is not the taste. It is the stuff that is generated after you eat it. I avoid it as a courtesy to those around me so I don't suffocate them with gas later on.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I am proving Shia is a twisted hodgepodge of Islam; Zoroastrian and Jewish myths. That is no secret to people who study it without bias. Once again it is "Ashe Shole Galamkar". It gets none of them right.


salman farsi

VPK You are proving my point

by salman farsi on


even if what you say be correct (which is not) it proves that Shiism is a Persian version of Islam and a Kiani one. Can't you see it brother? 

For an Islamic democracy

Oon Yaroo

Getting a Ph.D. in Persian Lit and a Ph.D. in Islamic Theo is ..

by Oon Yaroo on

like a getting a double cheeseburger! Specially after the 1979 AnGholab, you can't tell the difference between the two!

Both taste, smell, and feel the same!

salman farsi

Sorry brothers bust aHarvard scholar of Islam says it all

by salman farsi on




Brother fesenjoon


If you had an ounce of Islamic literacy you would have known that a theologian in Islam cannot be a theologian without knowing the authentic history of his faith as well as its language.  Mhadavi Damghani is a master of both and you have demonstrated that you know not the definition of a historian either brother. 

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well Salman

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


I see that AO & Fesenjoon have already responded correctly to you. They got it basically all right. One thing is that Iman Zaman is just the translation of Sayosant. Nothing in Shia is real or original. It is a pile of made up stuff. 

It was pushed on Iranians by Safavids at the point of the sword. It managed to hold on because of ignorance. But now with internet and free access the myths are debunked. Before long the whole thing will be totally discredited and out.

Mythology has a place but Shia is not even good mythology. As I said before I far prefer Greek or Norse ones. They are more fun; less misery and whining. Taking mythology as fact is plain out nonsense.


wrong again

by Fesenjoon2 on

His 2nd PhD is in Islamic Theology. Not History of Islam.


Sorry, but he's not a historian. 

He's basically an academic akhond. 


salman farsi

Mahdavi Damghani has two PhDs

by salman farsi on


His second PhD is in history of Islam.

Read first write next. If his expertise was not credible he was not invited by Harvard School of Divinity to teach since 1987.  

For an Islamic democracy


AO, Islam itself is a pagan Arab religion!

by Fesenjoon2 on

Allah or Al-ilah (the pagan Moon-God from pre-Islamic Arabia) is what muslims pray to when they face Kaaba 5 times a day. 


If their entire religion is a fraud cheap copy of ancient Arab paganism, then we shouldnt expect Imam Hosein's wife to be real either. 

salman farsi

Iranica is not inclusive and is biased

by salman farsi on



It makes no mention of Professor Mahdavi-Damghani's research. This is called biased and I am sorry to say Yarshater has allowed hs Bahaii biased to influence his choice of sources.

For an Islamic democracy

Anonymous Observer

He was also a fierce anti-Iranian racist Arab

by Anonymous Observer on

//iranian.com/main/blog/khers-1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             I have also read elsewhere that he commanded troops who put down rebellions in Iran, killing thousands of Iranians who rebelled against Arab occupiers.


Ahmad Mahdavi is a nobody

by Fesenjoon2 on

Ahmad Mahdavi Damghani is not even a historian. His PhD is in literature.

His claims about Shahrbanu being real are not accepted by any of the western academic historians.

Encyclopedia Iranica has 300 authors.  

salman farsi

Brother CRITIC

by salman farsi on



My Farsi writer wrote your name the way it wrote. No offece intended (unlike your poem that was offensive). 

For an Islamic democracy

Anonymous Observer

The whole Ashura thing is so laughable--it's a cheap copy of

by Anonymous Observer on

ancient Persian mythology, namley, Siavashun, as it was called and mourned by Iranians.  Siavash is replaced by Hussain with a few minor character and detail changes here and there:

The news of Afrasiyab's warlike preparations satisfied the mind of Siâvash that Garsivaz had given him good advice. Siâvash and his followers, did not fight with the large army opposing them. All of Siâvash's men were killed and beheaded. Women were taken as slave girls and prisoners to Kiman.

In the meantime Afrasiab came up, and surrounding him, wanted to shoot Siâvash with an arrow, but he was restrained from the act. Siâvash himself was beheaded. His death is commemorated by some Persians, especially in Shiraz, in the day called Siavashun.


Sounds familiar? 



His holy libido!

by Fesenjoon2 on

Imam Hosaaaaaaaayn had no less than 6 wives:




Lets not mention the mistresses (kaneez). 


From what I know, salman f.

by Rea on