Hossein Ali Montazeri-an Iranian Hero or a Dictator who Committed Crimes against the Iranian People?


Sayeh Hassan
by Sayeh Hassan

Hossein Ali Montazeri died last night (December 19th 2009) at the age of 87, his death generating various reactions from different opposition groups and figures.

Montazeri was one of the leaders of the Islamic Revolution and at one time the designated successor of Khomeini as the “Supreme Leader.” He was a strong supporter of the Islamic Regime throughout his life and not once did he advocate for a secular and a democratic government.

Although he was a key and powerful figure within the Islamic Regime up to around 1989he never objected to the atrocities committed by the Islamic Regime which included rape, torture and execution of innocent political prisoners, during the early years of the revolution.

He did briefly object to the mass executions of political prisoners in 1988; however his objections were more so to the scale of the executions rather than the executions themselves. He also remained silent for the past 20 years against the rape, torture and execution of thousands of political prisoners. Silence against such atrocities could only be seen as approval of these atrocities.

Montazeri was a supporter of reform within the “un-reformable” Islamic Regime. His crimes against the Iranian people will never be forgotten, and had he lived he would have been tried in criminal courts for the crimes he committed against the Iranian people. His objections to the 1988 mass executions would at best be used as a mitigating factor during his sentencing hearing.

I am quite disappointed in many opposition groups and figures who have decided to create a hero out of this “reformist mullah” who has the blood of thousands of innocent Iranians on his hands.

Why is it that we are so quick to forget the real heroes’ of the people’s movement for a free and democratic Iran, while we have no problem making heroes out of undeserving dictators like Montazeri?

We don’t know or don’t remember the names of thousands of brave men and women who knowingly and willingly sacrificed their lives for a free Iran, but we are quite eager to create a brave hero from a person who may very well have been responsible for the death of those very same young Iranian men and women.

Isn’t time to put an end to this reformist propaganda which ultimately only benefits the Islamic Regime, and to support and remember the real heroes of the pro-democracy Iranian movement?

In memory of all brave young men and women who risked everything for a free, secular and democratic Iran.

In solidarity with all unknown Iranian heroes who are fighting against this barbaric dictatorship called the Islamic Regime.

Down with the Islamic Regime
Long Live Freedom in Iran


more from Sayeh Hassan

Criminal and nothing more

by MRX1 on

When a mobster makes a deal with Feds  in exchange for immunity, he may be off the hook but he is still a mobster. This guy was one of the pioneers of this sick regime in Iran. He always praised khomeini and he believed in this system. He was supposed to become the so called sypreme leader but they sacked him in favor of the current A*hole. It was after his fall from the grace that he became a minor disident. Regarding the mass executions in Iran, he had no problem with it, as long as the one's executed were not minors or women! Men of adult age, go for it and spill the blood. He never appologized, never accepted responsibility, never changed his views. In the end he was just a mullah like any other. But if  the standard Iranian people are aiming is this low so be it.


if he was a "dictator",

by Q on

he must have been the weakest one in Iranian history, which is full of dictators.

So, unfortunately, I have to reject your partisan characterization and divisive insults to this great and well respected man.


Farah Rusta

by IRANdokht on

Congratulations on your "reform" and turning "green"! Now I see why MasoudA was the one who welcomed you to the green side. ;-)


Farah Rusta

I sympathize with Ms Hassan

by Farah Rusta on

Although it seems Ms Hassan's standpoint is that of a left leaning, sectarian activist, she is not speaking the untruth. One must remember that Montazeri was one of the founding fathers of Velayate Faqih and in doing so he was directly associated with all the injustices that occurred under the rule of Velayate Faqih. Montazeri is not on record to have vocally objected to the senseless executions that took place before 1988. This means that for the first ten years of the Islamic regime's rule, he not only chose to remain silent on this issue but his loyalties to the foundations of the regime he had helped set up, and to Khomeini in particular, were so strong that he became the heir apparent to the supreme leader. He fell from favor only shortly before Khomeini's death and due to his opposition to the mass executions of the members of the MKO and other leftist groups.

Let is not forget that there were clrics of higher seniority than Montazeri, like Shariat-madari and the Haeri-Yazdi brothers who actively opposed the rule of Velayate Faqih and were under house until their death. We must keep our judgments in context. 


Anahid Hojjati

من دلم برای سایه می سوزد, always bitter as HollyUSA wrote

Anahid Hojjati


Few weeks ago, this site crashed and your blog got deleted and you accused JJ of deleting it intentionally.  At that time I wrote a poem and in that , I wrote

من دلم برای سایه می سوزد

Once again, I feel sorry for you. You need to grow up fast.



Dear Sayeh...

by annonymous_ranting on

Please please, if you don't have the brains, please don't write distorted  fantasy garbage.

Every article you write is like this... 


Brain Check Please for this lady.

Ahmed from Bahrain

Holy USA Thnk you for

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

posting Shirin Ebadi's letter of condolences. It tells a lot about the man, coming from such a woman.

Petty it is always the case, we hear more about a person after their death. Suffice to say that his main concern was for the prisoners, since he had tasted their ordeal personally.

Petty also that some will always discount a person based on their religion as opposed to their belief. Not all Muslims are war-mongers, and not all whoever are do-gooders. Humans come in all shapes and forms and many wear multiple masks.

Precisely, because of his belief, Montazari will be a major force in changing the status-qua in Iran. This will be the straw that shall break the camel's back. History is written today.

Ahmed from Bahrain


Sayeh jan

by sag koochooloo on

I can understand your frustration with this regime. But I believe that noone is perfect, but it is possible to evolve and change. Montazeri spent decades doing his best to undo his mistake of supporting khomeini. I feel he, like many other iranians, were duped by Khomeini's half truths and lies leading up to 1979. He gave up all his privileges when he protested against the massacre of Iranian political prisoners in 1988 and asked for a review of the revolution's failures. I may be wrong but believe that he put religious values and justice before power and pragmatism. He was a good man that made a huge mistake in helping to create this regime but spent decades doing his best to atone for it.

Although I am not an expert on IRI, Islam or .... blablabla ....

Fouzul Bashi

gitdoun ver.2.0 & Holly USA - thank you

by Fouzul Bashi on

I won't waste any further time on this blog. You said it all.  I have seen another gutless comment from MahmoudG insulting this great man, and surprise surprise MahmoudG is the same 'patriot' who is asking for harsh sanctions and airstrikes on Iran's nuclear facilities!!! This is what separates the movement in Iran from those jumping on its bandwagon in diaspora, with nothing but resentment and hatred for the will, wishes and welfare of the millions living in Iran.

Just one point, although Ayatollah Montazeri supported the notion and creation of velayat-e faghih in Iran, he is on the record to have clarified that by this he means the role of a religious monitor rather than a lawless dictator.  



سوگ‌نامه‌ای برای پدر "حقوق بشر" ایران، شیرین عبادی


تو را پدر می‌‌خوانم، زیرا حمایت از زندانیان سیاسی را از تو فراگرفتم که
به‌خاطر آنان از کلیه‌ی مناصب دولتی و حتی رهبری حکومت جمهوری اسلامی
ایران چشم پوشیدی – تو را پدر می‌‌خوانم زیرا از تو آموختم چه‌گونه از
مظلوم دفاع کنم بدون آن‌ که علیه ظالم دست به خشونت زنم - از تو یاد گرفتم
که سکوت مظلوم یاری رساندن به ظالم است و نباید که ساکت بنشینیم - پدر
فراوان از تو آموختم، هر چند که رسم شاگردی و فرزندی را به‌جا نیاوردم

پدر مرا ببخش که قدرت را ندانستم.

پدر مرا ببخش که در سالهای سختی که علیه رژیم ستم شاهی‌ مبارزه
می‌‌کردی ترا یاری نکردم زیرا ابلهانه می‌‌پنداشتم، حکومتی که مجهزترین
ارتش خاور میانه را دارد با فریاد چند روحانی ساقط نخواهد شد - حتما به
یاد می‌‌آوری که حتی تا چند ماه مانده به پیروزی انقلاب، تعداد روحانیونی
که مخالف شاه بودند، تا چه حد اندک بود- شاید هم از ترس چنین می‌‌اندیشیدم
و می‌‌خواستم بی‌ تفاوتی خود را توجیه کنم.

پدر مرا ببخش، زمانی‌ که پس از تحمل سالها زندان و شکنجه، آزاد شدی
برای تبریک به دست بوست نیامدم زیرا که جاهل بودم. نمی‌‌دانستم در زندان
تو تنها پناهگاه زندانیان بودی. نمی‌‌دانستم چه نقش مهمی‌ در نزدیک ساختن
گروههای مسلمان مبارز و چپ انقلابی‌ داشتی.

پدر مرا ببخش، زمانی‌ که همراه آیت الله خمینی به تهران آمدی و مهمترین
مشاور سیاسی رهبر انقلاب بودی، درایت و تیزهوشی ترا نادیده گرفتم و معنای
سخنانت را نمی‌‌فهمیدم.

پدر مرا ببخش، هنگامی که در آذر ماه ۱۳۶۴ طبق تصمیم مجلس خبرگان رهبری،
به عنوان جانشین امام خمینی و رهبر آینده ایران انتخاب شدی، برای تبریک
نزدت نیامدم زیرا می‌‌پنداشتم که دین را به دنیا فروخته ای. بیشتر دوست
داشتم ترا مجاهد و مبارز ببینم تا حاکم.

پدر مرا ببخش، در سالهای ۶۶ و ۶۷ که به کشتار زندانیان سیاسی اعتراض
کردی و انتقادات خود را به عملکرد غلط حکومت علنا بیان کردی، هر چند
سخنانت را شنیدم، اما واکنشی در خور نشان ندادم.

پدر مرا ببخش، سالها در حبس خانگی بودی ولی‌ به علت سکوت مرگباری که
ایران را فرا گرفته بود و خفقانی که گلوی ما را می‌‌فشرد، مظلومیت ات را
فریاد نزدم و ستمگران را رسوا نکردم.

پدر حلالم کن، که هر گاه از پاسخ در می‌‌ماندم، از خرمن دانش تو توشه
بر می‌‌گرفتم، حتی در آخرین روز عمر پر عزتت نیز از تو استفتأ کردم.

ترا پدر می‌‌خوانم، زیرا حمایت از زندانیان سیاسی را از تو فرا گرفتم
که بخاطر آنان از کلیه مناصب دولتی و حتی رهبری حکومت جمهوری اسلامی ایران
چشم پوشیدی - ترا پدر می‌‌خوانم زیرا از تو آموختم چگونه از مظلوم دفاع
کنم بدون آن‌ که علیه ظالم دست به خشونت زنم - از تو یاد گرفتم که سکوت
مظلوم یاری رساندن به ظالم است و نباید که ساکت بنشینیم - پدر فراوان از
تو آموختم، هر چند که رسم شاگردی و فرزندی را به جا نیاوردم.

تو پدر "حقوق بشر" در ایران هستی‌ و میلیون‌ها چون من فرزند و مرید
داری. نیازی هم به قدر دانی‌ و سپاس ما نداری. اما همه ما در حق تو کوتاهی
کردیم و مقصریم.

پدر ما را ببخش که تو بزرگواری. پدر کوتاهی فرزندانت را تاریخ جبران
خواهد کرد. تاریخ در مورد ستمی که بر تو رفت و آزاده گی تو کتاب‌ها خواهد
نوشت. تو در یادها زنده هستی‌ تا عدالت و انسانیت زنده است.

یکی‌ از میلیون‌ها مرید و شاگردت
شیرین عبادی



Misrepresentation of facts

by HollyUSA on

Ms Hassan

Either deliberately or due to a lack of information, you have misrepresented several facts in your blog.  Montazeri was placed under house arrest shortly after his objection to the mass execusion of political prisoners but continued to support opposition over the years, as he did after the June elections. 

Incase you haven't heard, according to most reports, our brave brothers and sisters, the university students who ARE the anti regime movement are in fact publicly mourning his death for whatever reason(s) they deem fit and necessary, inspite of the regime's attempts to put a stop to it (for obvious reasons to most even if not to you). So what exactly puts YOU in the position to condemn the wishes/decisions of those who are putting their lives on the line for democracy in Iran?

Some friendly advice: You always come across as bitter and angry on a personal level. You speak (write) like 'kasseye daagh-tar az aash'. It gets tiring and pretty soon nobody will want to even hear you out, much less give any credit to your views.


gitdoun ver.2.0


by gitdoun ver.2.0 on

could u please point out citations or references of montazari committing crimes against humanity ? or him having blood of thousands of iranian on his hands ? i mean if he is such a butcher then you would think the U.N or Amnesty International would have something on this guy; wouldn't they?? is your case again guilty by association with Khomeini ????  if that is your best case then i am disappointed. Your presentation of facts are really off the mark it was in 1987 when he began to rebel against Khomeini and he was never a strong supporter of the Islamic Regime after 1987 infact he was it's biggest protester ! That small part of basij beating him down and knocking out his teeth in 1997 i think u missed and not to mention his subsequent house arrest is something you may want to research. Yes he did help create the government of Wilayat Faqhi and true he never spoke in support of a secular democracy but to ignore 20 YEARS of him speaking out against the regime till his dying breath and further painting him as a Butcher with blood of thousands on his hands is beyond reason; it's Fiction !!!!! Your opinion on Montazeri is so fringe i would think u should work for a Monarchist Newsletter !  Infact your the saaame person who is against Akbar Ganji too !!! Sayeh Hassan it is more befitting that u stay in Canada because u are so utterly alone in your opinions inside Iran itself !