Reports received via internet of bassij and Ansar attack on students at Tehran's Science & Technology University.
Campaign to Pressure Iranian Embassy &Consular Staff to Join the People!
Full Report of Neda's birthday held at behesht Zahra cemetery today -- trans. from Persian
The following is a two part chat with a young female relative in Iran. I am sharing it with her o.k and approval. These kids want the world to know what is happening to them. Please pass on and re-post.
Today I wish I was there so I could add my sorrow, my horror, and anger to the collective one of the nation. I wish I could add my sadness to that sea of sorrow.
I pray, even though an atheist, I pray that today this all important day, courage and justice is triumphant and that there will be no blood shed. I pray that no mother has to hear bad news, no woman is martyred and no young man beaten or arrested.
It is very important to pick one of two sides in this struggle. Either you believe in the fact that these elections were rigged or not. If you do, like I do, it does not matter who is behind the tweets.
I found that there were on twitter students from Isfahan, Tehran and Rasht that were desperate to have their plight and struggle covered and disseminated
All I have heard coming out of Iran right now is complaints about being duped. This is not a defeat if we don't stop here. This is the great opportunity to rise and engage in some form of real resistance.
It is difficult to change ones stance on an issue and not be accused of flip-flopping. It is especially hard to do here in where the comments can get especially nasty. Here I jump!