نفت را چه سود؛ برای کشوری که شاهش بی عقل، روشنفکرش گیج، و روحانیش جلاد است؟
این ماه، چهلمین سالگرد جشنهای ۲۵۰۰ ساله شاهنشاهی در راه است. چهل سال پیش از این، شاه مبلغ ۲۰۰ میلیون دلار خرج آن جشن شاهانه کرد - که از میز و صندلی تا ۲۵۰۰۰ بطری شراب، تا شام و نهارش را، از پاریس وارد کرده بودند. آن سال، نفت بشکهای ۲ دلار بود! به قیمت امروز نفت، چنین جشنی را باید به هزینه ۸ میلیارد دلار در شیراز برگزار کرد. به این میگویند یک شاه عاقل و با شعور!
ماه آینده، سی و سومین سالگرد اعتصاب عمومی دانشگاهیان، معلمین و کارکنان دولت، در حمایت از انقلاب اسلامی است. حمایت بی قید و شرط روشنفکران از حرکتی که، نه معنای آنرا درست درک میکردند، نه از مقصد نهایی آن خبر داشتند، و نه حتی کتاب "ولایت فقیه" رهبرش را خوانده بودند! "روشن فکرانی" که سپس یک شبه و با خواندن دو جزوه فتوکپی شده، "کسخلیست" شدند: کمونیست، تروتسکیست، مائویست، استالینیست، مارکسیست-اسلامیست. هر کوفت و زهر ماری، بجز معتدل و لیبرال و واقع گرا. اصلا واژه "لیبرال" از فحش خواهر و مادر بدتر شد ... بقول حزب توده: "جاده صاف کن امپریالیسم".
ماه قبل، بیست و دومین سالگرد کشتار زندانیان سیاسی در سرتاسر ایران، بدستور مستقیم آیت الله عظما روح الله خمینی بود. قریب ۱۵ هزار دختر و پسر هوادار رده پایین گروههای مخالف، هفت سال بود که بخاطر فعالیت سیاسی در زندان و تحت عذاب و شکنجه بودند. اعضای اصلی و درشت آن گروه ها، البته همان اول کار یا اعدام شدند و یا فراری. رهبر شیعیان جهان، حضرت امام خمینی، قبل از مرگش برای اینکه هویت رژیم سفاک خود را تثبیت کند، فرمان قتل عام آن ۱۵ هزار نفر را صادر کرد. شما در تمام قرن بیستم، کشور دیگری را سراغ دارید که روحانیش چنین جلاد شیطان صفتی باشد؟ اگر سراغ کردید، نفت ما را بدهید به آنها، تا خیرش را ببینند.
Recently by Shazde Asdola Mirza | Comments | Date |
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Re Shah's mistakes
by Arj on Sat Sep 17, 2011 02:37 PM PDTDear VPK, Shah's mistakes did not begin in the 70s, they began on 29 Mordad 1953 when he decided to snuff all political voices! That's when he started digging his own grave. The only significant difference between the Shah in 70s as opposed to the Shah in 50s and 60s was the rise in price of oil hence the ensuing power and geopolitical self-importance instilled in him that led to the false sense of security and invincibility exacerbating his megalomaniacal pomp! In effect, the 2500 year celebration was a turning point in his gradual downfall!
Indeed Khomeini and IRI, their regressive qualities notwithstanding, were a byproduct of natural progression of the effects of oil bonanza in a despotic third world society! Shah distanced himself from his people and was abandoned down the history lane for an, albeit a more primitive, opponent who had the support of people and who in turn due to its own distancing from people is about to be replaced by a democratic system! Therfore, it's a part of the socio-political evolutionary trend which, with the exception of a few tribal Arab societies, every nation in the region is going through.
Perhaps Shah could've avoided that fate if he had not downgraded himself as the head of government or the leader of a select part of the political spectrum. But Definitely resorting to his critics such as Bakhtiar, whom he had imprisoned as a member of JM (a political entity he had so fiercly fought to defeat) at the very last minute was not the answer!
P.S. Dear Oon Yaroo, I was 3 years old back then, hence could not have been jealous of the Shah! The point I try to make is that any celebration that does not include the participation of people, can not be considered "national celebrations." I do not live in the U.S., but let me try to get my point across using an American example. Imagin on the 250th anniversary of the U.S. independance, the U.S. president dicides to spend a billion dollars on an inaugural celebration inviting international dignitaries in an enclosed compound with tight security in wich people are not taking part and have to watch on national TV! Actually there is a difference, which is that 4th of July has a history of public celebration, whereas Iranian people had no idea as to what the 2500 year celebration is! My point is not that Shah shoud've invited everbody at Persepolis...! But that he should have celebrated it (whatever it meant) in the streets and back yards of people as well is wherever he was privately (his pallace or Takhte Jamshid...), the way 4th of July is celebrated!
Mr. Kaveh V., Tareq and Michaele Salahis of Iran!
by Oon Yaroo on Sat Sep 17, 2011 02:07 PM PDTUnfortunately, many folks who are not fond of the 2500th event is because deep down feel that they were left out of the festivities!
Like the contemporary Salahi's who would do anything to get into the WH new year eve party, the fake Housewives of DC, and similar events, Iranians wanted to get into that 1971 party.
But as you correctly stated, that event was not meant to entertain that era's MashAllah Panbeh Zan, Hossein Ghassab, Mamad Sabzi Forosh, et al! Needless to say that, all those professions are noble and highly profitable!
Instead, it was meant for the world's dignitaries, influentials, and enablers to see, take notice, and be impressed! And maybe in the process, more investments would/could be made and eventually ordinary Iranians would benefit from it.
Onn Yaroo
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 01:28 PM PDTI don't know why but universities were breeding ground for malcontent. My cousin used to be a happy good nature kid. He got into university and in a few months became a hard core Marxists.
He was from a Middle class family. Nice home parents and all was good. But in a few months he went from a happy kid to miserable and unhappy. I never figured out what made him change. But I assume it was the people he met.
The idea of blowing up power lines was as stupid as they get.They probably had backup generators for a party like that. But say they did not what do they accomplish by it? Make *** out of themselves. By the way all that needed to be repaired. Hence more costs on hands of Iranian people. Their other ideas were not great either. Remember their great accomplishment was taking Americans hostage. One more brilliant idea out of the "intellectual" gangs infesting the universities.
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:57 PM PDTI don't want to start a debate either so we just must agree to disagree. People may reject anything they want. It does not make it true. I hold to my opinion and there is plenty of proof out there.
Anyone who is interested should do their own research. Jimmy Carter hated the Shah and wanted him gone. Public praises mean nothing in politics. It is normal to get the other side off balance before the stab in the back.
Can somebody explain this paradox?
by Oon Yaroo on Sat Sep 17, 2011 01:00 PM PDTA few days prior to October 1971, on the occasion of the 2,500th anniversary of the establishment of Persian empire, SAVAK unfolded plots and arrested a whole bunch of MEK and Marxist terrorists (Khar-Abb-Kar) trying to sabotage the events.
If my memory serves me well, these terrorist clowns were planing on disabling the Iranian power line grid using explosive devices. That way in the middle of the ceremony the power would go out, the guests would be all panicked, the Shah would be embarrassed, and the party would be over! Big bang boom baby! A bunch of party poopers!
Where did all these namak nashnas terrorist clowns come from? These disloyal clowns were mostly university engineering students coming from either religious middle class families or poor families but they all enjoyed and took advantage of the Shah's free educational system (i.e., all tuition, dorms, books, plus a few hundred Toomans of pocket money per month!) They all studied university text books by American authors!
Who were the ideologues of these clownish university students? Ayatollah Talaghani, Ayatoallah Khomeini, Dr. Shariati, Mohandes Bazargan, Marx, Lenin, Mao, Fidel Castro, and the rest of the usual suspects!?
While all of these reactionary terrorist actions were taking place in Iran by the so-called Iranian intellectuals in order to humiliate the Shah and his main supporter (i.e., America), many American students were serving poor, destitute, and rural Iranians under the JFK's peace corps program!?
Can somebody explain this paradox to me?
Now, don't you all go riled up because I call them all a bunch of Olaghs!
by Mammad on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:50 PM PDTWhile I do not intend to start a debate on why the 1979 Revolution came about, I completely reject the notion that Carter helped the Revolution.
On the new year's eve of 1978, Carter praised the Shah in Tehran because due to him, according to Carter, "Iran has become an island of stability," whereas it was completely clear from 1976 that there would be a revolution in Iran. Carter's speech reassured the Shah that he had the U.S. backing. Hence, just 10 days later he ordered the publication of that foolish article under the pseudonym Ahmad Rashidi Motlagh (who is still alive and living in Tehran, based on what I know) in Etelaa't in which Khomeini was attacked. The was the spark, although a few months earlier in September 1977 there were already demonstrations on the southern edge of Tehran against high inflation and poverty.
The Western alliance pressured the Shah to leave Iran in January 1979 when they realized that he will be toppled, not because they wanted to help the Revolution, but because they wanted to keep his regime in place with a bit of reform, exactly what was done in Egypt 32 years later. Where is the freedom in Egypt? Almost all of Mubarak's men are still in power, from Tantavi to Sami Hafez Enan. They sent General Robert Huyser to Tehran to keep the army lined up behind Bakhtiar. And, when on February 11, 1979, fighting errupted, Zbigniew Brzezinski called Huyser and told him to arrange for a military coup, but it was too late.
Yes, the Revolution could have gone on a completely different path and made Iran prosperous and free. But, that is not what we are talking about here. We are talking about what caused the Revolution in the first place.
Yet, 40 years after
by Kaveh V on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:47 PM PDTYet, 40 years after the fact, the misguided crowd who gave us the IRI gift has not realized that the "Jashnhay-e 2500 Saleh" was not for them.
He (Shah) wanted to show that Iran is a decent place to live and has the best to offer for anyone willing to visit and stay. He wanted to bring the best and the brightest of the East and West to help out with his "modernization" plans. The show was not for you, it was for the people outside, the who's who of the world who could have, and did open doors for the 36 million undeserving populace. You proved him wrong, over and over, what is your problem now ?
Shazdeh is right
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:31 PM PDTShah did things that we so crazy they make you wonder about his sanity. The calendar; the one party system; the celebrations. It was as if he wanted to get people angry. I don't know who put these ideas in his head. If it was him then he was losing it. If it was someone else then they wanted to undermine him. This goes to prove you should never have a leader for life. Specially one with the kind of power Shah had. For God's sake why change the calendar?
He had a bunch of "yes sir" parties anyway so why go to a single party system. It really boggles the mind as to his motives. And what is this "Shahanshah" business? It was not like he was Cyrus the Great! He ruled a mid sized nation not a superpower.
Mash Ghasem jan
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:18 PM PDTمجددا، با تشکر از راهنمایی و لینکهای روشنگر شما.
در مورد خدا باید عرض کنم، که ایشان ظاهراً حامی افراد گیج و گول هم هست، بنابراین من خیلی نا امید نیستم.
کشور ما سرزمین "گل و سنبل" است و هیچکس این قضیه را بهتر از شیخ ازل سعدی شیراز درک نکرده. با وجودیکه "قافیه" دارد، امیدوارم که دلگیر نیفتد:
اگر دانش به روزی در فزودی
ز نادان تنگ روزی تر نبودی
به نادانان چنان روزی رساند
که صد عاقل در او حیران بماند
Dear Mammad
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:09 PM PDTShah did make a great many mistakes. I just posted and spoke about some. But without Jimmy Carter there would not have been a revolution. Many things needed to come together to bring that change.
Revolution itself may have taken different pats.
You remember Andrew Young on Khomeini. Here it is "Khomeini would be hailed as a saint". Yes the JC administration had a lot to do with the revolution.
فرامرز جان: صحبت شما صحیح است
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 17, 2011 12:03 PM PDT
There was going to be blood ... but there is a big difference between the MORE and the LESS.
What happened in 1979 was a complete collapse of civil society in Iran. A "grand" revolution a la France and Russia. But although every 30 years, some sort of social upheaval is to be expected in all backward countries, the extend of collapse and bloodshed can be very different.
In my humble opinion, Shad did not need to do anything different than he was doing in 1960's. Actually, in 1960's he was doing very well. He had fully defeated the Tudeh party, the Khomeinists and even the Mosadegists. He had managed to complete a decent land-reform which started the transformation of feudal and tribal Iran into a more free-market society.
What he did in 1970's actually undid his major accomplishments of 1960's. He abolished the Constitutional Monarchy overnight, by declaring his new facist-wanna-be one-party rule of Rastakhiz. He alienated the moderate Muslims by many actions, including that stupid and totally made up "Imperial Calendar" with no connection to the realities of Iran. He gave up all his successful and careful 5-year plans, in favor of an opportunistic and destabilizing dog-eat-dog, fully corrupt, petro-dollar fueled expansion.
You are right, a change to a more popular or populist rule may have been inevitable. However, his dynasty could have survived another 30 years, if he had been half as smart as the kings of Jordan, Morocco or even Saudi Arabia!
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:48 AM PDTاین هم موردی دیگر در تائید مشاهدات شما در مورد مذهبی بودن ریشه تفکر "روشنفکران" ایرانی. ==================================== آرامش دوستدار از معدود نویسندگان مطلع در ریشه های این بینش مذهبی:
Come on SamSam
by Mammad on Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:39 AM PDTThe question is not what crimes the VF regime has committed. That is clear. Most - least of all, me - do not argue with it. But, you are mixing two things, and are trying to justify one thing, that people like me find terrible, by another more terrible thing. Why can we not condemn both?
The question is whether things like tajgozari and 2500 celebration were good for the nation. You seem to imply that they were. Others say they were not. But, it does not mean that you should attack the oppositioon with your usual labels. Practice what you preach. Perhaps kafgir beh tah-e dig mikhoreh that makes use of vulgar language and labels necessay.
It was precisely the Shah's arrogance and bogus grandeur and grandiosity, together with the suffocating political environment, that brought the 1979 Revolution, not Jimmy Carter, not Western oil companies, not conspiracy by the clerics, etc. So long as this is not understood, we won't have any better fate.
by Mash Ghasem on Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:01 PM PDTگلشیری،...را چگونه تقسیم بندی میکنیم، ولی این جمع نقلی و کوچک ، بدون
هیچ گونه ابهام در مورد حاکمیت جدید به کار خود ادامه داد.
" سوسیالیست ایرانی" منو یاد شخصیت "صوفی ماتریالیست" در داستان "سراسر حادثه" بهرام صادقی انداخت. دمت گرم.
مشاهدات شما در مورد اکثریت قریب به اتفاق "روشنفکران" صحیح میباشد. خدا آخر و عاقبت همه ما را به خیر کنه.
Iran Paidar 1st: it is just one example of His Majesty's follies
by Shazde Asdola Mirza on Sat Sep 17, 2011 11:33 AM PDTIf we are to be impartial and objective, the real CREATOR of 1979 Iranian revolution was H.I.M. and his numerous follies.
Nonetheless, I fully agree with you that Khomeini's regime has proven to be 100 times worse than the Shah, in almost all aspects.
میرزا جان مث اینکه بعضی دیگران هم مثل تو فکر میکنند
Mash GhasemSat Sep 17, 2011 11:27 AM PDT
گرداب آرمان خواهی در جامعه مذهبی
Shazde Asdola MirzaSat Sep 17, 2011 11:24 AM PDT
مش قاسم عزیز؛ با تشکر از نوشته و لینک کامپیوتری شما.
امیدوارم که بتوانی به موضع این حقیر در قبال آرمان خواهی بیجا و کم سوادی و کج فکری روشنفکران ایرانی دوره انقلاب - ورای تنگ باوریهای ایدئولوژیک - توجه فرمایی.
روشنفکر ایرانی دوره انقلاب، از هر گروه و هر مسلکی، ریشهاش در بینش تمامیت گرای اسلام بود. بخاطر همان ریشه مطلق گرا، هر جا که رفتیم و به هر سو که چرخیدیم، جز آرمان خواهی و تمامیت طلبی، نیافتیم و نپسندیدیم.
"سوسیالیست ایرانی" فکر میکرد که از قید و بند مذهب رهاییده. ولی هنوز همان شیعه اثنی عشری بود، که حالا برای امام لنین سر کتاب باز میکرد، در سوز صحرای استالینگراد سینه میزد، و همچنان عاشق شهادت بود.
Regarding the image
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:54 AM PDTIt is more important for a leader to have a good image inside. Then worry about your image outside. As others said the whole thing was ridiculed outside anyway. Inside it did nothing to help Shah in fact did the reverse.
I know he wanted the best for Iran but went about it the wrong way. Iran already had a great image. My uncle was in the USA at the time. He told me Americans had a great respect for Iranians. Because the quality of Iranian students here. We did not need the celebrations to gain respect. We had respect. Those celebrations did absolutely nothing to help our image. Just free fuel for Al Ahmad and his gang. That is why Shah needed people who would tell him an idea is really bad.
But he did not invite such people. Instead he got "yes" sir people.
The 2500 year and Jashne honar
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:31 AM PDTThese were stupid; insulting and really bad ideas. But the money would not have made a difference. It was a drop compared to all other things. The major damage was the insult it was to people. It pissed off almost everyone.
From the pomp and pride to the ridiculous "art". And the way regular Iranian people were dismissed. It paved the way to discontent and hatred of the Shah. But the money was not the main problem. This is what happens when leaders are out of touch. If he really wanted to celebrate arts he should have picked Iranian arts. Things like Khatam Kari; Mina Kari; Rug Making; Traditional Persian Music; Poetry; Naggali; Folk Dance; Calligraphy; Miniature Painting and so on.
Now if he had done that it would have connected to people. Not the nightmare noise made by "Stockhausen". Or the abomination of "Rostam" by that Indian dance group which still makes me shudder after 40 years!
This attempt to portray Iran as something else did a lot of harm. To his image; and proved to people he is out of touch with people.
What Shah needed was someone to tell him: are you nuts? This is just going to feed the fuel of those who oppose you. Get your act together and celebrate Iranian things. Maybe a set of performances celebrating our diversity. Say a week of Azari poetry. Next a week of Kurdish dances. Followed by Balouchi cultural art. To prove that he respected the various groups. No one in Iran gave a *** about German electronic music. Focus on real pride not fake "Western" pride.
No wonder "Gharb Zadegi" got so much popular. It was the lack of respect for Iranian things. Not the money.
Yes, Shah should have invited 36 million people for a sleep over
by SamSamIIII on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:04 AM PDTin Persepolis or better yet have all intellectual ommaties vaccinated against gullible fantacism. baba get back to reality, i,m no shahollahi(btw a dumb term made by ex-hezbollahis turned fake mossadeghists post-june 15th ;)) but an independent legacy nationalist. & no matter what beef I have with late shah for his lack of fundamental grass root cultural reforms I cant simply let some of his shady critics put him down for the wrong reasons.
Samasam: Great points.
by vildemose on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:05 AM PDTDear Samasam: Great points. How much did the Shah spend on 2500-year celebration event?? How much IRI spends annually on Hizballah and Hamas and other terrorist Shia groups in the region??
Reform requires the consent of the corrupt
Why is it that when Iranians put their 20/20...
by Oon Yaroo on Sat Sep 17, 2011 09:28 AM PDTWhy is it that when Iranians put their 20/20 hindsight glasses on and reflect back on the Shah's era, they always assign and attribute the problems and responsibilities on that regime's shoulders? What about your own responsibilities as good citizens?What about your problems?
Iranians always say that had the Shah not spent money on the 2500-year anniversary lavish parties, Iranians would have been a lot smarter and a lot more free, Asghar would not have been kachal and Aghdas would not have been beReekht, and this and that!?
Have you guys ever asked yourselves that had you been more honest, hard working, patriotic, loving, caring, and engaged citizens, maybe Iran would have been in a lot better shape than it is now?
The fact of the matter is that Iran was making progress in all fronts and PR was a mechanism to project Iran's status on the international stage! Hence, 2500-year ceremony was a way to achieve that!
Corrupt leaders usually rule upon corrupt people!
Re "pride"
by Arj on Sat Sep 17, 2011 09:47 AM PDTThe main question is: Where were Iranian people amid all these celebrations? The answer is: They weren't even allowed to get near these festivities! Yes, if the 36 million Iranians of the day were involved and participated in a national celebration, that would've shocked and awed the foreigners and brought us pride! Yet, these festivals featuring avant-garde arts by the likes of Karl Heinz Stockhausen and Iannis Xenakis were not meant for participation by Iranian people to begin with! On the contrary, people were treated as almost non-entity by Shah.
Prince Philip, Heath and Agnew must have had a good laugh to see their quy, who's throne would not have even been there without the backing of their secret services, putting on a side show as if he actually was the master of his domain!
P.S. Why does it always have to be either or?! It's either the fake pride in Shah's BS or that of IRI's nonsense! Are we doomed forever to consider these two choices as our options, or are we being pushed into believing so by Hezbollahis on the one hand, and Shahollahis on the other?!
false pride
by maziar 58 on Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:39 AM PDTfor as comfortable as life was in late 70's for most Iranian
the idea of spending money back then for that 50 th of pahlavi & 2500th of monarchy was a message giving the west that yes with all the short coming we will be there ahead of you within the next decade.
miscalculating Iranians's lack of true fidelity to the ........
In today's current Iran the naeeni aaba & naalin business is booming as a local biz for a whole local peoples and they can export it to syria and beyond.
re; "pride" & "laughing hard at Iranians"
by SamSamIIII on Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:21 AM PDTThe fact that most major heads of states from eastern & western blocks attended the ceremony proves our so called intelectual's wrong. NO ONE was laughing & Iran was not a joke otherwise 34 kings, 44 presidents & prime ministers & 88 foreign ministers wouldn,t show up and btw they didn,t come there for freakin free caviar(so what should king philip eat? Abgoosht or abdoohkhiar?) but as PR to be counted as allies by Iran because Iran mattered in the world stage. Lets see how many heads of states would come to the beloved Omaru republic's next conference...lets see, head of palestinian resistance in charge of shawarma, Lebenese wing of falafel & kouskous, Iraqi Jaish al Mahdi jehadists.... those celebration no matter how cheesy was meant as an "in your face" coming of age for Iran to be acknowledged not as just another rag head middle eastern country but a nation with a rich heritage . Well ofcourse it had it's own critics such as the ones the blogger pointed out like fake trotskist, marxists , ommatists, waneh be intelectualists, khomarists, Iamsmarterthanyouists... & the rest of the herd..
Get a grip for goodness sake, what would you prefer, the parisian caterer getting a few extra bucks or the Lebenese jehadist getting a few extra kills.. migan kafgir keh tahe dig mikhoreh digeh beh khaviar band mikonan::)).
Where is that "Like" button when we need it the most?
by Souri on Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:13 AM PDTI would push the very "Like" or even the "Love" button for Arj's comment.
Although Mammad's complementary comment is so much appreciated.
You two said it all. Thanks!
Bloodshed Was Inevitable
by Faramarz on Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:01 AM PDTDear Shazde,
I have always wondered what Shah could have done differently and at what point so that Iran would not have ended up in this sorry state. And the only answer that I can come up with is a major overhaul of the political system and relinquishing a big chunk of his power in the late 60’s when he was not as prominent as he was in the mid-70’s.
By late 70’s he was a dying dictator and the forces against him were getting armed and strong so becoming a dictator-lite would not have made a difference. I think that aside from the oil, Iran’s geo-political position in the east-west struggle made it extremely difficult for a nationalist figure like Lech Walesa of Poland to come to the rescue. You were either with Moscow or Washington. That was the order of the day.
We were doomed by the late 70’s, either a Marxist/MEK takeover, a military coup or the Islamic Republic. One way or another there was going to be bloodshed.
Creating Pride?
by Mammad on Sat Sep 17, 2011 08:01 AM PDTYou must be kidding! Even the Western press, whose leaders had attended the celebrations, mocked what had happened. One called it the gathering of some of the most corrupt people. Many of them were overthrown by their own people later on!
Pride in what? Persepolis and Iranian history were and are known to the world. No need to spend so lavishly, aside from creating a bogus sense of greatness by a government that was the result of a CIA-sponsored coup, and giving some moftkhor the best foods and drinks, while there were millions of the poor in the country.
So long as we do not learn to look at things objectively, even things that we may like or support, we won't have any fate better than what is happening to Iran now.
And SamSam's computation is wrong. Today oil price is around $100. In 1973 after Arab-Israel war it was $12. But, every economist says that the current $100, AFTER ADJUSTING FOR INFLATION, is less than or around $12 of 1973. Go figure.
by Arj on Sat Sep 17, 2011 07:39 AM PDTThe only thing the 2500 years celebration did not bring to Iran, Iranians, or even Shah was pride. It just made some Paris catering businesses rich and provided jobs for film casting firms and costume manufacturers! Who are we kidding? Are we to believe that dignitaries from around the world, while sipping champagne and delving into caviar, were shocked and awed by marching of a few thousand extras in drag and fake beard trying to recreate the bygone grandeur of a typical third world rentier society? The kind of lavish extravaganza normally attributed to the likes of Sultan of Bruni or Oman! Deep down, they must've been laughing hard at our nation's detachment from realities of the world and Shah's megalomaniacal demeanours!
fair enough yet,
by SamSamIIII on Sat Sep 17, 2011 06:52 AM PDT$200 million in 1975 even with a generous %4 rate of inflation would have been no more than $554 mil in present valuation. Just the chandelier donated by Islamic republic to Imam Ali shrine is valued over $120 million, made by south african Dimonds & Gold ;
FV = PV * (1 + i)^n 554= 200 * (1 + 0.04) ^ 26 where:
PV=present value(200 mil)
FV= future value(in todays valuation)
i= inflation rate
n=time(26 yrs)
Mind you, atleast Shah spent that inside Iran to showcase her heritage but the omaru mullahs spent 10 times that amount on foreign Arab jehadists, rebuilding Karbala, Najaf & south lebenon.