It might save their lives


It might save their lives
by Shorts

This is a document that a friend of mine who is an Iranian-American police officer has put together. He is the member of the SWAT team and he's an expert on anti riot tactics. he has been watching and studying the videos and the tactics that basij has been using and he put the document together. It would be great to spread this document and pass it on to the kids in Iran. It might save their lives. -- SB

Here are some simple ways of defending yourself when attacked by Basij or Security forces.

Anti riot attacks

Once caught by security forces, the best way to break free is by swinging relentlessly in all directions. Keep in mind that security forces have to hold on to you, which means they only can use one hand to deflect the blows. Brass Knuckle is extremely effective when trying to break loose from the grip of security forces. Wooden brass knuckle is strong and simple to make. The image above is a sample of a basic wooden brass knuckle that can be made with a piece of wood, a cutter and a drill. It should not take more than 30 minutes to make a wooden brass knuckle. Wooden brass knuckle is extremely strong, light weight and versatile. Make sure that the top edges are sharp and round.

Motorcycle attacks

Iranian Basij motorcycle units use attack and retrieve tactics which is meant to create fear more than anything else. The same tactic was used by US police forces on horsebacks when confronting the civil right protestors. The advantage of utilizing motorcycles in urban environment is obvious: motorcycles can go places that cars can’t. However, motorcycles have disadvantages which can handicap the force that uses them.

The most effective way of disabling motorcycles is using tire spikes. Though made of carbon cratnor material, the Basij motorcycle tires cannot withstand multiple punctures. The easiest way to spike Basiji’s tires is by using a simple tire spike system called Iron Caltrop. This simple device can be made in a matter of minutes by wrapping two pieces of nail together in a 65 degree angle. By dropping a handful of Iron Caltrop on the ground, you can deflate the tires of Basijis’ motorcycles in a matter of minutes. If you ride, you know how difficult it is to steer a motorcycle with two flat tires.

Tear gas

A fabric soacked in vinegar can very well protect you against tear gas. Cover your nose and mouth with the fabric and keep plenty of water around to wash your eyes if you come in direct contact with tear gas. Urban Legend: burning tires will reduce the effect of tear gas. Not true, it actually increases the effect and it smells bad too.


Riot police is trained to use batons. They understand that it’s easy to hit a stationary target and much easier to hit a target that is running away. Hitting somebody with baton is a matter of timing. The worst thing you can do is to run away from baton whirling security guards because it allows them to time the strike perfectly. The most effective way to counter a security guard with baton is to throw off his timing by going directly at him. That’s right. Run away and turn and go directly at him. When you go directly at the guard and close the distance, you completely screw up his timing. A boxer cannot hit a person that is standing 2 inches away from his face. That’s why boxer bounce around. A baton whirling guard is just like a boxer, he needs to time his strikes. By going directly at the guard and closing distance you mess-up his timing and might even be able to take him down.

Riot formation

Basij and police security guardsmen perform best when crowd disperses and becomes separated. The worst scenario for the riot police is when the crowd is together and inseparable. South Korean labor protestors in the 90s were the best organized units in history of rioting. Thousands of them held on to each other (locked arms) and no matter what, they did not let go. It made it impossible for the riot police to disperse them.

Just a few tips. Please translate and send it back to the youth in Iran. This can save their lives.


more from Shorts

How to make homemade napalm

by freeman (not verified) on


taking out cycles.

by BikeTech (not verified) on

The previous post regarding using sticks. This does
work well, shoving a rod into the spokes of the
front tire of a motorcycle. A 2 or 3foot length
of electrical conduit, or even a light tree branch
will either stop the bike or even flip it over,
even with two riders depending on it's speed. A
hand full of chain thrown in a ball towards the
spokes will work as well and is easy to hide in
your hand. Petrol in a balloon can usually just
be thrown at the hot engine or exhaust and will
ignite on it's own. Balloon full of paint on the
windscreen will also disable the driver. Any
type of thick oil thrown at the air intake of
a cycle will also disable the engine for at least
a few minutes. And the cable clothesline can drop
a driver without a windscreen, but I would not
use aircraft type cable, just cheap rope and
don't hang on!! Tie it off to tree's, car's.
Stay safe, be smart!!


Va in ham tarjome man

by behrooz irani (not verified) on

ینها چند دستور عمل برای دفاع از خود در مقابل حملهٔ بسیجی‌‌ها و نیروهای امنیتی است که توسط یک پلیس ایرانی‌-آمریکایی‌ عضو تیم swat و متخصص تاکتیک ضد شورش بیان شده است. او این نکات را بد از مطالعه و مرور ویدئوهای فعلی‌ از حملات بسیجی‌‌ها تهیه کرده است. لطفا این را به همه پخش کنید.

حمله‌های ضد شورشی:

هنگامه دستگیری توسط نیروهای ویژه، بهترین راه آزاد شدن محکم خود را محکم به همهٔ جهت‌ها تاب دهید.

به یاد داشته باشید که نیروهای امنیتی مجبورند شما را با یک دست نگه دارند، پس فقط میتوانند با یک دست دیگرشون ضربه‌های شما را دفع کنند.

پنجه بکس سلاح بسیار موثری ایست برای آزاد شدن از چنگ نیروهای امنیتی. پنجه بکس چوبی سلاح محکمی است و براحتی قابل ساخت. عکس بالا یک پنجه بکس چوبی را نشان میدهد که میشود با یک تکه چوب، یک چاقو، و دستگاه درل، در کمتر از ۳۰ دقیقه ساخت. پنجه بکس چوبی بسیار محکم، سبک، و پر مصرف (چند منظوره) است. سعی‌ کنید که لبه‌های بالاییش تیز و گرد باشند.

حملهٔ موتور سوارها:

بسیجین موتور سوار از تاکتیک حمله‌و‌عقبنشینی استفاده میکنند که فقط به منظور ایجاد ترس است. این تاکتیک رو پلیس آمریکا هم سوار بر اسب بر ضد معترضین حقوق مدنی استفاده میکرد. مزیت استفاده از موتور در محیط شهری واضح است: موتور میتواند جاهایی‌ برود که ماشین نمی‌تواند. ولی‌ ضعف‌هایی‌ هم دارد که میتواند به ضرر نیروهای مصرف کنندش باشد.

موثرترین راه از پا در آوردن موتور سوارها استفاده از tire spike (تله میخدار برای پنچر کردن) است. با اینکه لاستیک موتور بسیجی‌‌ها از جنس کاربن کراتنر است، طاقت چندین پنچری را ندارد. میتوانید یک وسیله برای پنچر سازی را در عرضه چند دقیقه بسازید (iron caltrop). دو میخ را با زاویه ۶۵ درجه، از وسعت بهم بتابانید (میخها از وسعت به دور همدیگر حلقه میخورند). با مشتی از اینها میتوانید لاستیک موتوری‌ها رو در عرضه چند دقیقه پنچر کنید، که باعث دشواری کنترل این موتورها میشود.

گاز اشک آور:

پارچه اغشته به سرکه شما را در مقابل گاز اشک آور محافظت می‌کند. بینی‌ و دهانتان را بپوشانید و همیشه با خود مقدار زیادی آب همراه داشته باشید که در صورت تماس با گاز، چشم‌هایتان را بشویید. سوزاندن لاستیک ماشین، تاثیر گاز اشک آور را کمتر نمیکند، و بوی آند شاید مبارزه را برای شما سخت تر کند.


پلیس ضد شورش تمرینات استفاده از باتون را گذرانده است. آموخته که هدف ساکن راحت قابل زدن است و هدف در حال فرار حتا راحت تر! استفاده از باتون نیاز به زمان بندی دقیق دارد. فرار از دست یک باتون دار، به او این فرصت را میدهد که ضرباتش را زمانبندی کند. پس سعی‌ کنید جلوی این زمان بندی را بگیرید و او راا غافلگیر کنید. با اول فرار کردن، سپس دور زدن و به سمت او دویدن. وقتی‌ به سمت او میدوید و فاصله را کم می‌کنید، کاملا زمان بندی او را بهم میزنید. همانطور که بوکسر‌ها نمیتوانند به کسی‌ که فقط چند اینچ با آنها فاصله دارد مشت بزنند، به همین خاطر مرتب در رینگ جلو و عقب میروند. شما با دویدن به سمت باتون نه تنها زمان بندی او را بهم میزنید بلکه شاید بتوانید او را زمین بزنید.

صف آرایی شورشی:

بسیجی‌‌ها و نیروهای ضد شورش در هنگام متفرق شدن و جدایی شما میتوانند بهتر عمل کنند. بدترین سناریو برای آنها این است که مردم کنار هم بایستند و جدایی ناپذیر باشند. در مبارزات کارگری کره جنوبی، مردم همه بازو در بازو ایستادند و تحت هیچ شرائطی بازوهای هم را رها نکردند. این متفرق کردن آنها را برای پلیس ضد شورش غیر ممکن کرد.


Molotov Cocktails folks -

by freedom fghter (not verified) on

Molotov Cocktails folks - takes out motorbikes, cops, even tanks at times - everything!! All you need are glass bottles, rags, and gasoline...


Defending against baton charges

by Doh Rageh (not verified) on

You can make shields by cutting a trashcan in half. Plastic trashcans are easier to cut than metal ones but you'll have to reinforce them by rolling up newspapers VERY tightly and gluing/taping them to the inside.

Metal trashcans are best. You may also use metal trashcan lids.

In order to use them, your group needs to stick tightly together and shield the front three lines and the sides of the group.

If there is danger of a baton charge, this shielded group can block and protect the rest of the people.

This is a picture of how to use the sheilds that you've made when you're in formation:


Dam'ehtoun garm.


Tricking Basiji Night Assaults

by Doh Rageh (not verified) on

The Basiji mark people's homes that they are going to assault with paint.

Use these same marks and the same color paint on a home or building and abandon it for the evening. This tricks them into being in one spot where no one is.

If they are all together in one area, then they must not be in their headquarter buildings.


Iran zendeh baad!


Moussavi's thugs?

by S. Walker (not verified) on

I would be happy to have a meeting between you and your Basiji pig friends and me and my comrades. Fuck you fascist piece of shit.


To make things clear

by rlndo (not verified) on

..I do NOT agree with AlirezaG1 : he'sprobably a gvernment agent trying to dissuade people from doing anything.

I still stand by my point, however: passive non-violent resistance is the best option for now!




by rlndo (not verified) on

AlirezaG1 is right:

The whole idea of The sea of green is to meet violence with non-violence. The government has guns, grenades, mortars, etc. People will never win by trying to fight that.

Mousavi asks everyone to be as non-violent as possible, as soon as ppl use violence, the government can say "See? They;re violent thugs, we told you".

Non-violent means passive resistance: building blockades, carrying sheets/bin banners to wrap around police, painting slogans on walls, etc.

I know the first instinct is to fight, but you'll only make things worse, Mousavi knows this!



i see the ahmadinejad

by scott weeland (not verified) on

i see the ahmadinejad propagandists here trying to justify the recent elections and actions. it is one of many of their holy (evil) lies.



by Doh Rageh (not verified) on

Mardoom daran mimiran tou koocheh. Ghouleh daran alaki mikhoran. Har kesi keh mikhaad khodesh o doostah eshoun komak konan vakhti police beh baton o haftir mardoom mizanan mitounan har jouri keh mikhan.

Behtareh beshinan sar eh jaah eshoun o bemiran? Ein enghelaab eh, doost aziz. Digeh protest nistesh.



by V (not verified) on

Generally, a stick in the spokes will just snap.

You would need an Iron Rod, and if you can get that close with one, you would still be better off smacking the rider in the head.

Sand works, oil works, and as long as it's not raining hard enough to wash it away, massive ammounts of dishwashing liquid (any liquid soap) will work.

Once you take it down, a screwdriver through the wall of the fuel tank will disable it in a manner that's not easy to repair, and will ussually provide you with all the fuel you need to set it ablaze.

A riot helmet is nothing but extra mechanical advantage on their neck if you have to wrestle them.

If they get a hand on you, remember to twist against the thumb, not the fingers. If you have a free hand, grab their thumb in your hand and pry back hard. If you have to throw blows, use knees elbows and palms - a fist to their helmet or most of their armor may well shatter your knuckles. You won't knock them out, you want to knock them off-balance.

If you are alone, if there are several of them, if they've gotten a firm grip on have to make your own choice as to whether you've got a chance to get away. Remember, when you hurt them you inspire them to hurt you more. It's your life, and no one can tell you what choice to make in that situation.

Cover up completely, but do not wear loose clothes that can be easily grabbed.

Saline solution for tear gas or pepper spray in the eyes, bicarbonate and water for everywhere else. You can have these pre-mixed and carry them in drinking water bottles without drawing suspicion.


In tarjomeha hich kodam

by Behrooz (not verified) on

In tarjomeha hich kodam kamelan dorost nistan, lotfan sabr konin, man ye tarjomeye khub mikonam, uno share konid.


Right to vote

by AlirezaG1 (not verified) on

"Inciting violence against tyranny is an expectation of the citizens of a free country. It is a Federal crime in the United States to deny a qualified citizen their vote! "


Then why are you using violence and riots (what you call "self defense") to deny Ahmadinejad's supporters their vote? Ahmadinejad won, and no one has a shred of evidence proving otherwise.

In the future, make sure you have a real majority - not an imaginary one - before you abandon the law and take the fight to the streets. Otherwise you'll be outnumbered by people, and now that you've thrown the law out the window, they will be as ready to break the law as you are.

What's sad is most of the people inciting impressionable Iranian youth into violence are Americans doing it mainly for entertainment.


White paint

by Doh Rageh (not verified) on

One thing we used to do in the protests is to get white house paint and fill balloons and water guns with it. Most of the time it's much too thick for most water guns and there isn't enough paint to go around, so you mix it with an equal part water.

Why use this? When the paint balloons pop on the clear police shields or on their helmet visors, they cannot see through and must take them off.

It obstructs their vision.

Another tactic is to use urine to spray them with. Many times police disguise themselves as plainclothes on the scene. When they smell like urine you will be certain who is an undercover agent.

It's gross but it works very well. Permanent dye will also work if you have access to it.


khodetoonoh control konid

by AlirezaG1 (not verified) on

Are you people out of your minds? Calm the hell down and stop inciting impressionable teenagers to die for your entertainment.

Khak bar sareh toon bachehayeh Irani keh mezareeh een ashgahl goolet bedeh.

And if you want to riot do it in your own cities and leave Tehran alone. Rather, give us your address and a few of my friends and I will express our disagreement with your comments by doing the things Moussavi's thugs do - burn your car, set your trash on fire, set a bus on fire in front of your house, and of course the "self defense" techniques above.



by Utetuioty (not verified) on

Regarding soaking the masks with vinegar, I read this on another blog:

"Contrary to common opinion, don’t use lemon/vinegar, neither to clean eyes / nose etc (as it will only add to the pain) nor to soak your face masks (as it will make you feel like the concentration of chemical agents stacking up in the wet mask wasn’t as bad as it actually is, and by the time you feel how bad it really is already, you have been exposed way too much)"



Regarding soaking the masks

by Hejgudjkgk (not verified) on

Regarding soaking the masks with vinegar, I read this on another blog:

"Contrary to common opinion, don’t use lemon/vinegar, neither to clean eyes / nose etc (as it will only add to the pain) nor to soak your face masks (as it will make you feel like the concentration of chemical agents stacking up in the wet mask wasn’t as bad as it actually is, and by the time you feel how bad it really is already, you have been exposed way too much)"




by I-R-A-N (not verified) on



How to make caltrops (road spikes)

by Street Fighter (not verified) on


گوگل....عمّه ت به قِرپت با این ترجمهء تحت اللفظی ت




فارسی شکر است.!  متن انگلیسی خیلی جالب و مفید هست ولی.......

این دوتا ترجمهء متن بفارسی رو بخونید و اون رو با متن انگلیسی مقایسه کنید

و ........این واسهء خندهء این آخر هفته تون، تا آخر هفتهء بعد هم خدا بزرگه، بالاخره احمدی نژاد یا رهبر  یه نطقی چیزی میکنن!



ولی بالاغیرتاً هر کی میتونه این ترجمه های فارسی رو برای بر و بچه ها تو ایران بفرستید، تو این ایام غمزدگی کلی باعث تفریحشون میشه

پی اس.

گوگل....عمّه ت به خیکت  با این سافت ور  ترجمه ات!


Interesting, but what to do

by lyontamer73 (not verified) on

Interesting, but what to do when arms are locked but they come with axes?

To AlirezaG1 above, This is not about inciting violence, it's about self-defense. If the regime was not violent towards protestors, there would be no need for self-defense lessons.


Fighting Back

by Isfahani (not verified) on

How about using some big fishing nets to tangle them up? What really needs to happen is hundreds and thousands of people should attack and raid police stations or Basij bases and secure some weapons of their own!


Criminal offense

by Chad Doty (not verified) on

Inciting violence against tyranny is an expectation of the citizens of a free country. It is a Federal crime in the United States to deny a qualified citizen their vote! It is a basic human right to be free to express oneself and to share with other humans ones beliefs. The Iranian government is responsible for inciting the violence not the people!


More tips

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

This is from a twitter user called "GhostOfCyrus", he has been posting these tips over and over again, he adds more and more tips, translate and spread the messages:

Dip cloth in vinegar, bind it infront of your face and nose, it helps against tear gas. #iranelection

Dont wear t-shirts, try covering as much of your skin as you can, wear full clothes, it helps against tear gas and chemicals #iranelection

When protesting, stay together, the worst thing you can do is to run away and spread in small groups, making it easier for the Basij#Iranelection

Dont go alone out and protest, go out in groups of at least 5, walk together, storm together, watch over each-other #iranelection

Organize yourself in groups, let one of you carry a bag with water, medical equipment like band aid, another one a camera #IranElection

Organize groups to spread across the city, each group covering a certain part. Recruit but beware of government infiltrators#Iranelection

If someone in your group gets killed, do not give the body to hospitals. Document the killing, Hide them for their families. #Iranelection

If you have weapons, dont use them during day protest. Organize and use them in the night, basij are less organized then. #Iranelection

Use weapons only in self-defence, dont give them legitimacy to shoot into crowds. #Iranelection

Rub onion juice under your eyes to tolerate yourself against tear gas if you know there will be fights, be prepeared! #Iranelection

Medical students should organize and create secret make shift hospitals that are out of reach of the basij #Iranelection

Create protection against Baton beatings,take a piece of wood/metal,bind it under your arm,use it as a shield as you run #Iranelection

Carry light clubs and knuckle rings/weapons to punch and beat back militia groups if needed.

Wear gloves, tear gas canisters are warm, they can be thrown back at the police, do this fast! #Iranelection

Motorbikes:use nails, spikes, create full road blocks, if they get off their bikes, bomb them with rocks, push them back #Iranelection

Cover your faces, do not take pictures of your fellow protestors faces! Hide the faces if you publish them on the net #Iranelection

Simple full clothing covering like latex and plastic based clothing is effective against helicopter dropped chemicals #Iranelection

Put pressure on bullet wounds, stop the bleeding, transport to a hospital as fast as possible #Iranelection

Gun wounds on chest must be compressed and covered with air tight PLASTIC to avoid insucktion of air, then transport HOSPITAL #Iranelection

The plastic film that you put on a gun shot wound on the chest must be secured with tape hard! Dont let air be sucked in #Iranelection

First aid bag: Band aid with tape, water with spray bottles, plastic film, Ice bags, poles to bind next to fractures etc #Iranelection

Remember, The government is running psychological warfare, do not believe their newspapers, radio and TV channels. FIGHT! #Iranelection

These tips will be repeated every couple of hours, spread these tips to your brother and sisters, you are the resistance! #Iranelection


defense tactics

by Anonymous in Italy (not verified) on

Sticks...into the spokes of motorcycle wheels will bring them down. Once down, they can be owned.
Oil works great too. Great two wheel destabilizer.
When they go down...try to get their helmets off...they feel powerful with them on...not so when off
Power is in numbers. Use four people to attack each motorcycle. Four on two are good odds, when armed with sticks, brass knuckles. Pull spark plug wires, rip off radios. Make it a very expensive expenditure to put motorcycles into the battle.
Balloons filled with gasoline and a zippo type lighter will light the bike and its riders up
How you defeat a bully is by standing up to him, being smarter and never backing down, even if you get your ass kicked the first time.
You all know who these people(bajis) are. They have wives, children, homes, they go shopping, they go to work. They live among you. They have to sleep sometime.
Two people with stranded metal cable stretched tight at the right moment can dismount a motorcycle in an instant and its very difficult to see through the face mask of a helmet especially in dim light.
You take out enough of these guys and they will cower.
Hope you have much success.


a couple more tips

by KBlack (not verified) on

At least two of the people killed were shot in the neck or chest, I wonder if that is where the Basij are primarily aiming. The protesters should protect their necks and upper chests against bullets with protective gear as best they can. Also, take down street signs to confuse troops imported from other places (this worked in the former Czechoslovakia).

Good luck.


How do Iranians defend their city from Moussavi's thugs?

by AlirezaG1 (not verified) on

And why are you inciting violence? That's a criminal offense in the United States.


yes, this is a very good

by lolitissimo (not verified) on

yes, this is a very good stratégy, but the matter of fact is on the motocycles there are 2 pepole that one of them is armed. How do it ?

sorry about my english, is far from perfect.



We translated an English

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

We translated an English text some days ago:

I will translate and add this there as well.