to all "Rofagha" here


Soosan Khanoom
by Soosan Khanoom

Now you all  " Rofagha " with Sibil or without Sibil just open your eyes and do not let hate of IRI make you so blind to not see the reality that is happening on the streets ............ do not forget the policy of divide and rule ....... well Mash Ghasem you should know it since Daee jan Napoleon has warned you of it oh so many times ........

I am for freedom and democracy in Iran ....... and i hope one day we will have  secular government ... a government which strives to separate itself from any religious or spiritual matters

but I think there are extra hands in the middle of this fight who wants to just make things worse..... these hands are are never for building Iran but destroying it ...... they want to ruin our demonstrations by vilonce so it makes it more justify for mullahs to kill and they want also more people be killed by the mullahs so things even get more stormy ...... all for the benefit of no other country but our sweet innonce Isreal  ...

 No one likes  Khadafy, Iranian regime or the Chinese regime, etc.  But why should the US do all the regime changes.  All these regimes will be changed by globalist Socialist pro-Wall Street banking “democratic regimes”.   U.S is planning a new geography and a new world order.  It is all to keep American people away from an uprising in US which is inevitable anyway.  (The MEK being trained in Nevada is also for use as thugs in US later on.)

Please read the following article carefully.....  US has been training MEK's (Mujahidin Khalgh who are worse than Red Khmers of Cambodia) in Nevada.  The whole North Africa spreading intoBahrain is pretext for division of Iran.  US has spent 200 million dollars on MEKs for infiltrating Iran and killing  demonstrators on the street . The MEK thugs will kill thousands of innocent people and blame the government as well as killing pro government people to blame it on the demonstrators.

The thugs that have killed over 500 people in Libya and they blamed Khadafy for it are actually south Sudanese pro US trained Christian communists.  (Marxist Islamists, yak same thing).

Already all the media are saying they are Khadafy’s thugs while they are hoarded in by US.

 I have already post one article concerning this on the news section here .... take a look 








more from Soosan Khanoom

And I need to add this

by Rea on

Love these blogs where they pretend to talk about Iran but they start off with Israel. So patriotically IRI, oh, ah.

Soosan Khanoom

COP ......  what is your

by Soosan Khanoom on

COP ......  what is your problem? 

I just post links that I thought it worths reading .......  if you think it is not then just ignore it and go to other blogs ...... i appreciate the time you took and read my posts .  why you keep bullying and labeling anyone who is just discussing things here? .....    you certainly are for anything but democracy.... 

VOP ... by grow up i mean to not label your opponent ........ if i am a pro regime i see no reason to hide it  ....... I will stand and proudly announce it ...... but I am not ... I can not ........ because I know what the hard liners had done to our country .........

Joe you points are well taken and thanks for your comments..... 


Mash Ghasem

Sosan, you're just getting your hole deeper and deeper

by Mash Ghasem on

After 32 years Iranian people have risen up, and especially in the past two years have paid an incredibly high price for their freedom.

Why is it that you never, ever mention any of this, how the best way to end it, identifying the culprits, ...generally an expression of solidarity and support for the movement in Iran.

Instead all we hear from you is this fear mongering on Rajavi & Co., just like Ministry of Information does right before every demonstration. Mere coincidence? I don't think so.


Very Interesting about "new" posters here

by Cost-of-Progress on

and how some of these "new" posters have been members for one, or two years, yet most do not have any postings and blogs.

This is called sandbagging people. When one account gets blocked, use the reserves!






Their signature card

by Cost-of-Progress on

is want death and destruction for iran...oh, you want sanctions for Iran.

I want niether for Iran. Here's what I want. Try to challenge it:

- I want a free and democratic Iran void of any interference from religion (Islam) and their representatives. I accept that most Iranian people are forced muslims (only they don't think about it) and acknowledge the non-political role that this religion can play but in NO WAY, Shape or Form shall Islam be given a free reign to terrorize my motherland. Once these [muslims] are given the choice not to HAVE to be muslim, chances are that in time, most will choose something different.

Give them the tools and let them decide. Tools, not propaganda and nonsensical religious crap designed to enslave their minds.






JOE L: do you know how

by vildemose on

JOE L: do you know how ridiculous you sound??? Stop peddling VEVAK's talking points. We have heard it all before....

Why were you in Iran anyways?? Training to be a cyber basiji???


well-said COP. IRI

by vildemose on

well-said COP. IRI apologists are scramming to find new talking points to silence the opposition while Khameni calls Iranians number one enemy of the state of IRI.

Maybe if the supreme ignorance had treated its people better, had not stolen so much, or squandered and mismanaged the antional wealth, then they would not have to be afraid of anybody, zionists, globalist, orthe US.   They know they don't have the support of their own people so they come up with shenangans all the time. It's sickening and all in the name of Islam and so-called independence..

Why do we have to suffer a corrupt, thievng, brutal leadership when the only way they know how to stay "independent" is through terrorizing their own people and the world??

Independence does not require theocracy, Islam or fascism, or full fledge thievary and lining one's own pockets.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Soosan Khanoom

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


  • What does "growing up" mean? If it means accepting IRR propaganda: never. I don't plan to "grow up".
  • As COP said Leveretts are well known IRR apologists. We have known about them for years. They have 0 credibility so don't bother.
  • We also know about IRR supporters pretending to be reformer. Therefore this old dog does not hunt.

Joe L.

iran is not a dictatorship

by Joe L. on

you walk on streets of tehran and tell me that you are living in a dictatorship. i was afraid to talk about palestinians or israeli policies in the middle east when i visited israel, is that freedom? people were ok to be racist there, is that ok? iranians are truly noble people and the world takes advantage of them. mosavi and opposition are also very much taken advantage of. when you find yourself wanting wars and destruction to take place to overthrow the islamic republic is when you have been totally brainwashed to be against iran. be aware, draw the line!!!


Post what you like

by Cost-of-Progress on

After all, it's a free country unlike some other places we know. But do not dress it up like you are supporting a free and SECULAR Iran.

The Leveretts are known apologists for the regime of the unelected clergy, whatever the cause may be.

It's really annoying to have to deal with pro-regime propaganda day in and day out!

When will you guys give up?




Soosan Khanoom

Cost of Progress

by Soosan Khanoom on

I am sorry that i post links that you do not like ... next time in order to not to be accused as a pro-regime person ....  i will post all sanction for Iran sites haha .....

Enough with name calling  .. when do you guys want to grow up? 


I just can't tell...can you?

by Cost-of-Progress on

Your links are a clear indication of the pro-regime nature of ...YOU! The Leverettes? Oh, sure.

Of course, you couldn't resist playing the "zionist" card either.....

MarHabaa....with emphasis on the H.....catch my drift?  




Soosan Khanoom

also i need to add this

by Soosan Khanoom on

also i need to add this ....... iran hard liners are feeding the Zionist ..... they are actually helping  it ...... the more they kill and arrest and put to jail the more Happy will Zionist regime of Israel be ........  now who is enemy here ? number one ?    Of course the hard liners in Iran ....... 

but  one question remains to be asked from Mousavi and karoubi  ... why did not you ask for your  supporters to rally on 22 bahman ?  I wonder ......