Stephen Hawking Dismisses God and Calls Heaven a Fairy Story

by Tapesh

Noted theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking is trending after he dismissed the idea of Heaven as "a fairy story." In an upcoming interview with The Guardian, Hawking said, "There is no heaven or afterlife ... that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark."

He has come under fire from religious circles before, most recently after his book, The Grand Design, argued that god did not create the universe and that The Big Bang was a natural event that could've created everything from nothing.


more from Tapesh
Maryam Hojjat

VPOK, I loved your statement :

by Maryam Hojjat on

But I do know one thing: I don't know.


Great News

by RostamZ on

When people talk about the farce of religion, then the more enlightened the humanity becomes. Nobody takes me seriously when I say there is no god but I am sure many people will take him more seriously. 


Mash Ghasem aziz: We are not far apart in our feelings

by Bavafa on

If any at all  

Again, sorry if it seemed foozoli.



Mash Ghasem

Bafava jan, your absolutely correct,

by Mash Ghasem on

Me needs to polish my 'diplomatic' side. As much as I despise, resent and abhor religion, the focking God, and all related topics, the end-product of my emotions, when it comes out in writing should be held back, more of a 'clinical,' 'objective' tone.

I did say : " gentler , kinder," thanks for your observation, cheers


Mash Ghasem aziz: Just an observation

by Bavafa on

Could we have one blog, absent of name calling and accusation?

I don't know SK, if she is the same person as Nilofar or any other previously used ID, but I wonder …

does it really matter and/or is it really wise to use accusation when you can discuss the content itself!!!!!

Again, sorry for the unsolicited observation. I don't mean any disrespect or foozoli by it (even though I agree it is nothing but foozoli)



Sossan Khanom: You are correct

by Bavafa on

I don't know and have no shame in admitting it.

But I know that they (religious establishment) don't know either and I wonder if they have the decency to admit that they don't know.

I think we both know the answer to that question.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Is just speaking his mind which is his right. I am agnostic. I do not know how the universe got made. I do not know if God created it or not or was it just man thinking that.

But I do know one thing: I don't know. Therefore I refrain from making that pronouncement. Let us each decide for ourselves. That is the basis of freedom of religion or lack of it.

I do not need Hawkings to tell me there is no God. I do not need Mullahs telling me about Mehdi. I just go on about my business. I will find out if there is a God when I die. No rush to find out now for me anyway.

Mash Ghasem

SK, there's good reason people call you Nilo Parsi

by Mash Ghasem on

though you're not as bad as Abji Medusa. You're a gentler, kinder type.

For a most scientifically advanced refutation of your alienated, childish view on religion (at the end of the day same as IR) please see Prof. George Carlin:


P.S. Whoever can write a book like "The History of Time" deserves serious attention, not knee jerk reactions , and juvenile discourse and parlance, cheers

Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

do not get me wrong ...... I have no intention to act as a guidance here cause I am so lost myself ....... all I am saying is that there has to be a mind behind the creation ......  you can call that mind anything you wish ....... but you can not really deny it ..... at most you can say " I do not know "  

 and my referring to word genius was based on Einstein's saying on the concept of God ( creator )  not my self .... I am actually no genius 


Sossan Khanom: I admit I am not a genius

by Bavafa on

But as I mentioned earlier, it does not require to be one to know and recognize the myth about such things. 

"sometimes it really takes a genius to accept the existence of a mind behind the entire creation ....   : )"

On the other hand, I am gratful to see that we do have genius such as yourself among us here on IC to show us the way to heaven and God :)


Soosan Khanoom

Old Story

by Soosan Khanoom on

I have already blogged about ... I guess back in September 

God did not create the universe, says who?

yes ... says who ? 


Do I need Hawking to tell me that how blind he is? 

I have a question .... where the laws of gravity come from? 

The Quran describes gravitational force as ‘invisible pillars’: “God it is Who raised up the heavenly bodies to invisible pillars .....” (13:2). 

‘unseen pillars’, prevents the planets from colliding with each other or falling, is force of gravity, a law to which the Creator of the universe has subjected all of the heavenly bodies..... duh ! 

I am so sick and tired of these so called scientists that think only bible has the answer to everything ........ and if their findings contradict with bible then there is no God ...... 

someone asked Einstein " Do you believe in God?" he replied , " which God? There are two Gods ... one is the one who people have created and one is the one who has created and governs the entire universe " 

well dear smarty pants Bavafa see .... sometimes it really takes a genius to accept the existence of a mind behind the entire creation ....   : )


Respectfully to Mr. Steven Hawking

by Bavafa on

It will not take a genius such as Mr. Steven Hawking to know of myth/fairy tale such as heaven or God. But kudos to Mr. Hawkins for his integrity to speak his mind and his truth, even if that is going to bring the wrath of "religious" establishment.


salman farsi

If Hawking could prove this ...

by salman farsi on

he would have won a noble prize in physics. Until then, his claim is just another leap of faith.

 For an Islamic democracy