Breaking taboos: Homosexual Mohammad

Tina Ehrami
by Tina Ehrami

On December 15th the municipal museum of The Hague will become the stage of another media hype, this time unleashed by the Dutch- Iranian photographer Sooreh Hera.

With her provocative photography series called “Adam en Ewald” she focusses the attention on the hypocracy of the Islam towards homosexuality. In a short movie that is a part of the artistic series, two homosexual men are wearing masks of the prophet Mohammad and his son- in- law Ali.


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What Is Sickness

by Mehdi on

It is quite sickening to see some Iranians trying so desparately to appear hip or intellectual or modern by following the latest garbage thrown up by the depraved slave "intellectuals" of the "West." Supporting homosexuality to the point of insulting religious beliefs of people is not intelligent and does not prove you are hip. It only proves you are an idiot follower. The ONLY reason homosexuality is gaining ground in the West is that their lobby system is powerful - just like the Israel lobby. It is not because anybody has demostrated that homosexuality is ethical. Did you know that until mid-sixties homosexuality was considered a mental disease and then after that not only it was not considered a mental disease but it was considered that those who don't approve of it were now mentally ill? And did you know that such a change of viewpoint was based on absolutely no scientific evidence but ONLY due to political pressure on the American Psychiatric Association? Today, it is so bad that most people are taught that to be brave one must insult religious beliefs of people and support depravity and unethical behavior! And of course our intellectually challenged Iranians are the first to line up and subscribe to such garbage because they have no other way of believing in themselves (than causing an effect by insulting others). Get a life! This is not art! This is the pathetic whines of a depraved and confused - possibly sexually abused - disgusting piece of excuse for a human being!



by Faribors Maleknasri M. D (not verified) on

the one who have their pleasure on such things, well THEY do not break any taboo. if the thigs were ataboo to them they would never breake it? You understand? It is a unnegligble Part of the Life and destiny of those who live in the diaspora that they are permanently tortured by the natives psychologically. little by little these asylants start to indentify themselves with thier torturers. it is no help for them effectively. they say only: look hier we are as you, we do as you and we breake taboos as you like us to do so. but all these does not help. Forgett it. On the other hand just lets accept it had been so. then so what? can the Dutschs take in conclusion that the powerfull and rich would IRI give everything up? what the heroic iranian nation and other nations which have done likewise and will very soon do likewise have organised? There is a lot of Doubt about it. The Winter goes by, the coal remains black. you know what it means? Greeting