بیانیه ژنرال مک کریستال فرمانده نیروی کمکی بین المللی ناتو و نیروهای ارتش آمریکا در افغانستان


United States Central Command
by United States Central Command

مرور اوضاع افغانستان و پاکستان از سوی رئیس جمهور ، مأموریت نظامی مرا با امکانات لازم برای انجام وظائف مان روشن ساخت . شفافیت وتعهد در اجرای روئوس پیام رئیس جمهور اقدامی بس خطیر برای ایجاد امنیت برای افغانستان و محو دامنه تروریسم در افغانستان که صلح منطقه و امنیت جهان را تهدید کرده است بشمار میرود. هدف نیروی کمکی امنبت بین المللی ناتو نیز متقابلأ روشن است. ما در کناریکدیگر برای بهبود امنیت افغانستان وانتقال سریع مسئولیتها به نیروهای امنیتی افغانستان تلاش خواهیم کرد. در این میان ، همزمان که ما توانائی های ارتش و نیروهای انتظامی افغان را گسترش میدهیم ، همپایان افغانی ما نیازمند پشتیبانی نیروهای ائتلاف هستند. این هدف اساسی ما درماههای آ ینده خواهد بود. 42 کشور دیگر نیروهای ائتلاف از تعهد در تقویت نیروهای ایالات متحده آمریکا و موفقیت در افغانستان بعنوان یک همکاری نظامی و غیر نظامی بین المللی بهره مند خواهند شد. زیرا موفقیت در افغانستان باید با یک همکاری بین المللی و تلاش همگانی غیر نظامی ونظامی همراه باشد تا بتواند ثبات همیشگی را در دراز مدت تأمین کند. تعهد و هم آهنگی جامعه بین المللی مو جبات تغیرات اساسی در افغانستان چون امنیت ، محیطی آ رام برای دولت درتقویت امکانات اقتصادی و آزادی برای هر افغانی که بخواهد زندگی را بنحوی که خود یخواهد در افغانستان ایجاد خواهد کرد. ما در افغانستان با چالشهای فراوان روبرو هستیم ، اما بدون تردید تلاش های واقعی ما حکم میکند که نه مردم افغانستان ونه جامعه بین المللی خواهان آن هستند که افغانستان پناهگاهی برای ترور و خشونت باقی بماند. نیروهای ائتلاف از تعهد پرزیدنت اوباما در تصمیم بر تفویت مردم افغانستان در ترد شورش و یاغی گری درساختن آینده خود دلگرم شده اند. دسامبر

2009 ستاد فرماندهی مرکزی ارتش آمریکا


Recently by United States Central CommandCommentsDate
Direct communication is an obligation
Dec 05, 2009
more from United States Central Command

CENTCOM in case you can't read Farsi here's a translation!

by Anonymouse on

A translation of Jeesh Daram's comment below, in case you're short of translators:


Title:  Translation of General Mac Crytsal (mac glass) to Tehrani (dialect)

Using google's new software any Iranian or Afghani can use the Dari Farsi to contemporary Farsi in southern Tehran.  For example, I have used it to translate Colonel's (sorry General's) press release


Reviewing the milk to milk situation in Afghanistan and ass to ass situation in Pakistan by the President, it has shed light on my agricultural projects for charity.  The feeling of high from smoking a lot from one side and President's speech from the other, reminds us the critical goal of expanding opium and increase of trafficking drugs in a global scale, which without it millions of drug addicts in the world will loose their access to "solid" and will be left out.

The goal of the helping drug lords of NATO is also clear.  With opium bongs at hand and side by side we'll improve the opium farms in Afghanistan and we'll move the distribution responsibilities to the Afghani security forces.  In the meantime, simultaneous with expansion of the opium farms, with bongs and pipes and hash and extra effort, our drug trafficking Afghan brothers will need the Allied support more than ever.

This will be our main goal in the next few months.  42 other countries by sending additional professional drug traffickers as reinforcement will turn Afghanistan to the biggest drugs factory in the world which needs international support and unified front both from civilian and non mafia groups to be able to keep the necessary stability for the required and forever high in Iran which is the biggest user of these drugs now and in the long run.

The commitment to usage and coordination for supply and demand from the international community will have dramatic changes in Afghanistan (and Iran) which will create rabbit sleep and calm situation for local Governments in increasing dervishes and fortune telling and freedom of usage for each Afghan (and Iranian) who wants to live his life in a way that he desires in both countries.  We're faced with a lot of holes in Afghanistan, but without a doubt by keeping supply and demand going, using second hand serenges and needles, our conscious dictates that in accomodating whatever Afghans and international traffickers require, which is none other than governing Afghanistan for increased production of drugs, and Iran for the top user and keeping poverty for constant crisis and insurgency for ruining their future will warm all of our hearts.

December 2009

Everything is sacred.

Jeesh Daram

و اینک ترجمه مطالب تیمسار از فارسی "دری" بفارسی تهرونی

Jeesh Daram

با استفاده از نرم افزار جدیدگوگل هر ایرانی و یا افغانی میتواند فارسی دری را بفارسی متداول درجنوب تهران ترجمه کند. برای مثال بنده متن گفته های جناب سروان (ببخشید تیمسار) در بالا را عینا برایتان ترجمه کردم


* مرور اوضاع شیر تو شیرافغانستان و خر تو خر پاکستان از سوی رئیس جمهور، ماموریت کشاورزی مرا با امکانات لازم برای انجام کارهای خیریه روشن ساخت. حالت نشئه و خماری ناشی ازدود و دم فراوان،از یکطرف و پیام رئیس جمهور از طرف دیگر، یاد آور هدف خطیر ما در گسترش کشت خشخاش و گسترش قاچاق مواد مخدّردر سطح جهانی است، که بدون آن ملیونها معتاد در دنیا ازحق مسلمشان که دسترسی به "موّاد" است محروم خواهند ماند.

هدف نیروهای کمکی قاچاقچیان ناتو نیز متقابلا روشن است. ما وافور بدست و در کنار یکدیگر برای بهبود کشت خشخاش در افغانستان و انتقال مسئولیت توزیع و پخش آن به نیروهای امنیتی افعانستان تلاش خواهیم کرد. در این میان، همزمان با توسعه کشت خشخاش، بنگ و ناس و چرس و حشیش و تلاش بیش از پیش، برادران قاچاقچی افغان ما نیازمند پشتیبانی نیروهای ائتلاف هستند.

این هدف اساسی ما در ماههای آینده خواهد بود. 42 کشور دیگر با ارسال قاچاقچیان حرفه ای خود در تقویت نیروهای ایالات متحده آمریکا و تبدیل افغانستان به بزرگترین تولید کننده مواد مخّدر در دنیا باید با یک همکاری بین المللی و تلاش همگانی غیرنظامی و مافیائی همراه باشد تا بتواند ثبات لازم و نشئگی همیشگی را در ایران، که بزرگترین مشتری موّاد است در دراز مدّت تامین کند.

تعهد مصرف و هم آهنگی در تولید و پخش از طرف جامعه بین المللی موجبات تغییرات اساسی در افغا نستان (و ایران) چون خواب غفلت، محیطی آرام برای دولتهایشان در تقویت روحیه صوفیگری و عاقبت گرایی و آزادی مصرف برای هر افغانی (و ایرانی) که بخواهد زندگی را بنحوی که خود بخواهد در آن دو کشور ایجاد خواهد کرد. ما در افغانستان با چالشهای فراوان روبروهستیم، امّّا بدون تردید با تولید و پخش موّاد، آمپول و سرنگ و کاپوت دست دوم، وجدان بیدار ما حکم میکند که در انجام آنچه مردم افغانستان و قاچاقچیان بین المللی خواهان آن هستند، که همانا ادامه نگهداری افغانستان برای محل تولید انواع موّاد مخدر، و ایران بعنوان اوّل مصرف کننده آن و ایجاد فقر دائم شورش و یاغی گری برای تخریب آینده شان دلگرمی برای همه ما خواهد شد.

دسامبر 2009

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

wow are we allowed to give free advice to centcom???

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

you should just dress up with starfleet outfits and laser guns and chant "we come in peace." That would be less insulting. 


Dear United States Central

by vildemose on

Dear United States Central Command: Why are posting Afghanistan news On an Iranian-American website published here in the US? I don't see the relevance. Am I missing something?

I really hope you know the difference between Afghanistan and Iran.

I also hope you know Iranian.com is not read by Iranians inside but by Ameircan-Iranians who reside in the US and the West and are mostly US Citizens.


JJJ Ari isn't saying they shouldn't post rather "if" posting ...

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

You said it!

by Jahanshah Javid on


Best points so far :)))

Damet Joosh


Bulletin by General Einolla Qofrolla, Commander of

by SamSamIIII on


Arabo Ommatie 5th column brigades in Imperialist America & Western infidels ;


We have already hijacked this site & sent(CENT?) it,s webmaster to Mexico in exile and have replaced him with a shaikhmaster instead. In order for you to be able to print more of your propagandas you need to apply directly to our resident mullah & IRGC propagandists for permit , extradite the traitor Mohammad Reza shah Pahlavi , release all hamas/hezbollah prisoners & arrest all members of AIPAC and kick out all female members of US Army .

Basijii senior citizen yeh centi command on IC


General Qofrolla 


Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia



by Princess on


I love your response and I wouldn't want to get on your wrong side!

Sharp as ever. Thank you. :) 


Ari Siletz

US Central Command, do your homework

by Ari Siletz on

your Farsi press release shows the same the level of incompetence we are seeing in your Afghanistan and Iraq operations regarding your knowledge of who you are dealing with.

1. By far most IC readers understand English, so there's no need to post a translated version of the press release. Please tell us you knew that. For the reader, here's General McChrystal's original statement.

2. IC is blocked in Iran, just in case you thought you were reaching Iran residents. Please tell us you knew that.

3. This may seem trivial, but it is not: the word is "jahaan," not "Chahaan," which is an obscure Farsi word for "WTF!" This is an embarrassing reflection of your implementation of "The clarity, commitment and resolve outlined in the President’s address."

4. Should you continue to post on IC, expect your image to deteriorate, contrary to your intended goal. But this is a familiar pattern to you, isn't it?


Is this even legal?

by Q on

The agencies aren't supposed to be targeting US residents, perhaps Centcom doesn't know that Iranian.com is banned in Iran.

I'm with JJ: No to propaganda, regardless of who they represent.


We are not talking about badges

by darius on

Here we are talking about a United States military Institution requesting to be involved in a community , what they say and do will count .We are talking about an institution that at any time may take

military action in Iran if it is asked to.

At least , they are not trying to sneak in from back door, They are asking politely to establish dialogue with Iranian. I see a big difference




Midwesty jaan stop with the Ronald Reagan crap!

by Anonymouse on

Discussion about freedom of speech is in the other blog.  Here we want to know why CENTCOM can't, I repeat can't, post a blog in this website?

Are you afraid that the contributors will line up to join the military? So what if they do? You can't tell people what to do. 

Everything is sacred.



by Midwesty on

They can do all things that you mentioned without flashing their badges. My question is when you can do all these why you need to show your uniform?

My last comment since we are circling around the same subject.


You think this a new subject in the US

by Midwesty on

that how much Military can have influence and visibility in the soceity? 

If it wasn't for the fight that Americans make on daily basis to sustain democracy we wouldn't have this discussion in the first place.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.

-Ronald Reagan


By the way imagine the job that pays to monitor your i.com blog!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.


Why Can't We Let Them Talk!

by darius on

I think , JJ should welcome them as long as they say what they claim.

Talk about facts and not answering pre-written pre-designed answer to any possible question. I think,JJ should invite them to I.C chat room and let them have an open discussion, it might be helpful to see if they real y have any clue of what is going on in our part of the world? 

I sort of thought discussing Afghanistan  in Iranian site(where the most important issue is possible war between Iran and Israel and the future of Iran internal politics) is sort of out of place.


Midwesty jaan. My question is still "so what?"

by Anonymouse on

Yes I can see their mission statement.  They posted it for our information, it's not like they're hiding it.

You ask question about why is military, military? They say they want to establish dialogue.  They don't use a gun in this website.  They use words.

In our face, all the time? How is this all the time?  And how is it in our face?  This is a website in a country which pays their salaries and allows JJ to make his living as well.

I think objecting to them posting a blog here or there is like being paranoid about English being the devil.  This is not Iran where you have to be approved in advance.  If IRGC would come here and post a blog, I'd say let them.  I'll respond and read their material if I want and leave them alone if I don't.

Everything is sacred.


This is their mission statement posted above this blog:

by Midwesty on

Reagan's connection:

The Digital Engagement Team (DET) is an effort of the US Central Command to provide factual information about our mission and operations to audiences in the Middle East and South Asia. The DET's purpose to establish a dialog with the online communities of the region, to answer their questions and concerns about the US military operations and presence in the Middle East and other US policy issues relevant to the region.

When do you think the Military gets involved in any civil function?Why did IRGC get involved in the recent election in Iran? To shine their badges and pass the red lines!

People who starve to see Centcom and IRGC they won't have any problem finding them somewhere else. We don't need them here in our face all the time.


Midwesty jaan why "can't" they come here with uniform?

by Anonymouse on

What does Ronald Reagan's quote on Govt have anything to do with this? This is about a Govt institution writing a blog and JJ saying don't blog here.  Not because "what" they write but because they're in uniform.

People in uniform are people too.  Even if they are lead by machines they still write and we can respond to their writing by writing our own views.  If you don't want to read them or leave responses for them, then don't.  Maybe others want to read them and leave responses for them.  Like what we're doing now.  You see anything wrong with what we're doing in this blog? 

Everything is sacred.


Anonymouse jan,

by Midwesty on

We know some are here undercover, but the question is why they come with uniform? Is it because they want to dominate?

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

-Ronald Reagan


Why not? People are accusing others of being agents, so let's

by Anonymouse on

Why not? People are accusing others of being agents, so let's have a real one to talk to.  So what if they fight each other?  First of all I'm sure CENTCOM will not fight with them, 2nd if they do so be it.  Again it is word against word not punch against punch or gun against gun.

I don't see any harm in this since i.com is a public forum. 

Everything is sacred.

Jahanshah Javid

Review discussion

by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks for the reminder Princess.

For those who would like to read my reply to CENTCOM's request for posting articles, see here:

There was a lot of interesting and informative discussion and debate on that post.



by Princess on

I completely agree with your stand. No governmental organisation should be able to post articles or blogs here. If anybody belonging to a particular government wants to publish here, they should do so as an individual rather than a governmental body. Otherwise, the impartiality of this online magazine would come under serious question.

If I recall correctly a short while ago, CentCom had contacted you and asked if they could place articles here and you said no. Isn't that correct? Frankly, I think it is way out of line for them to go ahead and post this here, especially after they had specifically been asked no to do so. I don't see them do that on Hufftington Post, or the NY Times website.



Capt_Ayhab's account? (to JJ)

by kharmagas on

JJ, now that perhaps things have calmed down, can you unblock Ayhab's account?


I agree with you JJ

by Midwesty on

Then other people in uniofrms will show up and make iranian.com a battle ground where it is supposed to be a play ground for creativity and civil discussions.

I am with you 100%. Look at the first responder to this blog, another man in uniform.


I don't think this is inappropriate JJ.

by Anonymouse on

If they are truely CENTCOM they have every right to post a public blog. Revolutionary guard can post on i.com or any other public place, if they want.  People will have to make their own judgement.

My only issue would be to ask them if they are truely CENTCOM so we know.  Something official from them.  Then we're good to go. 

Everything is sacred.



by darius on

The Starting statement says factual report about Middle East and

and South Asia.What kind of factual information  you talking  about?

Jahanshah Javid

Not the place

by Jahanshah Javid on

Dear United States Central Command,

I feel postings by military or intelligence organizations on this web site (or any public site) is inappropriate. Just imagine if the Islamic Revolutionary Guards or Al Qaida did the same.

Instead we should continue to rely on news organizations to carry statements from official sources by putting them into proper context.


J. Javid

Sargord Pirouz

Narco state

by Sargord Pirouz on

How about addressing the terrible drug problem in Afghanistan!

It's worse now than it was during the Soviet occupation.

How about asking Iran for help. You think?