Israel now attacking little Iranian kids:, Saïd Amin and Jahanshah Javid why is abuse of a child allowed?


Israel now attacking little Iranian kids:, Saïd Amin and Jahanshah Javid why is abuse of a child allowed?
by Zed

I have often asked myself: Why does a website that calls itself “” allow a pack of pro-Israeli bloggers to daily attack little Iranian boys and girls and falsely suggest, for example, that a little Iranian boy has HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) without any evidence whatsoever?  If there is evidence this little boy has HIV, I would be the first to submit a written apology to the site for asking the question.  If I owned this site, and a member of the Iranian community asked me, “Why is it okay for the Israeli Internet People to vilify and defame innocent Iranian children on your site?” I would give a straight and prompt answer.  The behavior is worse than if someone made up this same vicious lie about an adult because it’s a little kid that is being targeted and he is about 7 or 8 years old; He obviously can’t defend himself. I hope you will permit me to ask that question in his defense: Where is the evidence this little boy has HIV?  If the evidence exists I will sign over the deed to my property to, Saïd Amin and Jahanshah Javid in equal portions and they can do whatever they want with it (no joke); take it as a legally binding offer to make a lot of easy money.  What would you think if you were 7 or 8 years old and someone linked to your picture and falsely suggested you had the disease that causes AIDS?!  To be perfectly honest, I can see how these pro-Israeli bloggers will even go so far as to trample on the life of a child to achieve a little propaganda against Iranians.  And I don’t know if you are aware of this, but there’s an email going around that in essence says: Saïd Amin finances and owns and and he lets packs of Israelis constantly push for 'bombing Iran,' make threats, and target innocent Iranians, including children.  Should we still support his businesses?  Is this someone Iranians can be proud of?”  Hopefully, you can shed some light on this issue.  The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” (MLK)  Please tell the conscience of the Iranian people who worry about the manner this little boy is being defamed and vilified on that there exists evidence that he is HIV positive and that there is some good reason why this type of invasion of his privacy has been allowed against a child.   


more from Zed
iraj khan

Jenabe Zed,

by iraj khan on

you are on the right track and you have outed a few more members of the Israel Lobby on this iranian website.

You are already on their blacklist and they will try to ban and block your account here. They've done it before.

They'll try to use profanity and personal attacks against you, then if you respond in kind, they'll report you to admin.

Admin as we all know by now, gets intimidated easily by this gang, after all he is too busy playing with snakes in Amazon and does not have time to get to the root of the problem on his website that is occupied by the Israel Lobby and 'Bomb Iran' crowd. 

2. They will ask security questions such as 'What Do You Do for a lividng?', 'Where Do You Live?', etc. Watch out because they'll harrass you at your work. Do not give any personal information to this gang.

3. Watch out for the Israel Lobby Faati Commando, she'll try to get personal information from you.

I'm just saying,



First attack the child and then me for asking a question?

by Zed on

"by vildemose on you really need to be in an insane asylum."   Is there a limit you folks have?  Or is it anything goes? 


Why scores of Pro-Israelis repeatedly call for "banning"?

by Zed on

You can't ask why a child is cast in a false light?   

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

I find the notion of being infected by the HIV to be a cause for shame (to be "villified,and defame"), as implied in this blog,disgustingly uncivilized......The road which would lead us to the Free Jerusalem shouldn't pass through the ruins of humanity. Watch your steps, Major.......


When is this troll going to be banned?

by Sassan1 on

It is obvious he is a troll and his attempt is to take us off our discussions. If he has been banned in the past, why is he not banned again?


Where you see "Israel loves Iran" I see child abuse ...

by Zed on



Zereshk En Doogh! Why can't you accept that Iran Loves Israel?


And vice versa! Repeat after me, ZED jaan,  I LOVE ISRAEL!

Dr. Love Doogh, Ph.D., M.D., J.D.