تيم ملي فوتسال ايران براي نهمين بار قهرمان آسيا شد
18-May-2008 (3 comments)

تيم ملي ايران عصر روز يكشنبه با پيروزي قاطع مقابل تيم تايلند ، براي نهمين بار به مقام نخست رقابت‌هاي فوتسال قهرماني آسيا دست يافت . در اين دوره از مسابقه‌ها كه در بانكوك برگزار شد، تيم ملي ايران در ديدار فينال با نتيجه چهار بر صفر ميزبان رقابت‌ها را شكست داد و براي نهمين بار بر بام فوتسال آسيا ايستاد.


قهرمانان گل کوچیک


The amazing thing about this one is that in the ten years that the championships have been held, Iran has won the tournament nine times. Japan has been the only other nation to be able to win it, albeit only once, in 2006. According to many, this is the legacy of "gol koochik", the mini-football game boys play in the streets of Iran.



Ali Parvin and Ali Karimi's

by footbali (not verified) on

Ali Parvin and Ali Karimi's amazing dribling styles emerge from the same "koocheh gool choochik" plays.

If only we had 'tactic' and 'group play' as well as the dribling techniques, we would have been another Brazil!

Ali P.

"gol koochik"

by Ali P. on

Finally getting the recognition it deserves! :-)