حمله سايت رجانيوز به جبهه ملی
21-May-2008 (3 comments)

سايت رجانيوز از حاميان نزديک به رييس جمهور احمدی نژاد ، ضمن ابراز تاسف از انتشار بيانيه اخير جبهه ملی در روزنامه کارگزاران ، جبهه ملی را بر اساس حکم رهبر فقيد انقلاب مرتد دانست .
اين سايت ضمن اشاره به بخش هايی از بيانيه اخير جبهه ملی ايران ، اين عمل روزنامه کارگزران را نوعی تخريب دولت نهم دانسته و آن راتقبيح کرد. در ادامه با اشاره به حکم رهبر فقيد انقلاب در پی انکار حکم قصاص از سوی جبهه ملی، اين گروه را مرتد اعلام کرد و از قول ايشان آورده است : " اينها مرتدند . جبهه ملی از امروز محکوم به ارتداد است... متاثرم از اينکه با دست خودشان اينها گور خودشان را کندند. (صحيفه نور جلد ۱۴ صفحه ۴۶۳- ۴۶۲) " .

Masoud Kazemzadeh

Mossadeghists Attacked by Khomeinists

by Masoud Kazemzadeh on

Iranian Democrats Attacked by Fundamentalist Fascists


RajaNews, close to Ahmadinejad, launches an attack against Jebhe Melli Iran:




After the following Jebhe Melli Iran statement was published in Kargozaran:




and perhaps after this stronger criticism of Ahmadinejad policies:




Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez


by Natalia Alvarado-Alvarez on

Yes, very fascinating. Now, if only I knew Farsi. :o)

I would know what was said. I do have an idea, what it is about  from Masoud's and Jamshid's comments.

I guess this was not meant for us non-Farsi speakers.

Solh va Doosti (paz a vosotros)

Nadia (AKA)


This is not the first time

by jamshid on

This is not the first time they call an opposition group "morted". In their views, anyone who opposes them is at war with God, and therefore disposable.

If Jebheye Melli's role model, Mosadegh, was alive today, he too would oppose and fight against this illegitimate regime. I am sure the IRI would first call him a "morted" and then assasinate him as they did Bakhtiar.

As long as we don't have a unified voice, the IRI can get away with anything, including calling the good people of Jebhey Melli "morted", which is a very serious charge in Islam.