Firefox aims for download record
17-Jun-2008 (one comment)

Version 3 of the popular Firefox web browser is going on general release on 17 June.

recommended by Hajminator



Dump your IE and get Firefox 3.0

by Mehdi Mazloom (not verified) on

For those who having been using the beta versions of the Firefox, they know the massive improvement which Firefox 3.0 introduces, compared to the 2.0. It is fast and sleek. Most important of which, it does blazing fast and not the memory hog as the 2.0 (and IE7) are. Also, this browser is by far more secured then any browser out there. And the "add on"s available for FF - to die for. It would even impress the Mullahs in Tehran. (sorry can't help it - these tarbusha are my favorite crackers)

Good advise to all those who still use the old IE clunker. dump it and install firefox. Actually, there is no need to uninstall IE, just download the FF3.0 and install. It automatically will copy favorites from IE onto FF3. you will not regret it

good luck