Iran warns of closure of Hormuz Strait if threatened
China View / Xinhua
05-Jul-2008 (4 comments)

Chief of Staff of Iran's Armed Forces said on Saturday that Iran's strategy is to keep the Straitof Hormuz in southern Iran open, the official IRNA news agency reported.

But if the country's interests are jeopardized in the region, we will not let any ship pass through the Strait of Hormuz, Major General Hasan Firouzabadi was quoted as saying.

News Goffer

Barikallah Nabegheh....NOT!

by News Goffer on

This is what happens when military men are allowed to opine about politics and the country's foreign policy--dangerous and irresponsibly bullish talk which could have serious ramifications on the price of oil and would in no way endear IRI to the rest of the world.  This man should have been muzzled. 


K Nassery

Several countries use the Straight, XerXes

by K Nassery on

Kuwait had a declaration on this issue.  Why does the straight belong to Iran alone?  Shouldn't it be considered international?


Same old story!

by Ali reza (not verified) on

Anytime Iran is threatened they say the same thing.I am wondering how they would feed their people,if they are able to do that:)Peace on Earth


Strait of Hormuz

by XerXes (not verified) on

Belongs to Iran and rightfully so would be closed once the foreign enemy attacks. In the case of an attack the American navy that is in the waters of the Persian Gulf Illegally, cannot leave either and will be sinked.
Iran can survive without oil or money but can the rest of the world, especially west and the US?

The Bush must think about all these before decides to be a decider. hehe, decider.