احمدی‌نژاد: ولایتی دخالتی در مسایل هسته‌ای ند
BBC persian
13-Jul-2008 (6 comments)

محمود احمدی نژاد، رئیس جمهور ایران گفت دولت مسئول پرونده هسته ای کشور است و اظهارنظرهای علی اکیر ولایتی، مشاور رهبر ایران را نظر شخصی او دانست.

recommended by Hajminator




by Hajminator on


Yes on the site there is just the sum up of what Mahmood responded to journalists. The question was "What's your reaction about Mr Velayati statement that on nuclear affairs it's Rahabr who decides and the decision is to negociate" (I found it on ISNA too but no link is available now!) and Mahmood responded

در جمهوري اسلامي هر فردي آزاد است نظرات شخصي خود رابيان كند اما فرد ياد شده در تصميمات هسته اي دخالتي ندارد. مسير مديريت هسته اي كاملا
روشن است. دولت مسوول پي‌گيري مسأله هسته‌اي است و اقدامات خود را در اين
زمينه به صورت سنجيده و با دقت پيگيري ميكند



Re: The information is correct

by ./. (not verified) on

I read the web page. There is absolutely no reference to "velayati" as the one who Ahmadinejad is talking about. In fact, he says to the effect that all iranians can express their opinions on this (and other matters) they are respected, but the the decision to continue enridhment is it. I sort of liked his view on "respect" for all Iranians , specifically talking about the Rutgers guy (ahmadi?) who is a go between between IRI and US government. He did not deny it, he said Ahmadi can do what he likes, he is a respected iranian, but the decision is made by the government. This is LESS than US government will do if they find you are negotiating with a foriegn power. They will cut your .... (you know what?)


More credibility

by Mamali (not verified) on

Mahmood is showing the press that he's still credible. That's just a facade, everyone knows who is pushing one's luck.


Welcome to the world of mis-and disinformation!

by Ali reza (not verified) on

We are living in a world that to make a war legitimate or give excuse to start a war a country would give wrong information about the other country to prepare the public opinion for a possible war!Peace on Earth


The information is correct

by Hajminator on


I've checked it on the iranian president site: //www.president.ir/fa/


پاسخ رئيس‌جمهور به پرسش‌هاي خبرنگاران


I wonder ....

by Malekeh_ on

I wonder how much BBC pays to make up news like this one. This news item is not reflected by any other media, it is important enough that it would be if it were true, and obvious that BBC is making it up. The reason it is important is that Velayati is the so called "senor foriegn policy advisor to the BIG mollah" -- that would be Ali yek dast). What "BIG Mollah" says is it. Not Ahmaghinejad, not anyone else can change. So where this came from?

I guess "BBC Persian" must have some zio-nazis in it working for them.

I am willing to make up more interesting news than this (and more believable) for BBC if they pay me enough!