احمدی نژاد: آمریکا محتاج گفتگو با ایران می شود
BBC persian
15-Jul-2008 (one comment)

محمود احمدی نژاد، رئیس جمهور ایران گفته است در صورتی که ایالات متحده برای گشایش دفتر حفاظت منافع در تهران درخواست دهد، آن را بررسی خواهد کرد.

recommended by Hajminator



Wow! What happened? What's going on?

by ThePope on

Finally, is it war or kiss and make up?

Maybe it's kiss kiss? Boos Boos?? Or even maarch-o moorch??? Just imagine Namaki & Georgeaki roo boosi konand-o an-o roo goh bezaaran!!!! ...Maameleh dobaareh bechasbeh!!!! And of course shaking it, the hands.

So if U.S. wants to: "...they'll (IRI) consider the offer"!!! -Baabaa!

He even says: "in the near future THEY'LL (U.S.) come and BEG to have discussion with IRI."!!!!!!!! -To digeh ki hasti!!

Someone please, help me on this news item? Maybe I just don't feel good, tomorow would be better to go through this again...


AAREH! susk-e mast mikoneh, mireh joloyeh dampaayi migeh: k..khaaret, biyaa jelo ageh mardi...