مدرک آقای کردان منتشر شد/ مملو از غلط‏هاي گرامري، تايپي و ...
12-Aug-2008 (3 comments)

علاوه بر غلطهای مختلف تایپی و گرامری، به نظر می رسد، مطلب نوشته شده در این برگه که به عنوان مدرک دکتری به رسانه ها ارایه شده است، با لحن فارسی نوشته شده است. 

recommended by Fred



Cheshme doshmanan koor

by Shining butt (not verified) on

Ta koor shavad har ankeh natvanad deed


Sahmiyeh degree

by Cyrus the Great (not verified) on

In Iran they are called coupon degrees as a joke,meaning like the way it was during the time when everything was rationed in Iran and everybody had to redeem a coupon to get commodities since they were rationed.You redeem a coupon a you get a degree.

News Goffer

How Embarrassing!

by News Goffer on

How is he going to get himself out of this one, I wonder. I don't doubt he will, but it would be interesting to see how. The funny thing is that this goes to show you that for running Iran, nobody has needed any particular credentials or education over the past decades. Even the highly-educated Haddad Adel, former Speaker of the Parliament, was constantly stooping very low on language and demeanor to keep up with the other uneducated members of the Parliament and of course others in the government. Ahmadinejad has a Ph.D. also, but you could never tell listening to him talk.