Barak: 2006 war strengthened Hezbollah

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says the summer 2006 war backfired on Israel because it resulted in strengthening Lebanon's Hezbollah.

Israel was not prepared for the summer 2006 war, "which turned out into a major launching pad to upgrade Hezbollah's power", Barak said Monday in an interview with the Israeli television.

The Israeli minister was also critical of the Israeli officials' performance during the six years before the 33-day war against Lebanon in July 2006.

Barak criticized the former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the Israeli government for not acting wisely "by not responding to Hezbollah's growing capabilities".

Wars should be avoided, or delayed, "but if imposed we should win them on the enemy's terrain", he concluded.

Israel fought a 33 day war against Lebanon in summer 2006 to destroy the military power of Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.

Israel failed however to defeat Hezbollah in spite of its highly-advanced military equipment and Washington's full-throated support.

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