US drops plan to put diplomats in Iran
International Herald Tribune / Associated Press
04-Oct-2008 (4 comments)

WASHINGTON: The Bush administration has shelved plans to set up a diplomatic outpost in Iran in part over fears it could affect the U.S. presidential race or be interpreted as political meddling, The Associated Press has learned.

The proposal to send U.S. diplomats to Tehran for the first time in three decades attracted great attention when it was floated seriously at midyear but has been placed on indefinite hold as November's election nears and Iran continues to defy demands to halt suspect nuclear activities, officials told the AP.

News Goffer

Oon chiz ha ro looloo bord!

by News Goffer on

I meant the "carrots."  Looks like the "carrots and sticks" policy may have turned into "sticks only" policy.



US drops plan to put diplomats in Iran

by Luciferous (not verified) on

does it mean somehow:
جرج بوش، تصويري از يک "کابوي ناکام"
پايان دوران "ديپلماسي کابويي"


US drops plan to put diplomats in Iran..........

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

I wonder why never is a word spoken about what actually the Islamic Republic of Iran says or have said to this subject. However the uNITED STATES SENDS dIPLOMATES WHERE THEY CAN ACT AS SPYS; CAN GET ACTIVE IN FINDING OUT WHERE THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF A COUNTRY ARE BURIED AND perform LIKEWISE "diplomatical" jobs. They know that in Iran there is no chance for such rubberies any more. I think this is the main reason why uncle sam has changed his plan. As far as it is known the other side has not say anything to the subject. Greeting


Oon chiz ha ro looloo bord!

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

Did`nt we call "Oon chiz ha ra" always with their proper name? Greeting