Iraq's PM slams top US soldier over comments
17-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

BAGHDAD – Iraq's prime minister slammed America's top military commander in the country in remarks aired Friday, saying he "risked his position" when he said Iran sought to bribe lawmakers to vote against a U.S.-Iraq security agreement.

Gen. Ray Odierno made the comments in an interview published Monday in the Washington Post, though he said he did not have definitive proof of the bribes.

"The American commander has risked his position when he spoke in this tone and has regrettably complicated relations," Nouri al-Maliki told a group of visiting Kuwaiti journalists in an interview shown on Iraq's state television.

"The man is known to be good and kind, but how can he speak like this about a baseless case? What has been said is truly regrettable," al-Maliki said.


Spewing Nonsense

by Baba on

Apparently the top US general in Iraq is following the line of his Commander-in-chef (W). he is spewing garbage as his boss does. Sad day for US of A  !!



I think by now we should all

by smhb (not verified) on

I think by now we should all be used to allegations, lies and complete distortions of the truth by the empire leveled against independent nations that dont bow to their wishes and whims.

The empire is about to learn a valuable lesson in humility.