How to stop an Iranian bomb
The Guardian / Trita Parsi and Andreas Persbo
31-Oct-2008 (2 comments)

Instead of investing further in a security council track focused on the losing proposition of stopping Iranian enrichment altogether, resources should be diverted towards making it as unattractive as possible for Iran to make the choice of re-enriching the LEU. This would require boosting inspections of Iranian facilities while defining the steps the security council will take in case Iran seeks to re-enrich. This could be spelled out in a security council resolution.

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The real "Grand Bargain"

by Immortal Guard! (not verified) on

The real "Grand Bargain" is that the jewish Zionists completely renounce their hold on and entitlement to power in the predominantly white and Christian United States in exchange for a geopolitically and geographically viable country of Israel with an absolute security guarantee for the state of Israel and safety for its citizens inside and outside Israel.
A Palestinian state should be created from parts of Jordan and the Palestinian territories the same way that the current Poland was created by shifting the borders of the former Soviet Union and Germany after World War two.
Otherwise we will continue to see this childish wrangling for a long time to come. This seems to be the only reasonable and just solution with big compromises needed and required from all parties involved directly and indirectly in this conflict.
If the Jews are not enamored with the lust for power and the Plestinians really just want a country of their own then that's the way to go.


Rewording “ grand bargain”

by Fred on

NIAC lobby head in part says: “Instead of investing further in a security council track focused on the losing proposition of stopping Iranian enrichment altogether, resources should be diverted towards making it as unattractive as possible for Iran to make the choice of re-enriching the LEU. This would require boosting inspections of Iranian facilities while defining the steps the security council will take in case Iran seeks to re-enrich. This could be spelled out in a security council resolution.”

If as he says the efforts to stop Islamist republic’s two decadeds long mostly clandestine enrichment activity is a "losing proposition" through Secutrity Council, how and why should it not be so in any other refocused effort through the same venue?