Israel, believed to have the Middle East's only atomic arsenal, has said Iran's nuclear program is a threat to its existence and that it was keeping all options on the table to stop it.
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
May Allah help her
by Palestine4Ever (not verified) on Mon Nov 10, 2008 07:18 AM PSTI pray that she gains a bit of knowledge from the wisdom of Allah. May all Israeli be born as Palestinians in heaven and witness their crimes. Only Allah can give them that knowledge because they are blind to see.
by Simple minds (not verified) on Sat Nov 08, 2008 06:08 PM PSTI love it! Mehdi Mazloom I really think that you, Inquiring mind and Zion are one and a single she.
Also, please read carefully my postings, you’ll see that I’m really for peace and the overthrown of mullahs from Iran. Just a note about
Israel was providing advance knowledge and assistance to Iranian farmers. All those Drip Irrigation system you see there were invented by Israel, and installed by Israel experts.
Iranians had invented underground water canalization called Ghanats almost 2000 years ago. Their number is estimated to about 50,000, and provides about one-third to one-half of all the irrigation water in the country. We are nevertheless grateful, of Israel efforts of friendship between the two countries by the past.
What I mentioned earlier is that we have to care more about what this regime really inspires than useless statements. The reality is for example their failure to comply with basic human-rights in Iran. This can constitute a base adhering most countries around the world and help the Iranian people to get ride of these cockroaches. We have to give up useless statements like “Iran has not the right to have nuclear blabla because it represents a threat to Israel”. Why useless? Because mullahs return the rhetoric as "why should Israel detain atomic bombs and we deprived from our basic rights (NTP) to have nuclear knowledge?" I can tell you that at least in France most educated people stick on such statements seen as unfair.
Simple minds
by Mehdi Mazloom on Sat Nov 08, 2008 04:45 PM PSTI would suggest you to read "inquiring mind" post very carefuly. He/she is by far more concerned with overall Iranian-Israeli friendly relationship and good future for Iran by way of peace with Israel.
The blame for Palestinian refugee problem is just as their own leaders fault as Israel. Had they accepted the UN Res. 181. Today State of Palestine would be celebrating their 60's birthday, side by side State of Israel.
United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from UN Resolution 181) Jump to: navigation, searchThe United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine or United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 was a plan approved by the General Assembly on November 29, 1947[1] to terminate the British Mandate of Palestine
by August 1, 1948, and facilitate the creation of two states, one
Jewish and one Arab. The plan was approved by a vote of 33 to 13, with
10 abstentions.
Inquiring mind is absolutely right. What did the Israeli do to the Iranian people. In fact unknown to many young Iranians, for over 25 years during the Shah's rule, Israel was providing advance knowledge and assistance to Iranian farmers. All those Drip Irrigation system you see there were invented by Israel, and installed by Israel experts. In return the Shah had provide Israel with its oil needs. Both had unofficial and friendly relationship.
As for your contention of "expansionist" Israel, Since Israel does not have strategic depth, it had no other choice by pushing the Arab forces as far from its population centers as possible.
by Hajminator on Fri Nov 07, 2008 02:50 PM PSTWhat a beautiful ping-pong party here!
by Simple minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 01:50 PM PSTThick skull, Hahaha that entertained me a lot... you’re too funny.
I point out that you become a bit nervous and coarse as you lack arguments. If you didn’t understood till now; I HATE MULLAHS but LOVE my country, Iran. When I say that mullahs use Palestinians as a shield I’m just advancing a fact – you took it as if I were for this regime, that’s amusing. Palestinians and the injustice they endure constitute mullahs main ideological raison d’être. Just listen to Akhkmadi-nejad you’ll see that at every international conference when he’s asked about human-rights in Iran he turns the question to what happens in Palestine… The Palestinian scarf that Khameneii wears is another sign of this. How can you people be so blind (or you do it deliberately)?
I’m for the friendship of Israel and Iran, but I can tell you that the drop of a single bomb in our soil will annihilate any hope that our two countries become closer one day.
Why no one says that the regime in Iran doesn’t met with any human standards and for this reason it has to be overthrown? No one is pre-occupied with human rights in Iran but everyone is telling mullahs are constructing nuclear bombs to vanish Israel … This kind of reasoning makes one tell if Israel earns 200 nuclear bombs and that illegally why not mullahs. You don’t think so? So what I have to advise you and your politicians is to grow up a bit (mentally I mean).
Simpleton with a destructive agenda
by Inquiring minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:52 PM PSTIf I am a Hebrew speaking Jewish warmonger daring to speak in front of my supramicist Israeli friends ... lol, then what are you? you sound more like an Arab Palestinian than a true Iranian thinking about Iran's interest and Iran's interests only.
"Mullahs back Palestinians as a shield in the case of trouble, they don’t care about Sunnites in Iran nor in other part of the globe as they don’t care about Iranian Shiites , Jews, ... So they use such SLOGANS to tell Palestinians “Hey look if other Arab nations don’t care about your life conditions – imposed unjustly by Israel - we do”. "
In case of trouble for who? for mullahs? then obviously you care more about mullahs' interests and their survival rather than Iran's interests. Why should Iran and Iranians be sacrificed for Arab Palestinians? for Syria? for Lebanon? Why should they care for them in the first place? Khomeini croaked 18 years ago and nobody remembers what BS he spewed back then , why should Antari refresh warmongers' memory giving them the excuse they need to wage a war on Iran?
Is Israel our next-door neighbor? none of our bizwax! her problem is with her Arab neigbors immediately surrounding her which do not want to accept that she exists now and in the future no matter what, regardless of how pissed-off they still feel over their embarassing defeat of the 1967 War.
Get it through your thick skull. Everybody wit the least bit of intelligence has realized this. There is not going to be any peaceful lasting relationships between your mullahs and the US if you want to continue with your destructive agenda toward Israel which could be Iran's best friend.
by Simple minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:12 AM PSTSince May the 14th 1948, Israelis made three successive wars confirming their independence and expanding the borders of the Jewish state beyond those in the UN Partition Plan. They attacked countries which didn’t represent any threat to them like Lebanon (by jealousy?) and killed so many people. I qualify these wars as dominance, how do you call it? – The expansion of peace and love over Middle East? Further, you who are an anti-simpleton tell me which country Iran attacked these last 200 years?
The SLOGAN, that Akhkmadi-nejad employed and which your warmongers use against Iran these days has first been utilized by Khomeini more than 20 years before Akhkmadi-nejad. Akhkmadi-nejad is nobody in Iran, Khomeini was the spiritual leader, why are you so defiant now?
Mullahs back Palestinians as a shield in the case of trouble, they don’t care about Sunnites in Iran nor in other part of the globe as they don’t care about Iranian Shiites , Jews, ... So they use such SLOGANS to tell Palestinians “Hey look if other Arab nations don’t care about your life conditions – imposed unjustly by Israel - we do”. Can you understand this simple fact or do you need a translation in Hebrew?
You were born in Iran, right? So why do you care more about the existence of a country which became yours when adult than the one in which you and your ancestors lived from centuries long? Are you so courageous to talk about Iranian people in front of your supremacist Israelite friends than you are here giving anonymously your opinion against Iran?
To simple minds: ur the simpleton here
by Inquiring minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 09:58 AM PST"The problem of Israel is its desire of dominance (or supremacy) for exclusively detaining 200 atomic war heads in the region. "
Supposedly she's got 200 war heads and wants supremacy and dominance (like mollahs don't! lol!), which country has she threatened them with? Where has she dominated and where are her militant proxies? mollahs have not even finished building their bomb and Antari already speaks of annhilation and destructiona of Israel.
Why should these crazy mullahs even give such slogans in spite of the fact that Israel can very well defend herself?!! Explain it if you can.
Why should we care so much for Palestinians while Chehchens in Russia and other parts of the world are suffering and being slaughtered? What is it to us? Mollahs are killing their own Iranian Sunni Kurds and Baluchis inside Iran on a daily basis yet shed crocodile tears for Sunni Arab Palestinians who deserted us the first chance they got and stood behind Saddam Hussein?!! Why should Iran and Israel be enemies in the first place?
gimme a break!
btw, Spokesman of Akhkkkmadi-nejad retraceted what he said so many times (everybody lost count) after Khameneii repeatedly smacked him and others in the mouth.
God forbid
by Abarmard on Fri Nov 07, 2008 09:51 AM PSTIf we talk to any nations before exercising war. Is she like Sarah Palin? Hope not
Don't be afraid
by Simple minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 08:42 AM PSTDo you really think that with all its soldiers and agents working for the interest of Israel in different foreign spheres (and that extremely high placed) Israel will one day stop existing? Even Mullahs don't think so. Look at what the spokesman of Akhkkkmadi-nejad said on the friendship of both the Iranian and Israeli people...
The real problem of Israel is not the threat of what the SLOGANS of these mullahs represent for its existence, it can physically defend itself you know it better than everyone. The problem of Israel is its desire of dominance (or supremacy) for exclusively detaining 200 atomic war heads in the region.
Israel's right to exist
by Inquiring minds (not verified) on Fri Nov 07, 2008 08:02 AM PSTIsrael has never openly denied the existance rights, or the legitimacy of Iran or any sovereign state!
Israeli presidents have never openly wished for the collapse, annhilation or destruction of Iran or any sovereign state.
Can you say the same for mullah rulers of Iran?