Two men charged with illegally trading with Iran
Agence France Presse
17-Nov-2008 (2 comments)

WASHINGTON (AFP) — Federal prosecutors on Monday indicted two men on charges of illegally trading with Iran since 2002, the US Department of Justice reported. Mohammad Reza Vaghari, 41, of Broomal, Pennsylvania and 42-year-old Mir Hossein Ghaemi of Edgewood, Maryland were charged with conspiring to violate the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA). If convicted of all charges, Vaghari faces up to 85 years of prison and a 3,750,000 dollar fine while Ghaemi faces a maximum sentence of 5 years imprisonment and a 250,000 dollar fine.

News Goffer

If charged: 85 years of prison for Iranian

by News Goffer on

Baba!  What part of "don't do business with Iran" don't these guys get?!!  It's been illegal to do business with Iran for years.  Sheesh.  Illegal AND embarrassing for them, their familes and everybody else.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

New Goffer Jan - Maybe they can get a presidential pardon?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Clinton issued a pardon for someone who traded with Iran. Marc Rich I believe was his name. Republicans had a cow. Now I wonder if they are so mad since 9-11 and the Saudis thing happened?