"Russian arms sales could help Iran obliterate Israel"
19-Dec-2008 (7 comments)

A senior Defense Ministry envoy has urged Russia not to sell Iran advanced anti-aircraft missiles, saying they could help the Islamic Republic destroy Israel, according to a Russian news agency report.

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Us poor Jews,them bad Iranians!

by Anonymous iranian (not verified) on

Israel always trying to tell the whole world that they are the oppressed one and Arabs and Iranians are the oppressors so they can have they way.I guess all the money that they got from Germany and all the money that they get annually from USA is not enough,but time has changed and Russia can no longer dance with Israel tunes.


Iran will obliterate Israel

by Soroush (not verified) on

Iran will obliterate Israel with a few anti-aircraft missiles!!? And innocent Israelis have compiled their atomic bombs for their Hanukka party? What a joke!


My Iranian Brothers and Sisters

by Musa (not verified) on

I am a Muslim and I believe that Iran should be the strongest country because it is the only hope that we have. The world is being hostage by Israeli supporters in the Europe and US. I am not Iranian but I will shout loud and clear:
Long live Iran and Iranian people, the only hope of the free minded Eastern life style. Amen.


Nasser khossro says

by Hajminator on

بنگر به چه فضل و علم گشته‌است   يعقوب جهود و تو مسلمان

In other terms, war of nerves is an art not common to ordinary people...


They keep making

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

an a¤¤ out of themselves every day. Even without the S-300 P system, Israel would have a hard time doing anything against Iran.


now this is a big lie, just

by Cyrus_ (not verified) on

now this is a big lie, just pay attention to his comment pls.
"A senior Defense Ministry envoy has urged Russia not to sell Iran advanced anti-aircraft missiles, saying they could help the Islamic Republic destroy Israel, according to a Russian news agency report"
Since when an anti aircraft missile was used to destry a country 2000 km away ???
But from Israelis view point anything is possible as long as they get their own way.


What evaaa

by XerXes (not verified) on

Zions are funny. I am beginning to think of them of just Cute.