The study, called "Being Different in Turkey", links this directly to the presence of the religious conservative AK Party in government. It details widespread social pressure on non-devout Muslims to attend Friday prayers, fast during the month of Ramadan or wear a headscarf.
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
The Zionism "disease" enabled some to steal a lot of land to...
by Ostaad on Mon Dec 22, 2008 11:34 AM PSTcreate a country. How come it became a "precipice" when it comes to the Moslems?!
The Precipice
by Zion on Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:23 PM PSTTurkey is standing at the edge of the precipice now. If it does not manage to rid itself of this Islamist disease, it will fall, most probably never to rise again.
This shows the Turkish "secularists" have been...
by Shadooneh (not verified) on Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:19 AM PSTgreat teachers of intolerance and despotism in Turkey. Now the shoe is on the other foot and they can't take it. The Turkish "secularist" have consistently violated the majority of Turk's human rights, treated the mainstream religious people with contempt and discrimination, suppressed democracy, which ironically only functioned when the Eslami parties came to power (let's not forget the military coups and oppression the so-called secularists heaped on the Turks whenever there was a hint of democratic reform). I have no reason to challenge this study's conclusions but I am sure the situation with come to an equilibrium where the religious Turks and the secularist, only those who respect their fellow countrymen and women's rights, will coexist. Iran is not a model for anyone, thank god.
So sorry for the secular
by A.16 (not verified) on Fri Dec 19, 2008 06:55 PM PSTSo sorry for the secular Turks. I'm afraid their country someday ends up in a disaster like Iran's. Mullahs are like viruses, very hard to get rid of. Antibiotics don't work.