اظهار نظر کم سابقه درباره بازنگری در فقه شیعه
22-Dec-2008 (3 comments)

آقای هاشمی رفسنجانی در سال های اخیر خواستار نوآوری در زمینه فقه اسلامی شده اما سخنرانی اخیر او یکی از کم سابقه ترین اظهار نظرها درباره ضرورت بازنگری در فقه سنتی اسلامی است.

recommended by Hajminator




by Hajminator on

The idea to re-interprete ancient texts is a good thing.

For schism, the idea isn't however new and it doesn't come from Rafsanjani. What's incredible, is that in his speech, he further adds that this re-interpretation would help the clergy to become specialized and may lead them to rule the world ! ... Iran is not big enough for his pockets, he aims to put the whole world on it... Shotor dar khab binad panpeh daneh... dream on!


Why not leave the affairs to people who're already experts

by Inquiring minds (not verified) on

One should ask this charlatan merchant mullah why he does not suggest leaving the affairs of running the country to highly educated talented experienced Iranians already in Iran and outside and advising clerics to go back to their mosques and to their spiritual guidance.

Why should clerics become educated and specialized in stuff that ordinary Iranians are already educated and specialized in?


A lot of repetitious BULLSHIT

by Interpreter (not verified) on

In layman's terms, and as the head of expediency Council always thinking first and foremost about the survival of the current theocratic dictatorship (definitely not the country), he's saying that instead of one single vali-e-Vaqih, the country would be better off being run by a council of vali-e-vaqihs and these Vali-e-vaqihs must go to universities and colleges and learn different sciences and disciplines each, like one in engineering, another in medicine, etc. etc. in order for us clerics to be able to not only continue interfering in every corner of people's personal and private lives, but also continue our absolute rule over Iran in the 21st century and beyond.