It breaks my heart to see Israel's stupidity
The Times / Rabbi Michael Lerner
06-Jan-2009 (8 comments)

Hamas had respected the previously negotiated ceasefire except when Israel used it as cover to make assassination raids. Hamas argued that these raids were hardly a manifestation of a ceasefire, and so as symbolic protest it would allow the release of rocket fire (usually hitting no targets). But when the issue of continuing the ceasefire came up, Hamas wanted a guarantee that these assassination raids would stop. And it asked for more. With hundreds of thousands of Palestinians facing acute malnutrition, Hamas insists that the borders be opened so that food can arrive unimpeded. And in return for the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Schalit, it asks for the release of 1,000 Palestinians imprisoned in Israel.

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Zion, we understand

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

anybody who is not a zionist blood thirsty warmonger is irrelevant.

thanks for letting us know.



by Ajam (not verified) on

Why do all zionist propaganda start with a personal attacks on an author or entity commenting on issues?! Do they think that people do not have brains to know thing for themselves?! Must every commentator be approved by zionists too?!


The Irony

by Zion on

I guess an ultra-left Rabbi somewhere in the US is now the authority to decide when and how the truce is broken. The irony is, that only such irrelevant "authorities" are left for you to quote on this matter already settles the issue.


Conspiracy theorist?

by Safsateh (not verified) on

"Since you fail to see that the residents of Ghaza have been under siege and practically in a mass prison for the last number of years. All because they democratically elected Hamas to be their government, I'm not surprised."

Germans democratically elected Hitler as well. So what did that prove? just because he was democratically elected, he could launch a war against the whole world and kill million of Jews with impunity?!!!

Hamas does not want to live in peace side by side with israel since they do not even recognize Israel and do not acknowledge her existence! So what is Israel to do?

"In addition, you fail to see that Israel's action has very little to do with security and is for pure political purposes. Then again, I digress."

Even if we assume that Israelis' counter-attack was soley for political purposes, are you implying that Israelis should put up with Hamas' nonsense, no matter how many rockets those terrorists shoot towards Israel?

Will Iranian mullahs put up with Jundallah imprisoning, wounding and killing revolutionary guards?


Ignorance must be Bliss

by mrlayl on

Since you fail to see that the residents of Ghaza have been under siege and practically in a mass prison for the last number of years. All because they democratically elected Hamas to be their government, I'm not surprised.


In addition, you fail to see that Israel's action has very little to do with security and is for pure political purposes. Then again, I digress. 


Today's antichrist

by verytass on


As it has been predicted in the bible the antichrist will rise toreplace Christ and it has risen in the form of Zionism now controlling the land of Christ. It changes shape from fascism,to Islamic and Christian fundamentalism and now to Zionism. 

We have a racist ruthless regime that has 200 nuclear bombs whocontrols all major media outlet. Like rise of fascism if left unstopped it willgrow to destroy the world and wipe everyone off the map who don't becomesubject to it. 



Iranian mullahs suck BIG TIME

by Mullahs suck (not verified) on


The hell with them

by Anonymous123 (not verified) on

There is no justification for Hamas and their actions.

Please spare us the bull and do not try to defend or exonerate them! It is because of them and their financial supporters in Iran that so many innocent civilians are losing their lives.

They do not recognize Israel and her right to exist and deserve what is coming to them.