حسنين هيكل : به نصرا... افتخار مي كنم
09-Jan-2009 (3 comments)

«محمد حسنين هيكل»، نويسنده و سياستمدار شهير مصري با اشاره به اين كه رويدادهاي غزه اتفاقي نبوده، بلكه برنامه ريزي شده صورت گرفته است، اعلام كرد: آنچه در غزه رخ مي دهد، اقدامي براي حذف و تسويه قضيه فلسطين و تحميل راهكار آمريكايي - اسرائيلي بر منطقه است. به گزارش خبرگزاري قدس، هيكل كه در دوران رهبري «جمال عبدالناصر»، رئيس جمهور مصر، مشاور ارشد وي و وزير فرهنگ و اطلاعات مصر بود، با اعلام اين مطلب به شبكه الجزيره افزود: قرار بود اين تسويه حساب پيش از سال 2006 صورت گيرد كه پيروزي حماس در انتخابات مجلس قانونگذاري فلسطين همه برنامه هاي آمريكا و اسرائيل را بر هم زد و به مانع بزرگي براي اين اقدام تبديل شد. بنابراين اسرائيل وقتي نتوانست به هدفش دست يابد، محاصره بي سابقه اي را بر حماس تحميل كرد و تصميم گرفت مستقيماً با اقدام نظامي كه تا پيش از اين همواره بر اين راهكار تكيه داشت به اين هدف برسد، اما اين رژيم به هيچ يك از اهدافش دست نياف... >>>

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by Fatollah (not verified) on

I am not sure whether Mr. H. H. had a hand in that process, but he certainly made mockery of Irans efforts to fight the renaming of the historical fact! In his own words/writings "Iranians were busy with trivial matters such as the issue of Persian Gulf vs. Arabian Gulf". What he meant was that why is not Iran on Arab / Egypt side fighting Israel!

I am convinced that Arab intellectuals back then loved to see Iran fall into abyss. They enjoyed to see Iran fall, as other Arab nationalists enjoyed to see Iraq invade Iran in 1980!

Mr. H. H. was supportive of Mr. Ruhollah Khomeiny!

I am not an anti Arab, but when it comes to real politics people like Mr. H. H. acted as a tool in the hands of their beloved leaders in order to harm Iran and her interests, and they got what they wished for in 1979.

He certainly is not legend to me! He should write more about Mubarak the Great and other Arab leaders and politicans rather then write about Iran and Iranians.

We all know, back in those days it was politically fashionable to criticise the Shah and Iran, in order to make a buck and perhaps a name, especially among the journalist circles!

The only mistake of the late Shah was in the fact that he should never have given audience to anti Iranians like this man or any other vultures! These people brought their respective Arab country to where they are today. They fought in several wars against Israel, and each time they lost, to compensate their shameful defeat and inferiority "oghadeh", they blamed Iran for not siding with their muslim brothers!

Mr. H. H. wrote about topics such as:

How life and living conditions were miserable in Iran during the Shah era, how the Shah was a spy of the West/USA, how illiterate Iranin populace were, how corrupt the Shah and Iranains in general were, how uneducated the Shahs ministers were, how Iranian militray structure was built, how Irans secret service was structured. He wrote about the Bahis role in Irans secret services, the "Turk-e khars" role in the Iranin army and the list is quite long ... why did he bother?

Please Mr. javid! A legend he is not!


Legend in lefties’ mind

by Fred on

Isn’t this the same “Egyptian legend” who along with his boss, Nasser, started all that nonsense about renaming the Persian Gulf the “Arabian Gulf”?


certainly not a legend to me!

by Fatollah (not verified) on

He may have been the Editor in chief of Al Ahram and a close friend and advisor to Nasser! He was certainly not a friend to Iran nor Iranians. He despised Iranians.