US refuses to rule out Iran attack
30-Jan-2009 (4 comments)

The White House has refused to rule out the use of military force to put pressure on Iran to suspend its nuclear programme.  Robert Gibbs, a White House spokesman, said Barack Obama, the new US president, was keeping open "all his options" in dealing with Tehran, despite signalling that he was prepared to engage in direct diplomacy. "The president hasn't changed his viewpoint that he should preserve all his options," Gibbs said on Thursday in response to a question about the use of force against Iran.

News Goffer

more stick, less carrot

by News Goffer on

"Gibbs also denied a report in the British newspaper Guardian that said Obama and Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, were drafting a letter to Iran's leadership to push ahead with the administration's pledge of diplomatic engagement.  Neither the president nor the secretary of state has requested nor seen any such letter. That closes the book a little bit on that," he said."



Not Even The Grand Lodge?

by Anonymous500 (not verified) on

امام جمعه تهران گفت هيچ فردي نمي تواند به جمهوري اسلامي ديکته بکند چه بکن و چه نکن. اگر دشمنان بخواهند هر توطئه اي عليه ملت ايران انجام دهند، با قدرت آنرا خنثي مي کنيم.

Later one "Foozool bashi" asked the Ayatollah "Chapid Molk-e Iran wa Shaorka" what about the Grand Lodge? Hajaagha Rasman Jaani said, "Not even that"; and then all strated laughing and winking and doing all kind of Akhundi ghamzeh shotori!!


Double jeopardy

by Alborzi (not verified) on

They are in a quandary, if they do they get attacked by the right wing and AIPAC and if they don't that will mean that Iran will continue. There is really no position other than not to change the failed stupid old position. Now all we need is an asteroid hit on earth, this guy is really does not get any breaks.


نماز جمعه؛ نگرانی رفسنجانی از اظهارات اوباما

Kooseh (not verified)

Friday Jan. 30, 2009
صدا و سیمای رژیم: امام جمعه موقت تهران با اشاره به موضوع هسته اي جمهوری اسلامی خطاب به اوباما گفت:‌ تکرار حرف هاي بوش هيچ مسئله اي را حل نمي کند.

هاشمي رفسنجاني گفت: اين که گفته شود همه راه حل ها حتي نظامي روي ميز است يا جمهوری اسلامی براي اينکه منزوي نشود بايد برنامه هسته اي خود را تعليق کند، هيچ مسئله اي را حل نمي کند.

امام جمعه تهران خطاب به اوباما افزود: در خصوص مسائل منطقه نيز بايد با همکاري جمهوری اسلامی مشکلات را حل کنيد.

هاشمي رفسنجاني در ادامه گفت جمهوري اسلامي از هيچ قدرت خارجي دستور نمي گيرد. هرچند مي توانند نظري بدهند و ما هم اگر خواستيم عمل مي کنيم و اگر هم نخواستيم، عمل نمي کنيم.

امام جمعه تهران گفت هيچ فردي نمي تواند به جمهوري اسلامي ديکته بکند چه بکن و چه نکن. اگر دشمنان بخواهند هر توطئه اي عليه ملت ايران انجام دهند، با قدرت آنرا خنثي مي کنيم.