IAF hits targets in Khan Yunis, Rafah after day of rockets
The Jerusalem Post
01-Feb-2009 (5 comments)

After a day of ceasefire breaches which saw at least 15 rockets land in Israeli territory [The link Includes a video of a Kassam narrowly missing a kindergarten.], IAF planes struck at multiple targets in Khan Yunis and Rafah late Sunday evening, Channel 10 reported. The targets attacked include six smuggling tunnels and a Hamas outpost, the government said in a statement.


Surprise! "Bleeding Hearts" not giving a damn!

by Zion on

This has been going on for years, with the "bleeding hearts" not showing a bit of interest or care for the human beings killed or put in danger this way, and the culpability of Hamas in inciting a war. Surprises anyone?


DW Duke

Reply to Ostaad

by DW Duke on

Your inclusion of the term "IN PRINCIPLE" is interesting.  I have also thought about a restitution plan.  A fraction of the money that has been spent on wars throughout the world in the past five years would serve as a tremendous injection of wealth into the Palestinian territories that could result in substantial development.  I have often thought that the Gaza Strip may one day be turned into one of the world's best vacation resorts.  One the problems though seems to be overcrowding in the Palestinian areas.  I don't know that financial restitution would resolve that problem but I do believe that whatever is done needs to include financial aid to the Palestinians in the form of construction, medical supplies and facilities, a world class university and food production facilities.  Oddly, no one seems interested in this concept. 



Don't confuse opposition to the Israel's war crimes and its...

by Ostaad on

Apartheid regime with "support for Hamas".  I challenge you or any other cheer leader for Israel's criminal conduct in the ME to find support for Hamas outside very narrow political, regligious and political interests. The reason I and millions around the world condemn Israeli atrocities in Gaza in particular and Palestine in general is Israeli occupation, its Apartheid regime and the illegal settlements put up by Zionist terrorists with the specific objective of terrorizing the Palestinians to either give up their properties or be subjugated. The good news is neither is likely to happen. Israel's only way to security is living in its '48 borders, ending the occupation and recognizing the Palestinians right of return IN PRINCIPLE, which means compensating them for what was taken from them by force.

I do condemn any act of terrorism on both sides. Hamas's crude projectiles have killed about 14 people. On the other hand Israeli savage and indiscriminate attacks on the poeple who are trapped on all sides with nowhere to go have killed or injured thousands. The world is talking about committing war crimes not who sympathizes with whom! 

If by "bleeding hearts" you're referring to people who have a sense of humanity and conscience, I'm guilty as charged.


Easy Zion!

by Anonym7 (not verified) on

You very well know that many of us Iranians condemned Hemas rocket attacks while disagreeing with Israeli response (invasion....).

Mehdi Mazloom

S.O.S - Save the Palestinians

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Save them from their own leaders, who still mislead and bring them all these miseries.

Fir god sake, everyone else on this earth is recognizing this fact - all except Hamas itself, which is stupid enough to believe the Mullahs in Tehran, "the day of victory is near". while they are running circles around them.


When are these idiots going to wake up to relities of life.?