Ebadi: Discriminatory laws against women are inconsistant with Iran’s culture
IranVNC.com / IranVNC.com

Ebadi, the famous Iranian human rights activist, in a speech to the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington on 2 February
2009 said

“We have a great many female university professors, physicians,
engineers, executive managers. It is for that reason that the women of
Iran are critical of the discriminatory laws, - which were all passed
after the revolution – because they do not correspond to our culture.”

Providing one example of the incongruence of Iran’s current
discriminatory laws, with the culture of Iranian women, Ebadi said:
“Even one of the vice-presidents of Mr. Ahmadinejad, who is the
representative of the fundamentalists, is a woman. This means that
women have even succeeded to impose themselves upon the

Yet at the same time Ebadi said that despite Iranian women’s
culture and relentlessness, Iran’s current laws bring about absurd

“[Let’s say] Mr. Ahmadinejad’s [female] vice-president wants to go
to the United Nations to defend the rights of the Iranian people.
According to Iran’s law,... >>>

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