From Iran's hard-liners, tough talk–but pragmatism as well
Christian Science Monitor / Scott Peterson
17-Feb-2009 (2 comments)

Shariatmadari's unwavering views prompted one commentator to label him Iran's Rush Limbaugh. But analysts say that Khamenei has often acted pragmatically to preserve his country's Islamic system. He has authorized Iranian assistance to the US in the past, for example, most recently in Afghanistan and in Iraq. The worst scenario are these hardline voices to the leader," says a veteran observer. "Some believe Iran has never been more strong, and Iran's enemies have never been more weak, so now is not the time to compromise." "Delusions are in fashion," adds this person, noting that after launching its own satellite this month – a feat that put Iran into a club of just nine nations – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared Iran "officially" a superpower. "[Ahmadinejad] is reflecting that sentiment. You are at your [peak], and when you are at your best, you demand, you even intimidate."

News Goffer

everybody wants to talk to u.s.a.

by News Goffer on

Inside IRI, there has been frequent talk of "negotiating" with the US.  The only reason it hasn't happened in the past is that groups have competed with each other on "who should be doing the talking."  When Mohammad Khatami got really close to having the talks during his presidency, the action was sabbotaged from within because people like Hashemi Rafsanjani thought they should be doing the talking.  All we see is posturing again.  They want to talk but they can't agree on who should talk and what to say.



The question remains though ...

by I wonder (not verified) on

Is the IRI once and for all ready to part with its old ways, give up international terrorism and adventurism, give up building nukes, and start recognizing Israel's right to exist, or just looking for a short-term TEMPORARY tactical solution to its current political and economic dilemma?!!