Saudi Arabia rejects Iranian call for oil embargo over Israel /
23-Feb-2009 (4 comments)

Saudi Arabia rejects Iranian call for oil embargo over Israel

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Zendeh bad for rejecting IR for any what so ever reasons

by passer by (not verified) on

Ostad, the rank and file Arab Sunnis hate IR more than they hate Israel and you know it.


The reason is S. Arabia has no oil of its own.

by Ostaad on

The Ebn Saud tribal chiefs impersonating the "royal family" are the anbaardaars not the owners of the oil resources there.

Mazloom, a few "princes" may want to temporarily use Israel as a counter-balance to Iran. That does NOT mean the non-princely Sunnis, who are the descent majority, are on board with that crap by any stretch of imagination. The rank-and-file Sunnis hate Israel's guts and you know it.

Mehdi Mazloom

IranVNC - Look deeper

by Mehdi Mazloom on

"The enemy of my enemy is my best friend".

As their biggest critic, I like to thank the  Mullahs in Tehran for their profound contribution toward peace and reconciliation between Israel and Saudi Arab (and the rest of the  Sunni world).

In one strock, the genius Mullahs had accomplished more then the Israelis themselves who for 60 years had tried to form peaceful relationship with the Arab Sunni world. These Tarbooshha are doing very well  to help Israel and the Sunnis unit and form a powerful  military and monetary front to confront their mutual enemy in the region.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

We know they're Jewish.

But they give