Israel is Crossing the Line
The Huffinton Post / Steve Clemons
03-Mar-2009 (20 comments)

Now Israel has gone one better and is issuing instructions to the United States on what America's red lines with Iran should be. The implication of course is that Israel will take matters into its own hands if these lines are crossed -- whether America does or not.


Israel giving US "instructions"

by Ostaad on

Amaricans have awakened and they're smelling a rat


anonymous fish

what do you want clinton to do?

by anonymous fish on

seriously?  do you want her to start shooting off HER mouth like israel and iran does?  by trying a little diplomacy, you've decided that she's giving israel a green light.  you've decided that the US bends to israels demands?  that's just a little obtuse, don't you think?  israel IS and is going to stay our ally.  that isn't going to change no matter what you say.  and that is a good thing for the US.  is isreal getting a little uppity?  perhaps so... but i think clinton can deal with that just fine.  i agree with abarmard to a certain extent.  i wish we'd cut the apron strings with israel.  the US doesn't want to get dragged into any war with any one.  and israel knows that.  it's just posturing on their part.  and you fall for it every time!  you want to take israel's threats as verbatim that they're ready to go... ready to fire... but when iran makes the same threats, you want to dismiss them. 

instead of discussing or debating the topic, you gotta start with the insults. and then it's nothing more than a disgusting exchange between pit bulls.

kaveh and cap'n ahab had the most civil and interesting debate a week or so ago.  it could have gone the other way into an insulting slugfest but it didn't.  they exchanged relative and intelligent facts... respectful to one another.  it was awesome.  i didn't understand a single word of it... but it was awesome.  i wish it could be like that all the time.

Mehdi Mazloom

islamicRepublican - Thank you for the clarity

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Quote: When people have to wary about human life, they do not wary about the human rights.

That pretty much says it all. thanks again


جوجه بسيجي

Molah Nasredeen (not verified)

نوشته منو درباره جنایات جمهوري اسلامي ايران کپی کرده و بجای کلمه جمهوري اسلامي ايران کلمه بسيجي را گذاشته. همون طور که قبلا هم توضیح دادم طرف طو طیه و بیمایه.

حداقل دستمزد کارگران براي سال 88 حدود 275هزار تومان پيش بيني مي شود
مشاور عالي انجمن مديران صنايع گفت: در صورتي که نرخ تورم براي افزايش دستمزد کارگران براي سال آينده 25 درصد در نظر گرفته شود، پيش بيني مي شود حداقل دستمزد کارگران به 275 هزار تومان افزايش يابد.

"علي الله همداني"روز سه شنبه در گفت و گو با خبرنگار اقتصادي ايرنا، افزود: شوراي عالي کار پنج روز پيش از پايان سال آخرين نرخ تورم را از بانک مرکزي استعلام و بر اساس آن حداقل دستمزد کارگران را تعيين و اعلام خواهد کرد.
وي اظهار داشت: پيش بيني مي شود نرخ تورم براي تعيين حداقل دستمزد بين 25 تا 28 درصد در نظر گرفته شود.
وي تصريح کرد: براساس ماده 41 قانون کار هر ساله، نمايندگان کارگران، کارفرمايان و دولت در شوراي عالي کار حداقل دستمزد کارگران را اعلام خواهد کرد.
مشاور عالي انجمن مديران صنايع پيشنهاد کرد: با توجه به پيش بيني ادامه بحران مالي جهان و سايه نامطلوب آن بر اقتصاد کشور، حداقل دستمزد کارگران سالي دو بار از سوي شوراي عالي کار، تعيين شود.


Can you say, "Shared values"?

by islamicRepublican (not verified) on

The American Israeli relationship is based on shared values of secular liberal democracy. Israeli objectives are existential and about achieving peace with its neighbors; just like they did with Egypt and Jordan. Ultimately, they are all about land for peace.

I know this is hard for religious fanatics and martyr nurturers to understand. They glorify martyrdom, and plant them all over the country, including universities to remind people that this is what IRI is all about. Hoping it would put things in perspective for their people. When people have to wary about human life, they do not wary about the human rights.

IRI just like the North Korean government is a third world country government that is incapable of solving their domestic problems (economy, human rights, women rights, drug use, prostitution) and distract their nation with foreign adventures and exporting terrorism all over the world.

Islamic Republic is an oxymoron. They have tried this experiment for thirty years.

Mola Nasredeen

جوجه صهیونیست

Mola Nasredeen

 نوشته منو درباره جنایات اسراییل کپی کرده و بجای کلمه اسراییل کلمه ایران را گذاشته. همون طور که قبلا هم توضیح دادم طرف طو طیه و بیمایه.


احمدی نژاد شرکت کنندگان در شرم‌الشيخ را "اشرار" نامید

خبرگزاری حکومتی فارس (not verified)

2009 Wednesday 04 March
احمدی نژاد شرکت کنندگان در شرم‌الشيخ را "اشرار" نامید
خبرگزاری حکومتی فارس: رئيس‌جمهور امروز با اشاره به تفاوت اجلاس حمايت از مردم فلسطين در تهران و اجلاس شرم‌الشيخ مصر گفت: تفاوت اين دو اجلاس، فرق انسان با شيطان است.

احمدي‌نژاد با تاكيد بر اينكه در قضيه فلسطين تمام ملت‌ها و دولت‌هاي آزاده خروشيده‌اند، گفت: جبهه پاكي، عدالت و خوبي در قضيه فلسطين يك طرف ايستادند و جبهه اشرار در سوي ديگر مقابل جبهه پاكي قد علم كردند.

گفتنی است نمایندگان بیش از 75 کشور جهان از جمله مقامات بلندپایه آمریکا، اتحادیه اروپا، سازمان ملل متحد و کشورهای عربی در کنفرانس بازسازی غزه در شرم الشیخ مصر حضور داشتند.


خامنه ای: تنها راه نجات فلسطین جهاد است

خبرگزاری فرانسه (not verified)

ا 2009 Wednesday 04 March
خامنه ای: "تنها راه نجات فلسطین جهاد است"
خامنه ای امروز در کنفرانسی در باره غزه که با حضور شماری از سرکردگان گروههای تروریستی تحت امر رژیم در تهران برگزار شد، اسرائیل را "غده سرطانی" نامید و با رد صلح در خاورمیانه و حمله به رئیس جمهور جدید آمریکا، بر ادامه آتش افروزی های جمهوری اسلامی در منطقه تاکید کرد.

به گزارش خبرگزاری فرانسه، خامنه ای امروز در کنفرانسی در باره نوار غزه در تهران، طی سخنانی شدیداللحن، اسرائیل را "غده سرطانی" نامید و گفت "جهاد تنها راه نجات فلسطین است."

خامنه ای گفت "می گویند راه نجات ملت فلسطین، مذاکره است. مذاکره با کی؟ آنان که به این بازیچه و فریب خود را دلخوش کردند چه به دست آوردند؟ يا مذاکره با آمريکا و انگليس که بزرگترين گناهشان را با تشکيل و حمايت از اين غده سرطانی مرتکب شدند."

خامنه ای در ادامه سخنان خود، رئیس جمهور جدید آمریکا و سازمان ملل را نیز مورد حمله قرار داد و گفت "حتی رئیس ‌جمهور جدید آمریکا هم که با شعار تغییر در سیاستهای دولت بوش بر سر کار آمده است، از تعهد بی‌ قید و شرط به امنیت اسرائیل دم می زند. این یعنی دفاع از تروریسم دولتی، دفاع از ظلم و زورگوئی. این یعنی همان کژراهه‌ دوران بوش و نه چیزی کمتر. مذاکره با مجامع وابسته به سازمان ملل هم یک رویکرد عقیم دیگر است. سازمان ملل شاید در کمتر نمونه ای همچون مساله‌ فلسطین، مورد آزمونِ افشاگر و رسواکننده قرار گرفته باشد."

خامنه ای گفت "نجات فلسطین با دریوزگی از سازمان ملل یا از قدرتهای مسلط به دست نمی آید. راه نجات فلسطین فقط حرکت جهادی است."

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Will they play fiddler on the roof when they fly in and bomb??

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

What do Israel's leaders do when they aren't 1. stealing artworks from their state offices? 2. sexually molesting their underlings? 3. Doing fraudulent and illegal corrupt things with Eddy OLmert? ANSWER?  start wars!

Israel's crappy leaders just don't want to look weak and they think Iran will give them the boost they need. Let them try it. That would be the f-king day. Seriously, do your hit job on Iran. See if the world maintains any respect for Israel and their claim to being so noble and protective of the "region". For the record,  


What do Al Qaeda and IRI have in common:

by Molah Nasredeen (not verified) on

1. They both seek world domination.
2. They are fanatic followers of their Ideologies.
3. They both kill civilians indiscriminately.
4. They enter other countries illegally and blow up the people.
5. They both believe they are "The Chosen People".
6. They terrorize people by their actions.
7. They wouldn't survive without other countries' financial backing.
8. They don't care about public opinion or the United Nations.
9. They both use religion as an excuse for committing crimes against humanity.
10. They are both hated universally.

Mola Nasredeen

مهدی مظلوم یا یهودی سرگردان

Mola Nasredeen

این یکی مثل طوطی می مونه. مثل این پسر بچه ها که تازه شاششون کف کرده چننتا جمله رو از بر کرده هی تکرارمی کنه.   مقاله استیو کلمانز مقاله جالبی بود بخصوص که از دید یک امریکایی نوشته شده.

Mehdi Mazloom

Ra ra ra - Israel bashing. Here we go.................again.

by Mehdi Mazloom on

The anti-Israeli position is pretty clear, conspicuous, and insidious one.

Here is how their tactics works:

1. keep the pressure on, by  keeping Israel on front pages of the public arena.

2. dig tunnels to hide weapons, and booby trap homes and school children.

3. Provoke Israel by launching small and "primitive" rockets onto it civilians. Convinced with their own delusional righteousness, their leaders excuse and mask their intended purpose with slogans such as "resistance", and  "Liberation". All the while these rockets were designed to cause panic and stress to the Israeli population, with hope they will flee their cities and towns .

4. Wait for Israeli retaliation which certain to come to try to stop the rocket.

5. convinced that their (using the poor Palestinians) is the right cause, their leaders hide in bunkers dug under civilians centers - Hospitals, schools, etc.  while they leave the defenseless civilians to fend for themselves.

6. Order their militia to change their cloths into civilians and mingle among the population. 

7.  Tell the population, NOT leave their homes amid advancing Israelis. Allah will come to their aid soon. Use civilians as sacrificial to almighty  incoming IDF.

8. As in any conflict, there are civilian casualties. After IDf leaves the area. parade the dead bodies of their children on TV cameras. Look what THEY did to us. 

Never mind that, it was their own leaders which put them in harms way. As long as gory pictures play out with extortionate force.

9. Why stop there?. now that everyone had seen the horrible pictures, While you have the people on that elevated state of emotion, follow it with demonetization of Israel. holler the lungs out Jihad and "Holocaust of the Palestinian people"

10. sit and watch the world's reaction with some condemnations. Most important of which ...............collect the billions donated to rebuilt the mess.

By now the Western countries had caught on to this trick. That is the very reason, they refuse to fall into the trap, and became apathetic to the poor Palestinian plight whom are the real victims here



Can you say, "Shared values"?

by islamicRepublican (not verified) on

The American Israeli relationship is based on shared values of secular liberal democracy. Israeli objectives are existential and about achieving peace with its neighbors; just like they did with Egypt and Jordan. Ultimately, they are all about land for peace.

I know this is hard for religious fanatics and martyr nurturers to understand. They glorify martyrdom, and plant them all over the country, including universities to remind people that this is what IRI is all about. Hoping it would put things in perspective for their people. When people have to wary about human life, they do not wary about the human rights.

IRI just like the North Korean government is a third world country government that is incapable of solving their domestic problems (economy, human rights, women rights, drug use, prostitution) and distract their nation with foreign adventures and exporting terrorism all over the world.

Islamic Republic is an oxymoron. They have tried this experiment for thirty years, and the only people they could convince were the people on their payroll.


Im not surprised and I welcome such behaviour by Tel Aviv

by Toofantheoncesogreat (not verified) on

They are pissing in their own political pool.

"Now Israel has gone one better and is issuing instructions to the United States on what America's red lines with Iran should be. The implication of course is that Israel will take matters into its own hands if these lines are crossed -- whether America does or not."

Meaning, they will cry Oy Vey, do alot of Holocaust speeches and Spielberg will maybe make a movie. And then 12 years into the running of the Bushehr and the opening of Darkowits nuke plants, the psykotherapy will finally pay off by an inch and treat their victimized behaviour, and they will concentrate on bombing and killing the worthy fire work launching opponents of Gaza, ranging from the ages 1 and up.

O brave Israel, I salute thee.


United States of Israel!

by capt_ayhab on

I think Hillary has already been bitch slapped herself. 




anonymous fish

now now

by anonymous fish on

there isn't anything wrong with israel being concerned... or israel issuing their own "wish list"... BUT

i'm thinkin' hillary needs to go over there and bitch slap them a little bit and get them back in line. 

hillary to israel:  "you aren't the boss of me!"



It's a good thing...

by tsion on

... IRI loudmouths are here to "save" America! Thank god.



The relationship between US and Israel has not changed by Obama

by Observer-me (not verified) on

's administration. US is still Israel's bitch and follows orders. Look at the two new envoys who are designated to talk to Syria. They are both Jewish and probably former/present AIPAC members. Dennis Ross is another well known Israeli stooge who is appointed to Persian Gulf area.

The list is very very long. As the article in Counterpunch website puts it this relationship is institutionalized in US. //

Thanks for posting the article.


They are getting out of their cages

by Abarmard on

And starting to piss on everything that they see. Their level of wanting control is an outrage for anyone.

How long is US going to work for Israel? My idea is to support Israel with conditions and tangible demands and let Israel be an independent state that if they choose to fight, it's their fight. Simple and honest. No tricks and wanting to grow an organization (AIPAC) to have a powerful country bend for the little country that was suppose to serve the US not the other way around.

I believe it will change. Just the matter of time.

khaleh mosheh

Interesting Article- Thanks for posting

by khaleh mosheh on

Also there were very few pro-israel posts after the article which is puzzling as the GIYUS guys are usualy all over these articles.