عبدالعلی ادیب برومند رهبر شورای مرکزی جبهه ملی عقیده دارد که انتخابات ریاست جمهوری، انتخاباتی مشروع نیست، زیرا تنها نامزدهایی حق شرکت در انتخابات را دارند که از سوی "شورای نگهبان" تائید شده باشند، و "شورای نگهبان" نیز نظر خود را نه بر پایه اصول مردمسالاری بلکه تنها بر پایهی عقاید گروهی خاص اتخاذ میکند. به نظر آقای ادیب برومند تا زمانی که انتخابات سامانهای دموکراتیک نیافته و مردم نتوانند از طریق آن نمایندگان حقیقی خود را انتخاب کنند، جبهه ملی نمیتواند آن را آزادانه بداند و در آن شرکت کند
>>>Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Mr. Yassari
by capt_ayhab on Sat Mar 28, 2009 07:24 AM PDTI really enjoyed your analysis and comment for I share the same sentiments with it.
Boycotting an election gives these people exactly what they want. It has never worked and never will.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom sir, I appreciate it
Javad Yassari
by Ari Siletz on Fri Mar 27, 2009 05:08 PM PDTآقای آری عزیز
Javad YassariFri Mar 27, 2009 02:54 PM PDT
خیر. در صورت نوشتن هر نوع کامنت متفرقه که شامل حال نام کاندیداهایی بجز آنها که ثبت شده و مورد تایید قرار گرفته اند، رای مخدوش اعلام میشود و شمرده نمیشود. فقط آرایی که یک ضربدر بزرگ روی آنها کشیده میشود آراء سفید خوانده میشوند.
البته همانطور که قبلا هم عرض کردم، وقتی صحبت از تقلب و آوردن صندوق های رای ساختگی و رای دادن چندین میلیون رای با شناسنامه های اموات می شود، حرفی برای زدن نمی ماند. اما اگر طبق مقررات و با حضور ناظران وزارت کشور و حوزه های انتخاباتی و نمایندگان کاندیداها آرا شمرده شوند، آراء سفید شمرده می شوند و حضورشان مبین یک ایدهء سیاسی فعال نیز می باشد. آراء سفید تقریبا مخصوصا روی انتخابات مجلس خبرگان تاثیر گذار بوده اند. شورای نگهبان که مطابق قانون موظف است "خبرگان" متعددی را از زمینه ها و حوزه های متعدد برای نامزدی این شورا تایید کند، در تمام انتخابات خبرگان رهبری کلیهء افراد را بجز روحانیون رد صلاحیت می کند. افرادی که در این انتخابات شرکت می کنند، به نشانهء اعتراض به این رویه، مرتبا آراء سفید در صندوق می اندازند که باعث می شود انتخابات به دور دوم کشیده شود.
من یک نکتهء دیگر را هم می خواهم گوشزد کنم. با تمام خاصه خرجی و تکتازی که آقایان آخوند ها می کنند، هنوز هم گروهی بین آنها دایما تلاش می کند تا نام جمهوری اسلامی را از جمهوری به نام دیگری تغییر دهد. برای نمونه "حکومت عدل اسلامی" یکی از نامهایی است که موتلفهء اسلامی تلاش کرده است در ایران جا بیاندازد. اگر واقعا رای مردم مهم نبود، آنها که سوار بر کار هستند به چه دلیلی اصرار بر از بین بردن بخشی از هویت حکومت جمهوری اسلامی می کردند که در آن رای مردم پررنگ و مهم میشود؟ واقعیت این است که آقایان اصلا دل خوشی از رای دادن ملت ایران ندارند و کنار نشستن رای دهندگان دقیقا چیزی است که آنها آرزوی آن را سالهاست در سر می پرورانند.
با احترام،
Javad Yassari
by Ari Siletz on Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:25 PM PDTDear "Masoud Kazemzadeh"
by MiNeum71 on Fri Mar 27, 2009 02:16 AM PDTMy good manners prevent me from continuing this sentence further which probably would end with Just shut up.
This is SOOO typical Iranian, so typical, really so typical; if
something doesn´t work, then you retreat into your shell just
watching what the others are doing. And this habit is so silly and
childish. Total abstention? So typical Iranian, Ghar Kardan, this is
so ridiculous, and the most foolish way of answering to a problem, and
sooo typical Iranian.
Iran´s problems? Not the Islamic Republic, Iran´s problems are the Iranians, uneducated (Bee Savad), stubborn (Lajh´baz), weak in the knees (Ghar Kardanee) and uncivilized (Vah´shee).
Not voting makes the rulers stronger (and it proves that Iranians
will deserve this system another four years). If you don´t know the
difference between the years 1997-2005 and 2005-2009, then get a move
on, go to Iran and talk to the people.
And stop giving silly advises. It doesn´t matter to you anyway, you
are living abroad, writing half-witted comments and having a good life.
It matters only to the people living in Iran.
Boro Ghar kon.
boycott = stupid move
by capt_ayhab on Thu Mar 26, 2009 09:11 AM PDTNo matter what assumption is made, boycotting an election is one of the most stupid moves ever, and history has demonstrated that only the group that is 100% irrelevant will resort to tactics like this. Most often these tactics backfire by giving stronger platform to the opposition, in this case Ahmadinejad.
Rather than this outdated and ineffective move[boycott] steps must be taken to ensure that election is held in an honest manor. One suggestion might be to invite observers[IF POSSIBLE] or even have a committee of the citizens that observes the election.
Besides Jebhe Meli has always been irrelevant by its reconciliatory nature through out the history.
ParhamThu Mar 26, 2009 07:53 AM PDT
آن زمانی که «آری» یا «نه» به جمهوری اسلامی باید میگفتیم، همین عقاید را جلو میکشیدند و میرفتند راًی میدادند٫ فکر میکردید بعد از سی سال باید چیزی عوض شود؟
خوب کاری میکنند
ParhamThu Mar 26, 2009 07:40 AM PDT
کاش همه ایرانیان، و یا آنان که عقیده ای به این دلقک بازی ندارند شرکت نمیکردند٫ حسابها خیلی زودتر راست و ریست میشد٫
by XerXes (not verified) on Thu Mar 26, 2009 05:31 AM PDTDoesn't participate in the Iranian election doesn't have a right to criticize it. As simple as that. Even if it is a blank paper, one needs to be a part of the democratic symbol of the Iranian system. It's stupid to think that the dictatorial part of the regime will suffer if Iranians boy cut the elections.
Go Mousavi (although I think to stand against warmongers such as Natenyahu we need Ahmadinejad or a military minded president, but am willing to give peace makers in Iran a chance)
ناظران شورای نگهبان وظیفه مهمی در نظارت صندوقهای اخذ رای دارند
احمد جنتی (not verified)Thu Mar 26, 2009 04:59 AM PDT
2009 Thursday 26 March
جنتی انتخابات رژیم را براندازی نرم دانست
جعفر پویه
احمد جنتی، دبیر شورای نگهبان رژیم ولایت فقیه در یک سخنرانی در جمع ناظران شورای تحت زعامت خود سخنرانی کرد و به گونه ای خط آینده آنها را مشخص نمود. جنتی با فعال دانستن بیگانگان در انتخابات رژیم گفت: "دشمنان ایران اسلامی در فکر براندازی نرم و به دنبال این هستند که رییس جمهوری بر سرکار آید که به خودشان و مقاصدشان نزدیک تر باشد."
جنتی نگفت که این امر چگونه ممکن است زیرا کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری توسط شورای تحت امر او گزینش می شوند و بدون تایید ناظران شورای نگهبان هیچ صندوق رایی رسمیت نخواهد یافت. با این حال و با سختگیری دستگاه کنترل کننده او حتا با همریشان اش، چگونه ممکن است کسی سر کار آید که به دشمنان و مقاصدشان نزدیک باشد؟
به همین دلیل او می گوید: "ناظران شورای نگهبان وظیفه مهمی در نظارت بر صندوقهای اخذ رای ریاست جمهوری دارند."
یعنی، از هم اکنون او وظیفه ناظران را مشخص می کند و اینگونه القا می نماید که هیچ کس دیگری به غیر از فرد مورد نظر او و ولی فقیه رژیم حق بیرون آمدن از صندوقها را ندارد. جنتی در ادامه همین سخنرانی می گوید: "در سه سال اخیر رسیدگی فوق العاده ای به مردم و به خصوص محرومان شده است."
ناگفته پیداست که حمایت جنتی از محمود احمدی نژاد در این جملات نهفته است. اما او نمی گوید که در سه سال گذشته حجم عظیمی از درآمدهای نفتی مفقود شده است و معلوم نیست به کجا رفته است؛ چیزی که مجلس و بسیاری از نهادهای رژیم نیز به دنبال آن هستند. بحران فزاینده اقتصادی کمر مردم را شکسته است به طوری که تعدادی از کارد به استخوان رسیده ها در مقابل نهادهای حکومتی دست به خودسوزی زده اند. آمار بیکاری همچنان سیر صعودی دارد و مساله گرانی ارزاق عمومی به جایی رسیده است که بسیاری از مردم قادر به تامین حداقل معاش نیز نیستند.
همه اینها به چشم رییس شورای نگهبان، "رسیدگی به محرومان است" و خدمت به رهبر و ولی فقیه رژیم زیرا جیب همریشان جنتی و آقازاده های آنان را از دلارهای نفتی انباشته کرده است.
اینکه انتخابات تحت نظارت دستگاه جنتی که مورد اعتراض باندهای داخل رژیم نیز است به پروژه براندازی نرم تبدیل شده است، خود از آن حرفهایی است که مرغ پخته را نیز به خنده خواهد انداخت. زیرا وقاحت این شیخ دریده را حدی نیست و بی شرمی او نیز اندازه ندارد.
آقای دکتر کاظم زاده:
Javad YassariWed Mar 25, 2009 11:37 PM PDT
آقای دکتر کاظم زاده:
البته اگر بحث تقلب در انتخابات باشد، تمام حرفها بیهوده است. اما حتی در انتخابات فرمایشی آقایان نیز ، با فرمایش شما که رای سفید به نفع یکی از کاندیداها خوانده می شود مخالفم. وقتی تعداد کل آرا (مجموع آرا برای کاندیداها به اضافهء آراء سفید) شمرده می شوند و تحت شرایطی هیچیک از نامزدها از حد نصاب کافی برای پیروز شدن در انتخابات برخوردار نمیشوند، انتخابات به دور دوم کشیده می شود و این در اعتبار کاندیدای برنده ایجاد سکته و شک می کند، امری که برای آقایان اصلا خوشایند نیست. این اتفاق بارها در انتخابات اخیر ایران اتفاق افتاده است اما به دلایل خفقان سیاسی حکمفرما، تجزیه و تحلیل دلایل کشیده شدن انتخابات به مرحلهء دوم هرگز مطرح نمیشود. تعداد شرکت کنندگان با آراء سفید بسیار بیشتر از کسانی است که به دلایل اجبار سیاسی و اجتماعی در انتخابات شرکت می کنند. عدهء زیادی از ملت ایران سالهاست که به نشانهء اعتراض به رفتار شورای نگهبان حتما در انتخابات شرکت می کنند اما رای سفید به صندوق می ریزند.
جهت اطلاع جنابعالی عرض می کنم که رای سفید مفهومش این نیست که کاغذ رای خالی است. شرکت کننده با کشیدن یک ضربدر بزرگ روی برگهء رای، امکان نوشتن نام دیگری روی برگه را منتفی می کند.
ملت ایران راههای متعددی برای نشان دادن عدم اعتماد خود به بازی انتخاباتی ایران دارد. یکی از آن راهها تحریم است، اما ریختن رای سفید هم راه دیگری است که برای آقایان دردسرهای جدی درست می کند.
بنده معتقدم قهر کردن از انتخابات فقط باعث ناشمرده و نادیده گرفته شدن آحاد ملت ایران و در انتها باعث باخت مضاعف آنهاست. فراموش نفرمایید که تحلیل گران سیاسی همگی معتقدند که آراء انتخاباتی دورهء اول ریاست جمهوری سید محمد خاتمی، رای مثبت به یک آخوند ناشناس نبود، بلکه رای منفی به آقای خامنه ای و کاندیدای نورچشمیش علی اکبر ناطق نوری بود که شوک بزرگی به امپراطوری آقای خامنه ای بود و زمینهء فکری و رفتاری انتخاباتی ملت ایران را از آن پس دگرگون نمود.
با احترام و آرزوی سالی خوش برای شما و خانوادهء محترم شما،
ج. ی.
Q: The "Shoraye negahban"
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:16 PM PDTQ: The "Shoraye negahban" issue is certainly valid, but completely irrelevant. Show me the Presidential candidate was denied but would have won if allowed to run by the Guardian council. There is not one person.
In my opinion, there are a lot of persons who WILL DEFINITELY win in a free and democratic election in Iran. In my opinion, there are also many issues on which the terrorist regime will definitely LOSE. For example,
1. I challenge the fundamentalist regime to HOLD a referendum under UN supervision where the Iranian people can simply vote:
velayat faghih: yes, no.
Even the aparthied regime in South Africa did this. Even Gen. Augusto Pinochet agreed to a referendum. The fundamentalist regime is MORE afraid of the free vote of the Iranian people than the apartheid regime and Gen. Pinochet. The fact that the regime does not allow a referendum speaks volume. The fact that the regime does not allow one single free and democratic election speaks volums.
2. I challenge the fundamentalist regime to allow the Iranian people to vote for Abbas Amir-Entezam.
YOUR question, of course, is a weird question. The POINT is NOT that the CG banned one of the members of the fundamentalist oligarchy, but rather the POINT is that in a free and democratic elections ANY Iranian citizen born in Iran can run and the people of Iran can vote for him or her.
The FACT that the CG even bans members of the fundamentalist oligarchy from running make a mockery of even elections for the fundamentalists themselves.
Q: Let's not make excuses because you or the opposition don't have the support of the majority of people.
MK: Do you remember Saddam’ Minister of Information, Mohammad al-Sahhaf?
Of course, 99.99% of the people of Iraq LOVE Saddam Hussein and 99.99% of the people of Iran LOVE the fascist terrorist regime. That is precisely why Saddam and the fundamentalist regime hold free and democratic elections. Yes, you are right those who opposed Saddam and those who oppose the fundamentalist regime are nim darsadi. :-)
In my opinion, your assertion that the majority of the Iranian people would support a reactionary fascistic chomaghdar regime is an insult to the good and noble people of Iran. In my opinion, the majority of the wonderful people of Iran do NOT want repression, dictatorship, human rights violations.
The assertion that 99% of the people of Iraq voted for Saddam is nonsense. This is the same nonsense ALL dictatorial regimes say: we do NOT allow free and democratic election; but if we did, then we would win because we are the majority.
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:36 PM PDTIran Dokht jaan,
Thank you for your kind reply.
So far, the only prominent candidates are Mir Hussein Mosavi and Karoobi. From now until when the dust settles, there will be more candidates and changes. For example, after Khatami withdrew his candidacy, Mosavi said that his earlier letter stating that he was in the race, was not really stating that he was in the race, and that he will make the official announcement later!!! It is possible that Mosavi would withdraw and Khatami would get it.
Perhaps, Khatami expected that his withdraw would cause a huge wave of demand that he reconsider. Instead, there has been silence. If that was Khatami’s intension, it has not worked (so far) due to the criticism of him that he is weak and is not willing or able to stand and fight. By withdrawing from the race, Khatami, actually vindicated that criticism of him.
There are some who want to draft Hojatolislam Abdollah Nouri. If he did announce his candidacy, in all likelihood the Council of Guardians would not allow him to run. If Nouri did announce his candidacy, and if the CG did allow him to run, then we have to see what is Nouri’s platform. If Nouri were to announce a serious program to reduce repression, then JM will obviously analyze the situation and would be open to reconsider its earlier decision. JM inside as an organization has not announced the organization’s policy yet. I posted the positions of the top JM leaders inside.
My personal opinion is that CG would not allow Nouri to run. Nouri is more reformist than Khatami; and unlike Khatami, Nouri does have a vertebrae. Therefore, the CG is afraid that if he was allowed to run, then a lot of people would vote for him and he would cause Khamenei a lot of trouble. A vote for Nouri would actually further divide the fundamentalist oligarchy; therefore, one could argue that the benefits of voting (for Nouri) would outweigh the costs.
I hope this is helpful.
If the people voted blank (rai sefid), then the regime would count that as an actual vote for the system; and at the same time it would not undermine the vote for Ahmadinejad. I think blank vote is only appropriate for those who NEED to have the mohr on their ID but do not want to vote for any of the nominees.
By not voting, an Iranian is a making a political statement: that we oppose this regime.
YES! Because Boycotts worked last time and before that!
by Q on Wed Mar 25, 2009 10:10 PM PDTKazemzadeh, you will only make yourself even more irrelevant.
You may not understand it, but your public proclamation on "boycott" is a boost to Ahmadinejad. JUST like the widespread cries of boycott got him elected in a narrow election last time, and gave him the mayorship of Tehran the time before that.
He probably would pay to have this kind of publicity.
The "Shoraye negahban" issue is certainly valid, but completely irrelevant. Show me the Presidential candidate was denied but would have won if allowed to run by the Guardian council. There is not one person. Let's not make excuses because you or the opposition don't have the support of the majority of people.
When the Guardian council tried to disqualify two candidates in the last election, a public outcry forced it to reverse its decision.
Big mistake...
by Ostaad on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:53 PM PDTThe rule is the incumbent wins in a low turnout election. Or, if the incumbent can discourage members of the opposition to vote and encourage its supporters to vote, the incumbant wins. In this case the incumbent is none other than our beloved Mahmoud, can you stand another term of him? I didn't think so.
Jebhe Melli must participate in elections but give blank ballots as a sign of protest, like some of us used to do during the Shah's phony elections. Boycotting the election has always hurt the boycotters.
Masoud jan
by IRANdokht on Wed Mar 25, 2009 09:29 PM PDTThank you so much for taking the time to respond to me. I was not aware that there are only three other candidates. I know that JM is popular in Iran. My cousin is a very active supporter and I know they have big groups of young Iranians who do work very hard for JM.
With all the support, you would think that JM would put some weight behind one lesser known candidate and try to make a difference and take a stand from inside the system. That would be the best way to arm wrestle with the IRI. I am not saying you would find the "perfect" candidate but anyone out of the mainstram of the regime would do at this point. Boycotting the election didn't work last time. To do the same thing over again and expect a different outcome is not so wise...
My question was: what does this boycott achieve? After the last election, the west started calling Ahmadinejad "the elected president" and nobody mentioned the opposition's boycott, and because of the boycott is looked like he had won with a landslide. What are we expecting to happen?
you are welcome Kazemzadeh!
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 08:45 PM PDTKazemzadeh, I am embarrassed to say that ideologically I am very similar to you (I am very secular), and I hope to see a secular democracy in Iran someday. However unlike you I don't align myself with those who don't respect Iran's independence, are terrorizing her and sabotaging her economy through sanctions.
BTW Kazemzadeh, are you referring to Israel as the "fundamentalist terrorist" regime?
Thank You
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 08:04 PM PDTAnonym7,
I have seen you support the fundamentalist terrorist regime in your posts. Therefore, it comes as a joy to see you criticize me. Had you said something positive, then THAT would have worried me.
Thank you,
Iran Dokht jaan
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 07:50 PM PDTIran Dokht jaan,
1. In our view, Rafsanjani is one of the most despised, despicable, corrupt leaders among the fundamentalist oligarchy ruling Iran. Rafsanjani is a total charlatan who lies and lies and lies. He is responsible for the executions, torture, rape of female political prisoners, assassinations of soooooooo many Iranians.
Who was President when Dr. Bakhtiar was assassinated? Who was President when Dr. Broumand was assassinated? When Dr. Qassemlou was assassinated? The Mykonos court in Berlin considered Rafsanjani, along with Khamenei, Fallahian, and Velayati responsible for the assassinations of Iranian dissidents abroad. When JM leader inside Iran in 1990 or so, Dr. Ali Ardalan simply organized a petition, very politely-worded, asking for easing of repression, he was imprisoned and soooooooooo severely tortured that he suffered two heart attacks during the torture sessions.
Therefore, we disagree that when it comes to civil liberties, torture, assassinations, executions, and simple honesty, there is any difference between Rafsanjani and Ahmadinejad. Rafsanjani is Ahmadinejad plus cunning and more sophisticated deceptions. Rafsanjani has more brain than Ahmadinejad, so he is able to deceive the people much better than Ahmadinejad.
2. What is the difference between Mir Hussein Mosavi and Ahmadinejad is terms of civil liberties and democracy? Wasn’t Mosavi Prime Minister during the worst days and nights of repression, mass executions, mass rape of female political prisoners, sever torture????? Hasn’t Karoobi been part of the gang oppressing and brutalizing our people in the past 30 years? Their differences are MINOR and cosmetic.
3. During Khatami’s period, JM did recommend to the people who would follow our recommendations to vote for Khatami (for his 2nd term), for the reformists for the Majles, and municipal councils. When in 1998-2003, when the reformists faction of the ruling fundamentalist oligarchy had control of presidency, majles, and councils, they did not bring fundamental change.
JM unequivocally demands real change. We want freedom, democracy, and human rights. Our goal is not some cosmetic colors covering a brutally savage fascistic regime.
JM is pragmatic. We see the costs and benefits of participating in ANY elections. By participating, one grants a degree of legitimacy to the ruling system. By actively boycotting an election, one is actively undermining the legitimacy of a regime. If the regime produces a candidate that promises reduction of repression, JM would discuss the benefits and costs of participation in that election.
It is our belief that Jebhe Melli Iran enjoys a great amount of legitimacy in the eyes of large numbers of the Iranian people. Therefore, what we say matters (in our view). That is why others react so strongly when JM makes any announcement and they ignore when minor groups make their announcements.
4. Some Iranians follow Jebhe Melli’s recommendations, and some don’t. You have every right to disagree with our past, and our present, policies. I invite you to write and post here every single decision that you believe JM has made in the past 30 years or in our 60 year history, that has been wrong. Of course we have made mistakes in the past, and of course we will make mistakes in the future. As the saying goes: enshay neveshte nashodeh, ghalat nadareh. Making mistake is part and parcel of making decisions.
5. For good or ill, JM is the main political entity in Iran that has NOT been dictatorial and engaged in repression and killings and torture. Just compare us with the monarchists and fundamentalists who have a record in power. Or compare us with Communists, PMOI who have NOT been in power in Iran. Iranian communists (with a handful of wonderful exceptions) have been Stalinists (ideologically genocidal mass murderers and brutal tyrants).
6. For good or ill, Jebhe Melli is Iran’s oldest, largest, and main pro-democracy organization. Have our leaders been incompetent? Yes. Have we made mistakes? Of course.
7. If we want democracy, freedom, and human rights, for good or ill, JM is our only path.
8. There are a handful of wonderful organizations that are our sister organizations. In the next few weeks, our sister organization will also issue statements similar to ours, recommending to the Iranian people, not to vote in the June pseudo election. As soon as their statements comes out, I will post them here. I can assure you that NAMIR (Dr. Bakhtiar’s group), Hezb Mellat Iran (Forouhars group), Hezb Liberal Iran, will issue similar statements.
I also guess that what I call the "Young Democrats" will also follow our lead.
Please read and see what our brave young pro-democracy student activists say:
I think and hope that the JM position will influence the Young Democrats to also call for a boycott.
9. I have no idea what Daftar Tahkim Vahdat will do. I hope that they will follow JM’s call and either remain silent or issue a similar call.
10. We have to show to ALL that this fascist regime has no legitimacy. That this fundamentalist terrorist regime has got to go. By participating in the pseudo election, we will undermine this message that the fundamentalist terrorist regime has got to be sent to the garbage can of history.
My 2 cents,
your boycott!
by Anonym7 (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 07:10 PM PDTKazemzadeh, there definitely are some Iranian patriots inside and outside Iran that are not allowed to contribute to the country, but based on your writings that I have seen here, you are not one of them despite your claim of being a jebhe_melli_chi! ..... so boycott!
If Ahmadinejad is selected
by excellent (not verified) on Wed Mar 25, 2009 04:59 PM PDTIf Ahmadinejad is selected for the second term then what's the point?
He is going to be elected/selected no matter what.
Making it easier or harder is irrelevant.
Déjà vu
by IRANdokht on Wed Mar 25, 2009 04:48 PM PDTDear Masoud
Didn't Ahmadinejad win the first time because of such boycott? I hear from some people currently living in Iran that Ahmadinejad is going to be elected for his second term. Why make it even easier? Why not encourage people to vote for some specific moderate candidate? at least it would reveal how many people are against this system! why not unite against the extremists? What does this action achieve? Who will benefit the most?
For few decades now, I have been puzzled by every decision that JM has made. Isn't a 30 year long defeat long enough to learn our lessons?
Dont give up the fight
by khaleh mosheh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 03:58 PM PDT'he was spurred on by the conviction that the world needed his immediate presence'
INF-Abroad on pseudo-elections held by the fundamentalist regime
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 02:36 PM PDTand the position of INF-Abroad, which was announced several months ago:
Dr. Mousavian on the Pseudo-Elections
by Masoud Kazemzadeh on Wed Mar 25, 2009 02:25 PM PDTDr. Mousavian is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Jebhe Melli Iran inside Iran.
آقای دکتر موسویان انتخابات ریاست جمهوری در ایران نزدیک است نظر شما در مورد این انتخابات چیست؟
پاسخ: به نظر من آنچه در ایران انجام میشود اصلا انتخابات نیست بلکه انتصاباتی است که برای فریب دادن مردم ایران و افکار عمومی جهان صحنه پردازی میشود این چگونه انتخاباتی است که حاکمیت جمهوری اسلامی تنها افراد وابسته به خود را به عنوان کاندبدا مقابل مردم قرار میدهد و آنها را ناگزیر میکند تا فقط به یکی از وابستگان به حاکمیت رای بدهند و از افراد اپوزیسیون و مخالف حاکمیت به هیچکس امکان حضور در انتخابات را نمیدهد. انتخابات نه تنها با راه ندادن مخالفین و دگراندیشان در آن غیر دموکراتیک است بلکه برای خودیهای درون حاکیت نیز بنا به گفته دو تن از کاندیداهای ریاست جمهوری دوره گذشته که از شخصیتهای کلیدی نظام هستند ناسالم نیز میباشد . بنابراین تکلیف ما با چنین انتخاباتی روشن است ولی جبهه ملی ایران نظر رسمی خود را پیرامون انتخابات به موقع اعلام خواهد داشت .