Frattini Iran visit called off at last minute
Life in Italy
20-May-2009 (4 comments)

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini on Wednesday cancelled a long-sought trip to Iran aimed at getting Tehran to help stabilise Afganistan and Pakistan. The visit was cancelled just before the foreign minister was due to set off because Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad moved the venue of a protocol meeting to a rocket site from which a new missile had just been tested. Frattini voiced ``profound regret`` at being forced to miss an opportunity to involve Iran in the stabilisation of the region where Taleban Islamist militants are growing stronger despite NATO-led efforts to stem their resurgence after their fall from power in 2001.

recommended by Hajminator



Dooroogh chera?

by Hajminator on

I was upset by the news, asking myself how low Iran can fall more? To be honest, I'd used a more harsh super title for this news, that JJ kindly changed to something more politically correct.

I'm sure that with Mahmoud, it's even possible to touch the bottom of Hell. This guy is executing a methodical agenda to destroy our country.

Belle journée, je ne me rejouis pas de ces nouvelles. Si Mahmoud reste à son poste, on ne va avoir que des journées de merde pendant les 4 prochaines années. Et, je pense même qu'après son passage il n'y aura personne qui puisse grande chose pour le pays.


To Haji: Cheer up!

by Belle journée (not verified) on


SISMI and IRANIANS - First are spying and then he tends his hand

by Matteo (not verified) on

SISMI (Italian Military Secret Service) and IRANIANS - First Iranians are spying and then he tends his hand.

Those of SISMI Machiavellian - now Aise - to dust the strategy of "stick and carrot '

After you spread the news that SISMI and SISDE spying for the Iranians the Italian government is trying to correct the shot.

Links (*):



Objective: To escape from this embarrassing spy story! How? With the first theatrical performance, under the guise of editorial lie (but soon take other "sympathy" and numerous other "funny things" media desk study).

Is for this purpose, the Gian Guido Folloni, president of an enigmatic agency ISIAMED - Istituto Italiano per l'Asia e il Mediterraneo. Folloni is an old acquaintance of SISMI. At the time of the Rais of Baghdad, Saddam Hussein his name circulated alongside international arms - traffickers the level of Augusto Giangrandi e Carlos Remigio Cardoen - as among the beneficiaries of generous supplies of Iraqi crude oil.

The well-informed people claim that through the good offices of Sismi was able to come out free from the investigation "Oil for Food".

What he says Gian Guido Follonica the Iranians? This explains himself in a letter circulated amongst right (which has an object that is an entire program):

"Reading the Iranian revolution in Rome."



Spying and flatter. "The stick and carrot".

Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, however (conservatively) would prefer not to meet the President of Iran.

It is better to postpone the meeting. It is better to be cautious ...

(*) in the Links is' published a confidential letter sent to the Italian President's Republic and the 2 directors of intelligence services (Sismi and Sisde) from a 007 called Peter Altana. The letter mentions to assignments (on behalf of SISMI) relating to intelligence activities against the italian Social Centers and all companies controlled by the Iranian government in Italy (the agent of SISMI reveals the name of the company NISCO, IRASCO, IRITEC, IRISA, TEEN TRANSPORT, IRAN AIR, etc etc).


SISMI e IRANIANI - Prima si spiano poi gli si tende la mano.

Quei nicolòmachiavelli(ci) del SISMI - ora Aise - rispolverano la strategia del “bastone e la carota”

Dopo che s'è sparsa la notizia che SISMI e SISDE spiano gli iraniani il Governo Italiano tenta di correre ai ripari.

Links (*):



Obiettivo: uscire dall'imbarazzante spy story! Come? Con una prima teatrale performance, sotto le mentite spoglie dell'iniziativa editoriale (ma scatteranno presto altre operazioni “simpatia” e numerose altre “carinerie” mediatiche studiate a tavolino).

Si presta all'uopo il Gian Guido Folloni, presidente dell'enigmatico ISIAMED - 'Istituto Italiano per l'Asia e il Mediterraneo. Folloni è una vecchia conoscenza del SISMI. Al tempo del Rais di Baghdad, Saddam Hussein il suo nome circolò al fianco di trafficanti d'armi internazionali – del calibro di Augusto Giangrandi e Carlos Remigio Cardoen - come tra i beneficiari di generose forniture di greggio iracheno. I ben informati sostengono che grazie ai buoni uffici di Forte Braschi riuscì ad uscire indenne dall'inchiesta “Oil for Food”.

Che dice Gian Guido Folloni degli iraniani? Lo spiega lui stesso in una missiva circolarizzata presso gli ambienti giusti (che ha un oggetto che è tutto un programma):

“Leggere la rivoluzione iraniana a Roma”.



Spiare e adulare. Il bastone e la carota.

Il Ministro degli Esteri Franco Frattini però (prudenzialmente) preferisce non farsi vedere dal Presidente iraniano.

A monte il meeting. Non si sa mai ...

(*) Nei links sucitati è' pubblicata una lettera riservata inviata al presidente della Repubblica e ai 2 Direttori dei Servizi di intelligence (Sismi e Sisde) da uno 007 che si chiama Altana Pietro. Nella missiva si fa cenno ad incarichi (per conto del SISMI) relativi ad attività di intelligence contro i Centri Sociali e tutte le società controllate dal governo Iraniano in Italia (l’agente del Sismi fa il nome delle società NISCO, IRASCO, IRITEC, IRISA, TEEN TRANSPORT, IRAN AIR, etc etc).


That was

by Parham on

one of the funniest news of the day! Thanks for posting.