Pro-Israel forces attempt to silence University of California Santa Barbara professor / Jack Cody
25-May-2009 (7 comments)

On January 19 University of California Santa Barbara sociology Professor William Robinson sent an email to students on the roster of his Global Affairs course in which he compared the Israeli occupation of Gaza to the Warsaw Ghetto. He was subsequently brought up on
disciplinary charges by the Academic Senate of the university, as well as subjected to harassment and persecution by pro-Israeli elements.

recommended by capt_ayhab



I think Mr. mehdi and

by nojanthegreat on

I think Mr. mehdi and farhad are in minority. everyone know hoe AIPAC treats people who speak against Israel. we all remember when Mr. Ahmadinejad came to new York to attend Columbia university to make a speech and how the president of the school act so stupid. but I am not worried the new wave of student and teachers who were born in 60's,70's are not going to back dawn and will show who these guys are . just look at anti Israel rallies around the glob .

Farhad Kashani

Capt ayhab,   The ones

by Farhad Kashani on

Capt ayhab,


The ones who truly are threatening academic freedoms in the U.S are bully-wannabe, confused, misguided, mostly anti-Semite and anti Israeli university and college professors who call anyone who disagrees with them “a neo Con”, or a “Zionist”. The pro IRI, fundamentalists apologizers and enablers who have totally lost touch with the real world, are trying to silence any non leftist voice in academia.


The good news is people are becoming aware of this issue.

Mehdi Mazloom

capt, the part of new

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Actually I have no problem with you flooding the forum with news articles against Israel - designed and intended to render Israel with negative light.In fact you are helping me to bring Israel's message to the forum here.

Please go ahead and continue with your game.

You present WHAT Israel is doing with the Pals. I will explain WHY my country has to resort to force against those elements, such as Mullahs, Hamas, & Hizbollah, who publicly declare their intent to destroy Israel, loot its people. and take their land which for past 60 years transformed it from desert and derelict, to what it is today. 

I will explain the ROOT cause of the conflict, and will continue to demonstrate to readers here that this conflict is less about piece of land, and more about state of mind.

Go ahead my good man, accuse my country as "Apartheid state", and I will demonstrate that real apartheid is in your own backyard in Iran. 

Mullahs in Tehran have vivid imaginations, Pipe dream of repeat their feat in Khyber back in 636 ACE. 



by capt_ayhab on

By vast majority of readers you mean you and your ilk right?

Tell me, what part of the news bothers you the most? it is the truth part of it isn't it? Come on you can be honest with me, be kasi nemigam ke to honest bodi ;-)


Mehdi Mazloom


by Mehdi Mazloom on

who's the  hell said I  am writing it for you. All you are doing is to provide me with the golden opportunity to present the Israeli side of the argument.

You are helping me to argue my side of the story, and not even aware of it. You, ostaad and smhb are my best sidekicks. So much for your intelligence agha.

Keep it coming. Fortunately vast majority of  the readers here, wish to read BOTH sides of the story.



by capt_ayhab on

Obviously you liked my crap, since you wrote such a long essay about my crap.

Keep it up dude, and watch your manners, that is if you have any ;-)



Mehdi Mazloom

capt, you and your crap

by Mehdi Mazloom on

There is a big difference when a professor at any respectable university whom expresses freedom of speech, and out right incitement against a particular group.

Get this and keep them in your skull.

1. Israel completely withdrew from Gaza in August 2005. Instead of rolling their sleeves and build Gaza into a viable society, import means of construction. No Israeli leader would dare to stop them. Instead, Hamas was importing means of destruction, and converted Gaza into a hell house for the Pals.

2. Israel had left massive and fully functioning arrays of greenhouse which were providing jobs to more then 5,000 Palestinian families there. Exporting more then 1M flowers to EU countries.

Withing 3 weeks after last Israeli had left, all were looted by the Pals themselves.

3. Israel was providing them with economic and financial assistance, with only one condition to Hamas - don't attack our civilians.

4. For over 8 years, Hamas had launched more then 8000 rockets onto Israel - deliberately and intentionally target civilians. Terrorizing more then 900,000 Israel man, woman and children.

DON'T YOU THINK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It was time for Israel to do what every other country would do - protect its citizens.

From now on, like Hizbollah in 2006, Hamas leaders will think 7 times before launching another rocket attack against Israelis.

Here are few excerpts from paper which bought your accusation.



Robinson’s January 19 email began with a strong denunciation of the
Israeli assault on Gaza. The professor, who is Jewish, wrote: “Gaza is
Israel’s Warsaw—a vast concentration camp that confined and blockaded



Robinson then juxtaposed photographs of Nazi operations and
atrocities with images of Israeli crimes in Gaza. A caption over the
images reads: “The grandchildren of Holocaust survivors from World War
II are doing to the Palestinians exactly what was done to them by Nazi

The photo series is arranged such that
each image from one time period is displayed next to a corresponding
image from the other. Pictures of the Warsaw Ghetto are on the left,
Gaza on the right. The photographs are disturbing, as is the
often-uncanny similarity apparent in the side-by-side images.

I will let others to dig into the action of the Nazi's in WWII against the Jews, and Israelis in Gaza.