Israel loves Europe, but Europe hates Israel
Examiner / Richard Shulman
02-Jun-2009 (2 comments)

Polls find that Israelis favor Europe, but Europeans think Israel a
threat to peace, and hate Jews.  Israelis have kept alive a romantic
notion of high culture in pre-Holocaust Europe, but Europe is as
intolerant as ever.  In many European countries, the majority is
indifferent to crimes of hatred against Jews by Muslims, shrugging it
off as part of the Arab-Israel conflict. [But the Jews whom European
Muslims pick on are not Israeli officials.]


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so i guess we need to thanks

by nojan the great (not verified) on

so i guess we need to thanks new arabs and muslims for their great job in Europe .
its intresting when a pro israeli man , thalks about illegal immigration.
as far as i remmember it was jews who get on ships from eroup and went to phelistin like a rats that they were.
it good to know that Erupian are getting away from their gilt trip and start doing what they are best at
hating jews.

Mehdi Mazloom

Jews and Europe

by Mehdi Mazloom on

Antisemitism had existed in parts of Europe, and will continue to be in some part of this continent, regardless of what Israel does, or does not so.There are two explanations to the resurgence of antisemitism in Europe.

1. It is a known fact that, during economic downturn, European look for scapegoats to vent their frustration. Jews are convenient target.

2. Current resurgence of antisemitism, is the result of Muslims living in Europe anti-Israeli activities, and massive propaganda.

EU countries have their own deep concern,  being flooded with illegal immigration from Arab & Islamic countries, overwhelming their cities and town. Bringing with them poverty, religious fundamentalism, and lower standard of living. They also hate and loath these illegal immigrants.

Muslims in Europe are just as hated as the Jews.