Calm, not conflict, on Tehran's streets / Abbas Barzegar
18-Jun-2009 (one comment)

Since the Iranian government has barred foreign journalists from recording the massive rallies in Tehran in the last two days, news outlets in the world have instead been forced to rely almost exclusively on video feeds from mobile phones, YouTube, and Twitter. The images have splashed across the screen with the intensity of a horror film. Most of these feeds are sent without confirmation of where the events took place, who is responsible for recording them or even when they occurred. Nonetheless, their gratuitous display by some of the largest and most respected news broadcasters has left the impression that Iran is either under nationwide martial law or experiencing a bloodbath under complete darkness.


Silence is Golden

by alimostofi on

Well, for how long did I get rediculed on this site and elsewhere for my non-violent resistance idea.  I said so many times, that the silence will shatter the Seyyeds, and it has.
