و شماره تلفن تعدادى از فرماندهان ستاد ويژه سرکوب
21-Jun-2009 (3 comments)

ليست نام و شماره تلفن تعدادى از فرماندهان ستاد ويژه سرکوب بدين شرح مى باشد :
� افشين کامل افسر اطلاعات ناجا تهران(منطقه تهران بزرگ) 09366431318
� حاج على رضايى مسئول اطلاعات ناحيه سيدالشهدا تهران 09123847659
� على افسرى کارمند اداره اطلاعات تهران 09123862832
� مجيد افشردى فرمانده اطلاعات و امنيت سپاه منطقه جماران 0912 1361881 امير قربانى از مديران بخش تامين و تسليح اداره کل حراست وزارت کشور 09355339003
� امير معقولى فرمانده اطلاعات حوزه مقاومت بسيج 289 منطقه اويس قرنى 09122052165
� اميرحسين آريچ جانشين تيم حفاظت فرماندهى کل سپاه 09123490234
� مهدى اميرى فرمانده تيم حفاظت احمدى نژاد09124357217
� حسين بيگلر معاون ضد اغتشاش معاونت اطلاعات سپاه منطقه تهران 09124289309
� الياس ديزجى سر کانال جمع آورى اخبار و اطلاعات سپاه ناحيه شرق تهران 09122401549
� ابراهيم مهدوى عضو معاونت عمليات دفاعى نيروى مقاومت بسيج 09123179536
� ... >>>

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These savages must be

by Shila (not verified) on

These savages must be terminated.


The only answer to these

by Samina (not verified) on

The only answer to these henchmen is retaliation. The movement will not stop. People need to be armed. We have the ability to reveal the names of these savages.


everyone should call

by personal opinion (not verified) on

if the phone numbers are correct, all iranian around the world should call and tell them to line with their iranian brothers and sisters, and turn against liers and unjust..more..i do believethat iranian around the world should ask foreign government not to recognize ahmadinejad as the new government of iran, because people ..majority ..did not elect them.. and therefore, this government does notrepresent the people of iran..united nation should condemn them for killing and injuring the citizen of iran.. i feel, they are acting like an occupier not a government.. long live to iranian people fighting for democracy and freedom...