U.S. downing of Flight 655 was state-sponsored terrorism: analyst
payvand.com / Payvand.com
03-Jul-2009 (2 comments)

If the U.S. government really believed that the attack on Iran Air Flight 655 was a mistake, it would bring the commander of the Vincennes to court rather than awarding him a medal, he observed.

"History will never forget the United States' crimes against humanity."

Political analyst Abbas Salimi Namin criticized the West's double standards towards terrorists.

The incident shows that "the West not only has no problem with terrorism, it also views it as an essential policy," he stated.

Shah Ghollam

12 Tir is annivarsary of FL 655 and US terrorism

by Shah Ghollam on

Let's remember the terrorist act of killing 290 innocent civilians by the US Vincent that led to the promotion of the US warship's captain.



mehdi malek


by mehdi malek on

The US Navy called downing of IR655 a mistake. As it is always the case (of course, not this case), The US Military would force the Commander of the guilty party, (in this case, The Vincennes' Capitan) into a forced retirement. A nice way to say, (you screwed up, you are fired).

 Instead of given the Vincennes' Capitan, the usual punishment, he became a HERO. 

I remember in 1983,  the ,then USSR, shot down Korean 007 after multiple warning given to the KE007. This flight was proved to be on a CIA spy mission,over USSR's most sencetive military areas. KE007 was 300+ Miles off course!!! The same goverment of USA, called Russian all the lowest names on the book.

IR655 was in its normal flight corridor the whole time. No F-14 was at Bandare-Abass Airport that day at all. The Vincennes had IR655 on its radar from the time it took off from Bandare- Abass. The IR655's Transponder (the divice that beeps out the ID of the aircraft so it can be seen on any radar as a bleep and an ID attached to it (most importantly in this case ,CIVIL or MILITARY), was clearly showing IR655 CIVIL Airliner. The Vincennes with all its state of the art Electronic and Radars, still MISTOOK The IR655, for an F-14.

Just the fact that, The US Navy gave this guy a medal for what he did, clearly showed their hosstile motivetion. SHAME on THE U.S. NAVY. 

I knew IR655's Capitan. Great guy and a great chess player.He beat me everytime.(ROOHESH SHAD).

May all rest in peace.