France To Recognise Ahmadinejad's Re-election - Kouchner
16-Jul-2009 (2 comments)

PARIS (AFP)--France's foreign minister said Thursday that Paris will recognise Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election as president of Iran but also build ties with the opposition movement ranged against him.

Addressing lawmakers during a parliamentary question session, Bernard Kouchner said that as Ahmadinejad had been proclaimed president in Tehran it would be " useless and counterproductive" for France alone to reject this.

But he also called for France to continue to support an opposition movement " with a future among the Iranian people," to "multiply our contacts with it, and continue to oppose what's going on in terms of nuclear energy."


French Turncoats

by fozolie on

A Frenchman must be always talking, whether he knows anything of the matter or not. Samuel Johnson 1790



I can't think of ANY country that has publicly and...

by Ostaad on

formally rejected Iran's "election" results. Do you?