Message of Reza Pahlavi on The Sun and Lion Flag and Green Banner / Reza Pahlavi

My dear compatriots,

The green movement for democracy belongs to each and every freedom seeking Iranian. It transcends all political preferences and religious beliefs, as well as any other dividing lines or characteristics. This movement has sprouted and blossomed, as have all of our nation’s treasures, such as our tricolor lion and sun flag and our “marz e por gohar” hymn, from the drops of sweat of our nation’s many patriots.

Just as Iran’s historic lion and sun flag does not represent any particular ideology or system, but belongs to all Iranians, and just as “marz e por gohar,” our glorious national hymn, does not belong to any particular party or group, but comes from the soul of our nation, today’s green movement for freedom is the common denominator of all Iranians, without limit and without exception.

recommended by Darius Kadivar
