New Developments in Iran's Missile Capabilities
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs / Uzi Rubin
27-Aug-2009 (3 comments)

Iran is vigorously pursuing several missile and space programs at an almost feverish pace with impressive achievements. In spite of the Missile Technology Control Regime and in the face ofsanctions, Iran has succeeded in acquiring the needed infrastructureand to raise a cadre of proficient scientists and engineers backed byacademic research institutes. Iranian missile technology now seems tobe more advanced than that of North Korea. A recent report claims that it will take the Iranians just six years todevelop a nuclear warhead that could be carried by a ballistic missile. 



by marissyb29 on

Uzi Rubin, an expert on balistic missiles, gave this lecture about Iran's missile program. 



Lets assume for a second

by Bavafa on

Lets assume for a second that this report is even true and accurate - to suggest that such technology should be learnt and acquired only by a hand full of selected countries, is to believe in the master and slave relationship. Iran, at least for the last 300 years or so, have not attacked, invaded any of its neighbors or otherwise. Where as those countries that are crying foul, have ample example in their short and long history of invading and occupying many sovereign nations, including the current ruling government in Jerusalem.

So, as I doubt very much the content of this publication to be close to reality, I sure hope Iranians achieve high technology in all area including defense.



based on this report, what

by marissyb29 on

based on this report, what action should the international community take? should Iran be allowed to develop missiles?