Meet Iran’s new terrorist Defence Minister
03-Sep-2009 (4 comments)

For anyone who still naively believes the West can engage the Islamist regime in Tehran (and that includes the Obama administration and the Brown government) think again. The next Iranian Defence Minister will almost certainly be General Ahmad Vahidi, wanted by Interpol (along with four other Iranians) for the infamous 1994 anti-Semitic terrorist attack on a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires, that claimed 85 lives.

The Sunday Telegraph’s Philip Sherwell profiled Vahidi back in November 2007 when he served as deputy defence minister, and identified him as a major player in Iran’s nuclear programme:

“Ahmad Vahidi, a brigadier-general in the elite Islamic Revolutionary Guards, is in charge of the regime’s defence procurement and rocket and missile programme. The role would put him at the heart of the secret nuclear bomb project that Western intelligence claims Iran is pursuing. Gen Vahidi was the commander of the Quds (Jerusalem) Force, the Guards’ international operations wing accused by the West of organising foreign terrorist activities, at the time of the deadliest attack on a Jewish target since the Second World War.”

“Gen Vahidi ran the ... >>>

recommended by Farhad Kashani


Shah Ghollam

Damn right

by Shah Ghollam on

this is just an unproven claim and nothing else much like many other claims against Iran including the bombing in Argentina!

"........secret nuclear bomb project that Western intelligence claims Iran is pursuing......."

Farhad Kashani

k1s1000, There is no

by Farhad Kashani on


There is no better bigger threat to world peace and co existence than the Fascist religious IRI regime.

Iranians knew it for 30 years but the world didn't, however, after June 12th, the world realized it too.

I advise you to stop supporting a murderer and a dying regime. Just an advise.


in defense of vahidi

by liberation08 on

so you're telling me the zionist regime should be allowed to oppress, massacre, and occupy without any response?

i don't know vahidi well, but i don't hold the 1994 bombing against him


You are mistaking IRI for Zio-Nazis

by k1s1000 on

you need to read more honey.