My dinner with Ahmadinejad
Guardian / Guardian
25-Sep-2009 (4 comments)

The evening left me with two main impressions. The first is that any negotiations between Iran and the US will be difficult not only politically but culturally. The US and its partners have specific concerns, beginning with Iran's nuclear programme and its support for militant groups in the Middle East. Iran is not thinking about specifics.

Instead it seeks something more diffuse: respect, dignity, treatment as an equal member of the world community. This is a country that has been abused, humiliated and looted by foreign powers for 200 years. As Ahmadinejad repeatedly made clear, this has left deep scars.

recommended by Shah Ghollam



Shah Ghollam,

by پیام on

What in God's name are you talking about? What has MKO or what nut, to do with your arab friends replacing my beloved countrie's history with their own version? You really are hard to understand, i think you suffer from the same syndrome as A.N..


Who doesnt know whom?

by Zereshk on

The US doesnt know Iran? Oh please. Spare us the BS.

Ahmadinejad doesnt even know his own country. Just yesterday he told Larry King "Iran's area is 1,750,000 km2"!! (not the official 1,648,195 km2)

I guess that's what happens when you're occupied with Felesteen and the Holocaust rather than with your own country! 

He should run for president in Palestine! Lets see if the Palestinians will vote for a Shia :-) 


Shah Ghollam

..and you forgot

by Shah Ghollam on

Replacing Iran's history by an eslamic version, erasing our achievments prior to eslam from history books and.... well, the list goes on.

 The betraying of a Vatan Foroosh group called MKO who picked up arms with the enemy against their own people during one the most brutal and savage wars post WIII. I am sure you are educating your local neighbors of this part of shameful Iran's history.

Tell us about it if you have the stomach!



Neither do i.r. thugs running Iran now ( not for lung though).

by پیام on

Replacing Iran's history by an eslamic version, erasing our achievments prior to eslam from history books and.... well, the list goes on.