IRGC cofounder predicts “final action” against Iranian government soon
08-Feb-2010 (one comment)

Mohsen Sazegara knows a lot about Iran's Islamic Revolution. As a founder of the Revolutionary Guard in 1979 who later became disillusioned with the direction of Iran's politics, he is in a unique position to talk both about the current Iranian regime and the nation that is increasingly rising up to resist it. His personal website has become a core destination for the protest movement and he contributes to that movement from his suburban Washington home.

In an interview Monday with The Cable, the former revolutionary and political prisoner spoke about what he sees as the looming tipping point in the struggle between the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and an increasing part of the Iranian population. The upcoming protests this Thursday, Feb. 11, will bring that tipping point ever closer, according to Sazegara. Here's how he says the West should think about what's going on inside Iran and how that should inform U.S. thinking on the nuclear issue.

JR: What do you make of the news that Iran will increase its enrichment of uranium to 20 percent?

MS: I think that they are not able to get to 20 percent enriched uranium very easily... This is just something to show the world that they intend to go for higher enriched uranium. Inside Iran, President Ahmadinejad himself, he thinks that if he could have a deal that would be helpful for him inside Iran. But the other factions of power in Iran, including the leader and especially the Revolutionary ... >>>

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Dan Huck

Inciteful Headlines Foster Ignorance, Not Insight

by Dan Huck on

Mohsen Sazegara: "please everybody, help to prevent any military strike against Iran, especially from Israel, because it would be a gift for this regime"

The title of this post by Josh Rogin on Foreign Policy's Blog site, IRGC cofounder predicts “final action” against Iranian government soon is certainly 'catchy', however, to the reader of headlines it certainly does nothing to convey a very important part of what Mr. Sazegara believes, and what he has to say, namely, "please everybody, help to prevent any military strike against Iran, especially from Israel, because it would be a gift for this regime. We believe that this regime will be overthrown by the people, and a military strike would be the only solution for this regime to save the government.