ایران، کاهش فروش نفت، ورشکستگی‌ و بیکاری بیش‌تر
06-Apr-2010 (one comment)

رئیس اتحادیه صادرکنندگان فراورده‌های نفت، گاز و پتروشیمی ایران تایید کرد که چین خرید نفت از ایران را ۵۰ درصد کاهش داده، شرکت ریلاینس هند، معاملات نفتی خود را کاملا قطع کرده و ژاپن نیز، نفت کمتری از ایران می‌خرد.

منابع غربی در آغاز ماه مارس امسال خبر داده بودند که میزان واردات نفت چین از ایران حدود ۴۰ درصد کاهش یافته است. اما حمید حسینی رئیس اتحادیه صادرکنندگان فراورده‌های نفتی، گازی و پتروشیمی جمهوری اسلامی، روز سه‌شنبه (۱۷ فروردین) از این هم فراتر رفت و در مصاحبه با ایسنا اعتراف کرد که خرید نفت چین از ایران، نصف شده و از ۴۰۰ هزار بشکه در روز به ۲۰۰ هزار بشکه رسیده است.

فشار آمریکا

حمید حسینی همچنین گفت که شرکت ریلاینس هند معاملات نفتی خود با ایران را کاملا قطع کرده و کشور ژاپن نیز، از میزان خرید خود کاسته است. شرکت ریلاینس، صاحب بزرگترین پالایشگاه‌های هند است و روزانه ۹۰ هزار بشکه نفت‌خام از ایران می‌خ... >>>

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It's not great, but not that bad

by Abarmard on

Depends what you read and where you read it. You can grab numbers and modify them to support your report. So far nothing has changed and economic news from Iran is positive.

I don't think limiting imports and raw oil exports is bad in the long-term. Think it this way, Iran is a rich country that has natural resources. Also Iran has high level production capabilities. Why not get them all to work and become efficient before importing junk from all other consumer based economy markets?

Iran can start by switching from oil to natural Gas. in a short while, hopefully they can find a way to turn the sun into energy, by investing in that sector. 

From other points of view, because Iran lacks currency strength, it's more beneficial for Iran to produce and consume what Iran produces, rather than imports. The "fake" political instability that has been created for foreign direct investors keeps Iran's money currency worthless. Even that in the long-run can be beneficial because of lower cost Iranian products in foreign markets.

Iran can, by limiting its raw oil export (or matching its export to smaller countries, as the oil minister has hinted) control its economy and benefit greatly in the long run. With a decent management, I do not worry greatly about Iranian economy. Of course there are always the mis-management and black market economy that can change figures, which those have not much to do with sanctions. Perhaps sanctions can help in increasing productivity if internal competition is encouraged.

DW doesn't know what they are talking about, they are just predicting what Israeli politicians are hoping. What politicians don't know that economists know, is that there are scarce resources and limited energy supply. In a weird and crazy way, they are sanctioning themselves, or giving another country more financial strength, which has its own consequences and challenges for those anti Iranian countries. Let's wait and see how things unfold.

